At multiple recent campaign stops Kamala Harris has appealed to the crowd, ” They have pledged to carry out the largest deportation, a mass deportation, in American history. Imagine what that would look like and what that would be.”
Predictably her supporters clap and wave signs. If you’re tolerant of illegal immigration you’re probably against deportation.
Donald Trump and his zealots see it quite differently. He used the exact video of Kamala’s anti-deportation callout and added his name and approval at the end. In other words, I am Donald J. Trump and I hope you not only imagine it but get to see it.
What would it look like? Millions of people and the government would be involved, so imagine a yuge mess.
It would look a lot like the unfettered illegal immigration of the last four years- a great big mess.
Eleven million (Trump says, “more, some would say many more, many many more”) aren’t going find the backpack they dropped walking in, pick it up, and head south.
Mexico let them walk out, but they aren’t going to let them walk back in. Who would want the mess we’ve endured? Not Mexico.
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles anyone?
Here’s a one-way ticket back to your country of origin. We hope you enjoyed your stay on our dime, here’s another to fly back from whence you came.
JD Vance says we should take little bites out of deportation. He’d start with any who have criminal records. He’d move on to organized gangs, etc.
Make no mistake about it, the Border Czar has no plan to deport any just like she had no plan to prevent any from walking in.
Election season is here so now she wants to solve the border problem. The polls tell her so. Could someone ask her what she thinks the problem is at the border? Would she be dumb enough to indict herself? Maybe.
And, the irony of all ironies is her campaign is hooting and hollering about border crossings being down 55% last month, to the lowest since she took office.
Could it be that everyone who wants in is? Did we make our bed and now get to lie in it?
Mass deportation likely isn’t the realistic answer any more than our “no border” border policy of the last four years. Two wrongs don’t make a right even if the right says so.
Perhaps there is a sensible solution that strikes some balance with who is here and gets to stay or go.
Future clarity is needed on who and how many will come here. This country isn’t in the same place as in 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
We have laws. Or, we did.