Did you get your invite? Don’t fret if you haven’t. Some parties are better than others. And some parties when two parties are throwing the party can be real duds.
As Henny Youngman might say, “Take this Senate Trial, please!”
So who did get invited? Cameras aren’t permitted to focus on those in attendance, but rather only on the current chosen one who is addressing those in attendance. There must be a drone there somewhere capturing this though. Wait, BBR is being told that the drone is actually Adam Schiff droning on and on in a monotone voice only his mother would love.
Each Senator may invite one guest to sit in the balcony to watch. Rand Paul overheard President Trump saying that he might like to attend what the President called a “partisan charade.” He tweeted, “I heard @realDonaldTrump would like to attend the impeachment trial. Mr. President, would love to have you as my guest during this partisan charade.” Apparently Paul will be voting against the two articles.
Hunter Biden might get an invite too. Although he might not attend due to other travel plans. Seems like Biden is defying a court order to disclose his financial information as part of a child support fight in Arkansas while renting a $3.8 million designer home in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, with his new wife Melissa Cohen for $12,000 per month. They married six days after they met.
Lawyers for 28-year-old Lunden Alexis Roberts who was a stripper at a Washington, DC, club Biden once frequented — said he failed to submit a slew of discovery materials. DNA tests proved Biden fathered a child with Roberts. A court order has been issued in Arkansas for his appearance. “No comment” has been the word from his first wife Kathleen Biden, with whom he currently is expecting his fifth child.
Hunter desperately needs a few more board of director gigs like the one that might compel him in the Senate to testify to keep up with the child support.
No one from Russia is in attendance as far as anyone can tell. Adam Schiff mentioned the country literally 30 times in his sermon yesterday. Somewhat like Field of Dreams though, maybe if you say it enough they will come.
Former National Security Advisor John Bolton might yet get an invite as well.
If Trump doesn’t use the Rand Paul ticket maybe Bolton can invite his own mustache as his guest. Surely it can fill a seat all to its own.
One hundred Senators were invited and all are in attendance for the six day a week marathon. No electronic devices are allowed in the proceedings. One hundred Senators regret that they could not send their regrets back after the formal invite.
What about you? You’re invited to watch at least. The number of TV’s, desktops, laptops, Surfaces, IPads, and mobile devices turning to other interests by the hour must be staggering. Not to worry though. All of the news channels and talk shows are watching and listening for you. If you think Trump is guilty turn to CNN or MSNBC and you’ll be proven right. Speaking of the right, if you think he is innocent, turn to Fox News and you’ll be proven right about his innocence.
What if you threw a party and no one came?