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It Swung Quite a Bit

Whether your “team” won or lost last night it’s time to go to work for all of America.

America spoke.  Once when Barrack Obama spoke he said elections have consequences.

Speaking of work we hope this website’s glitches are behind us.  It’s beginning to feel like Arizona ballot counting around here.  If you’ve read this far we’d love a comment below from you saying that you “got the email” from The Pendulum Swings directing you here.  It’s important to our crack IT staff.

Below are ten random thoughts about last night.  The new TPR deadline mandates brevity.

  1.  Speaking of mandates, with a divided country, this strong move to the right of the center is about as close as you can get to one.  When it’s all counted Trump will be over three hundred electoral votes.  The Senate might be as high as 54-46, and the House should stay red.
  2. The country decided to be unburdened by what has been.  The border and inflation “trumped” abortion.  Men voted in droves.  The black vote was stronger for Republicans than in 2020 and the Hispanic vote was much stronger.
  3. Elon Musk might be this century’s Ben Franklin.  Additionally, his purchase of Twitter paved the way for noncensorship and was the anti-mainstream media.  His campaign work and campaign donations were significant.   He went into PA Amish Country and got the vote out and it was red, red, red.  Who would have thought it?
  4.  There was not a single county (parish if you’re talking Louisiana) in America where Kamala outdid Biden by 3% or more.  She was tied to the last four years as she should.
  5. Oklahoma has seventy-seven counties and every one of them is red.
  6.  Donald Trump has been called every “ist” in the book many times.  The most common one that Dems try to pin on him is “racist.”  His team’s performance in the Black and Hispanic demographic was amazing.
  7. Two former McDonald’s workers squared up.  At least we think it was two. The orange octogenarian grabbed the golden arches.
  8. Joe Biden gets to play president till 1/20.  Joe is done as a politician. Is Kamala done as a politician?  You’d think so.
  9. Trump has taken down Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.  He’s now neutralized Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell(sort of), Liz Cheney, and George Bush.  And, suddenly even Barrack Obama seems less relevant.   That’s an outsider doing inside work.
  10. Speaking of outsiders, or at least peeps who think outside the box, Tulsi Gabbard, Megyn Kelly, Elon Musk, Ron Paul, Tucker Carlson, and Danica Patrick have some work to do.
  11. Rand Paul needs to be the Senate Majority Leader.  He’s even-keeled, open-minded, and steady.  Mike Johnson might keep his gavel.

Hopefully, they all hit the ground running and use Argentina as the blueprint.

The debt clock alarm is screaming.  Wake up America.  Yesterday you did.

The pendulum swung quite a bit.



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    • Thanks for the reply Carrie. Great to hear from you. Hope all is very well.

  • What a great day and night — went to Bed 4am , stayed up past the Loonies at MSNDC .
    Mandate for sure – now the works starts – Let’s build back America . Woke is DOA .

    • If Trump can get by on four hours sleep…..

      Also, Kamala’s concession speech was anything but.

  • The Pendulum definitely swings to the right and so do I. Your comparison of Elon to Ben seems spot on and I’m certain he brings that wisdom to the Trump table. God bless the USA!

    • Elon may have done more than anyone to get the country to this spot. Where we go from here is in more capable hands than the current regime. And, I think we have a lot smarter people, experienced people, and true outsiders helping the transition in 2024 than in 2016. Golden opportunity windows don’t stay open for long.