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Ten Piece Nuggets
It’s cold outside, but ten nuggets below will warm your innards and get the blood flowing.
- Biden warned Iran and told us as much. “Don’t.” He paused. “Don’t, don’t, don’t.” They did. Does he remember reinstating aid to them to the tune of $6 billion for “humanitarian purposes?” Is the 160th attack on a US base in the last four months since America expressed support for Israel, this time killing three soldiers and injuring scores of others, humanitarian?
- Is the world too big of a stage for Joe? He thinks not. Just Saturday he reminded us that he’s been doing foreign policy for a “long, long, long time.” Hillary Clinton reminded us that as Secretary of State, she flew over two million miles. Does doing a lot of something make you great at it? We think not. Three international conflicts and counting now have us losing lives and giving away billions.
- Old Joe from Scranton was on another stage yesterday.
Sunday he was pimping his past and pandering for his future at an African-American church in South Carolina. “You had my back, and I hope I had yours,” he campaigned.
- Then he left the pulpit, walked down some stairs, and looked confused as to when and where to walk next. If you can’t remember how you got on the stage, maybe you should stay off of it. Maybe his handlers should tell him to always exit stage left like his politics?
- How much longer will Nikki Haley try to take center stage from Donald J? She’s down by 27 points to him in her home state of South Carolina in the latest Tyson Group poll. Trump stands at 58% to Haley’s 31%.
- She’ll run till both the Democrat and Republican money dries up. SC is on 2/28. First up is Nevada on 2/8. It’s doubtful that either party will help her past 2/29 in this leap year.
- Two parties supporting one candidate is rare in today’s divided world. Conversely, is Donald Trump the only President to draw the ire of both parties while keeping his promises(like them or not) to the American people?
- Five minutes of MSNBC this AM was enough to hear Joe Scarborough claim that Donald Trump favors open borders by supporting Speaker Mike Johnson’s exclamation that the bipartisan border bill was dead on arrival in the House. Mika nodded affirmatively right on cue. Joe can articulate DNC talking points way better than most. Is Joe S. old enough to remember when Trump was insistent on building that “big, beautiful wall” that Congress wasn’t funding?
- Looks like we got us a convoy trucking through the night to south Texas starting right about now. If you’re up for it, you can join a projected 700k people as they assimilate starting in Virginia to Jacksonville, FL, to Baton Rouge, LA, to Austin, then south to the standoff.
- The length of the border at the source of the Federal v Texas standoff is 2.5 miles. The Texas border makes up about half of the U.S. border with Mexico stretching 1,254 miles from the Gulf of México to El Paso. So, after we figure that out, there’s just 1251.5 miles to go.
Time to go.
Comment section
Oh Boy, So many Nuggets! Just keep them away from Andy Reid. We’ve seen what happens when food gets in the same zip code.
Biden aka Diaper Dandy, is really just starting to hit the campaign trail. If I were the party of takers and givers, I would hide the bastard until the convention. He’s clearly only as effective as his absence dictates. Confusion, dementia, and goofiness are not traits to be exploited or celebrated.
If he breaks a hip or cracks a rib, he may never heal. Then we would have to elect the poor bastard out of pure sympathy. Maybe Hilary wont have to #%#& him off. Natural selection will handle it on its own.
One of our staffers believes that Andy Reid is his own zip code.
Diaper Dandy avoids mics that are held up by humans and loves those attached to an African American Church pulpit. Then he takes baby steps to descend.
What is an African American Church by the way? Wouldn’t our God hope that his churches don’t see color?
At least he wore a safety helmet while he chatted up the UAW. He put it on backwards, but it was covert symbolism at its finest. He was signaling his future steps in protection or lack thereof of Israel.
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