Good news. We don’t have a crisis at the border anymore. Bad news. We have an open border.
With each passing month unenviable records are broken time and again with hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants crossing into the USA. What has changed to cause this record flow? The US Government is overtly encouraging it and blatantly lying to us daily about the cause, effect, complicity, and consequences.
Are you old enough to remember when President Biden anointed VP Kamala Harris as border czar? Approaching three years later she told CNN yesterday “The first bill that we offered after inauguration was to fix the immigration system which included a pathway for citizenship and put the resources that are needed into the border. But sadly the people on the other side of the aisle are playing politics with the situation.”
That word salad scores a perfect four out of four Pinocchio’s. “Resources” is to “money” like “women’s wellness” is to “abortion.” They want more money to process more illegals and grant citizenship, not slow the flow.
The current administration is backed into a corner on this issue. It’s polling as the number one issue in America for the looming November election.
They opened the door because they wanted to. Now it’s a stampede. Their strategy was at first to tell us that it was under control. Now, it is to blame Republicans. Four years prior the Democrat-controlled House would not grant Trump what was then a measly $5 billion to build his “big, beautiful wall.”
Texas Governor Greg Abbott opened the eyes of non-border states by bussing thousands of migrants to NY, Chicago, DC, and beyond. “Take that,” he said. This greatly enhanced the awareness of the severity of the problem by placing the migrants into their neighborhoods.
He doubled down in the last month by building barbed wire fences (the kind the WH uses for protection from time to time) in a couple of key entry points. The federal government sued to have it taken down. They don’t want any barriers.
Yesterday Peter Doocey asked, “Does razor wire work to secure the border?” Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House John Kirby responded, “I don’t think so that’s why we’re taking it down.” Abbott tripled down and is putting up even more.
Not to be left out, Mensa candidate Karine Pepe Jean Claude le Phew Pierre said she’s “certainly glad” they sued Texas to remove “ineffective” wire because “it got in the way.” She did.
They want to make unfettered entry easier. Period. Plain and simple.
And they are willing to lie directly and repeatedly to the American public as they continue. They must think Americans are either dumb, not paying attention, or approving. Only 31% do approve.
How many are dumb? We digress.
Our first President George Washington couldn’t not tell a lie to his father after taking a hatchet to the cherry tree.
Our 46th President Joseph Biden and his minions can’t tell the truth.
Good news. The presidential election is nine months out.
Bad news. Despite the border, inflation, and one international crisis after another, Joe Biden has a fair to middling chance of reelection.
And, that’s the truth.