Above the fold
(Almost) Ten Piece Nuggets
Welcome to the next day of your shelter in place life. The canned soup blues got you down? Worry not. We’ve got some fresh nuggets, heavy on opinions, for you.
- Do you think nearly eight years ago that Barrack Obama was vulnerable in his reelection bid? He was. Do you believe that Mitt Romney was a below-average candidate from the right to knock Obama off? He was.
- Do you believe that it took a candidate as weak as Hillary Rodham Clinton to lose to Donald J. Trump? It did. Even so, she carried the popular vote. Trump was in the right place at the right time. The middle of America was very tired of the same old, same old from an old and tired candidate. And he smartly milked that for every vote that he got and she didn’t campaign hard enough for.
- Do you believe that Joe Biden looks like a very tired same old, same old candidate? He does. Is President Trump in the right place at the right time again? He is in spite of his shaky Coronavirus leadership missteps. If it were Biden we would call them gaffes.
- Do you believe as bad as Biden is he still has a chance? He does. He does if he even gets to the general election, that is. The #WhereIsJoe isn’t going away soon.
- It’s still 222 days till the general election. What’s all of this sudden talk about Cuomo coming in on a white horse to steal the White House? Crazy times make room for crazy twists and turns. The DNC has shown great willingness over multiple election cycles to bend or break the rules to get to the candidate of their, not the people’s, choice.
- Cuomo bashed Trump for a lack of ventilators just this past week. Where do a state’s responsibility end and the federal governments begin exactly? CNN and MSNBC called his NY handling of the crisis very presidential like. What do DNC, CNN, and MSNBC have in common? Everything.
- Mayor Latoya Cantrell of New Orleans bashed Trump for his poor handling of the spread of the Coronavirus as well. He could use some help, no doubt. To that end, we hope that the mayor and her husband will get around to paying the 90k they owe from several years of back federal income taxes soon. It’ll help offset some of the $2 trillion that we are about to give to jumpstart our economic system.
- Would it have been a good idea to cancel Mardi Gras, Ms. Mayor? For financial reasons probably not. For political reasons probably not. For medical reasons probably so. Citizens from all over the world partied and stood toe to toe watching parades for 14 straight days through 2/25. NOLA’s parish (county) is the sixth most infected one in America behind the five boroughs of NY on a percentage basis.
- Breaking news! Nugget 10 was just traded for a four-pack roll of Charmin. We’ll take a four-pack for one nugget any day. The BBR Board of Directors will meet today. A vote to approve the move is expected to pass unanimously.
Post digestion you should get on your Peloton bike for a bit. Ride in place rhymes with shelter in place.