The Next Act

The first bad actor in the latest play on the world stage was Russia.

Their yearlong and counting Act One has been expensive to watch (120 billion or so and counting as well).  You don’t even get to see it anymore, you just hear about it.

Enter Hamas(spelled I.r.a.n.).  Their brutal sneak attack on Israel reset the low bar.  Act Two now, and rightfully so, has Israelis participating by air and by land.

Is China far behind?  Aren’t they looking for an entry point?  There are others(North Korea notable among them), but mostly they have smaller roles.

The world theater seems conducive to more heinous misbehavior.   Is there a perceived weakness abroad about us at home?  Maybe.

But, while we watch from across one pond and maybe soon two ponds, should we be looking elsewhere?

Elsewhere as in-home and specifically to the south.

It was noisy and deadly with radicalized jihad-type folks after 9/11/01 till around 2015 in the United States.  Then it became quite quiet.

But with millions pouring in unabated from dozens of foreign lands through Mexico into the US, should we feel safe here at home?

Fear-mongering you say?  Maybe drop the mongering part as it’s just fear from learned experience.  Those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it someone once or twice has said.

Dozens of books chronicled our multiple government agencies’ inability to work together to connect the warning dots that enabled 9/11.

What’s changed?  What’s changed is nothing and plenty.

Does it feel like we are more cohesive today than we were back then?  Do we know what we don’t know?

The Department of Defense is ready. Or not.

“The planet’s changing climate has a significant effect on Defense Department missions, plans, and installations. DOD is elevating climate change as a national security priority, integrating climate considerations into policies, strategies, and partner engagements.”  That’s straight from their website.

The Department of Homeland Security is ready, too.

“Addressing the climate emergency is a priority for DHS as sea-level rise, extreme weather events, workforce health, and other direct and indirect impacts of climate change will affect the Nation’s preparedness and national security over the long term.”  Yep, that’s straight from their website.

Maybe we can bomb the next “weather bomb cyclone” before it strikes the mainland.  But can we unearth cells that may have taken root right in our own backyard?  Did they walk right in and sit right down?

When you pull back the curtains how can you like what you see on the big screen?

The US is watching.

And, now the world is acting.






If you want to see who should win the Darwin Award for long-term strategic planning, look south to the Texas Border.  Last evening United States Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas cited the “immediate need” to waive regulations and build a border wall in Texas as immigration surges.  What a forward-thinking planner he and the Biden administration is.

If they were able to count all of the illegal aliens that have entered since Biden and his two biting dogs entered the White House, they might think they’ve brought in enough to turn the voting in Texas from red to at least purple in coming elections.  That wasn’t part of the open border policy, was it?

If you have one dog in the White House that bites everybody that’s one thing.  Replace it.  If you have two, what does that say about you?

If liberal Chicago is miffed about the illegals getting preferential treatment over their own, you best take a look at the polls.

If Texas knew all it took was New York Mayor Eric Adams to fly down there 18 months after Kamala Harris was named Border Czar, they’d have paid for a first-class ticket long ago.

If Rodney Dangerfield were alive today he would take one look at Congress and heartily exclaim, “No respect, no respect at all!”

If the reason why Lauren Boebert voted to retain McCarthy is that he bought her off with 40k from his PAC to help her 2024 reelection she should get primaried.  It’s the first step to RINOism, and from that there is no turning back.

If Donald Trump were to become the next Speaker of the House, the world would be officially whacko.  Can you see it though?  It would be must-watch TV.  He has a few legal hurdles in front of him and a presidential campaign to run though.

If Steve Scalise or Jim Jordan were to ascend to the Speakership in the next week or so life would go on as if McCarthy’s ouster never happened.  What?  Think back to the 16 or so votes it took to put McCarthy in.  It seems like the hysterically trumped-up turmoil wasn’t that tumultuous after all was it?

If the word “chaos” is used just once more to describe the House, it’ll be an even 1000 times.  It’s not chaos.  It is change.  And, considering what took place, it was fairly orderly.

If you held a tech conference for women and a bunch of men showed up claiming to be non-binary is that a bad thing? The Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) welcomes all genders but reported a massive inundation of men who took opportunities from them on the weekend.   An organizer said some unwelcome guests falsely claimed to be “non-binary” to make it in.  How would he/she know if he/she was lying?  What/who determines that?

If you held a tech conference for women only, is that inclusive? Diverse?

If there was one thing the organizer could do it would be to apologize.  “In the past, it has always felt safe and loving and embracing. And this year I must admit I didn’t feel this way,” Advisory President Young Lee said. Many of you are feeling unsafe physically and psychologically. I want you to know that we’re taking this so personally.”   Unsafe?  This isn’t a Walgreens at dark in downtown San Fran getting looted by a flash mob.

If we could only turn back time.

Ten Piece Nuggets

The Texas drought (insert climate change sarcasm) caused a three-month nugget supply chain issue.  Then the rains came 72 hours ago.  Let’s get to them.

  1. Do you listen to #iheartradio?   They have more COVID scare commercials than J&J and Pfizer combined.  Last night they lit up the Empire State Building in blue to bring awareness to themselves and the coming next threat certainly in that order.  It should make you see red.
  2. Three years ago America was scared of COVID and mostly welcomed the “free” vaccination to vax the nation that wasn’t a vaccination nor free.  Three years later they’re going to cost about $100 a jab and we predict that the open arms with rolled-up sleeves will be few and far between.
  3. Speaking of commercials, surely and unfortunately you’ve seen the one touting the pharmaceutical prescription issued Jardiance?  It’s approved to lower blood sugar.  It has to be, we repeat has to be, the worst commercial ever.  It’s just an opinion, but it’s a strong one.
  4. The US Military is asking for the public’s help in locating a missing $80 million dollar F-35 stealth fighter in South Carolina.  Officials reported last evening that there was no concrete evidence of it crashing.  The pilot ejected along the way.  We should take better care of our toys.  Of course, $80 million isn’t what it used to be, just ask Ukraine.
  5. Speaking of lost, we can’t find any video of Epstein’s cell or from the White House that got a little whiter when some cocaine was left behind.  But, if you want to see Rep Lauren Boebert get chummy with her beau in a theater in the dark, we’ve got TMZ-level coverage.
  6. The Senate officially changed its rules so that Senators no longer have to dress decently to appear on the Senate floor.  Call it the Fetterman Rule.  How low can we go?  It’s yet another example of reducing standards or laws in the country.  Lower the bar low enough and everyone passes the test.  Thank you Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
  7. Hunter Biden’s attorneys filed a lawsuit against the IRS on Monday, alleging that agents have “targeted and sought to embarrass” the president’s son. Biden’s lawsuit seeks for the court to declare that the IRS “willfully, knowingly, and/or by gross negligence, unlawfully disclosed Mr. Biden’s confidential tax information.”  Hasn’t he cost America enough already?  Rules for thee, but not for me.

  8. “Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She turned down 10,000 soldiers. If she didn’t turn down the soldiers, you wouldn’t have had Jan. 6,” former President Donald Trump told NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker during a recent sit-down interview aired yesterday.  He’s persistent.  But is he right?  If so, it sheds a different light on the dark day.  Will we ever know?
  9. Pelosi retorted yesterday as well. “There is a sickness here that has to be an intervention. That intervention has to be the election, which we have to win. That’s one of the reasons why I am running again, to fight for our democracy. Which is at stake, if he’s on the ballot.”  Seems like our democracy is always at stake.
  10. Deion Sanders and the transfer portal, not in that order, have changed the college football game.  It’s not that he’s 3-0.  It’s that he’s brought an incalculable amount of free press to a university that hasn’t been relevant in the sport for 20 years.  Last night it was 60 Minutes that cozied up.


Happy Monday!





It’s (Still) On.

Ok, Ok.  BBR is back.

When one of our faithful readers labels you as Buttercup, it’s time to self-reflect.

When age turns to experience and experience turns to wisdom, it’s both an opportunity and an obligation to share.  The goal from here on is to do just that but we’ll need your help.  More on that in a minute.

So, the fight goes on.  And, one of the very core reasons follows.

You’re being lied to by people in authoritative roles daily.  The goal is power and control.  When power and control are the goals the benefit is the gold.  And the approach has been incessant, yet refined over the years.  And, it is quite dangerous.

Let’s try to separate conspiracies, facts, fiction, and logic, unlike the sheep that they wish to herd.

Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone shooting JFK?  Well, in accomplishing the very act, it’s likely.  How did it get to that point?  Ask the Mafia, the CIA, and the Cubans.  It’s all there to connect the dots.  Except it isn’t.  Your government, the one you pay for, refused to release the last 10% or so of the documents after burying them for 50 years and promising to do so.

America doesn’t have a tax “revenue” problem.  It has a serious spending problem.   Now thirty-two trillion in debt and counting and they label a green new deal giveaway as the Inflation Reduction Act.  Sounds good.  Except, the trillion in the giveaway actually puts more upward pressure on inflation.

And, our President thinks you’re dumb enough to think your life is somehow better because of it.  He puts his name on it and calls it Bidenomics in an effort to improve his low polling on the economy.  Maybe he’s right, not about the economy, but about the IQs walking around town.

“The rich should pay their fair share.”  And, the crowd at the Bernie rally goes wild.  The facts are that the top one percent of American earners pay 42% of the tax money collected, and the top 10% pay 74%.  Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren should be ashamed for banging the drum that she took from her teepee on this issue as well.

Jeffery Epstein committed suicide.  That’s doubtful without a lot of “help.”  It’s weird how his guards fell asleep that evening and the surveillance cameras weren’t working either.  He knew too much about too many.  Release the evidence.  We have a right to know that Bill Gates is actually even weirder than he seems and that’s saying something.  How about Slick Willie?  What an apropos nickname that is.

Where did the flu disappear to whilst we fought the invisible giant Covid for two years?  Flu shots are optional.  Covid “vaccines” damn near weren’t.  Oh, and they weren’t vaccines.  Even Fauci knows that.  And, he knows a lot more.  Dr. Rand Paul is one of the few good ones in Congress.  And, the good doc is going to expose this.  If you’ll line up for a shot without knowing its contents and side effects, surely you’ll line up to get sheared every other month.

Don’t call it the China flu or the Wuhan flu either.  That’s insensitive.  What’s insensitive is that the research that you funded escaped from a lab over there.  You just don’t need to know that.

Cocaine in the White House?  The FBI says there’s no way to figure out who carried it in and why.  No cameras, no guards.  Maybe Epstein brought it in?  Nothing to see here.  Move along.

Men can be women now.  And women can be men.  Don’t argue.  It’s insensitive as well.  The current population of the World in 2023 is 8,045,311,447.  And 8,045,311,447 of them were birthed by a woman.  Zero was birthed by a man.

Ronald Reagan once eloquently said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it, and then hand it to them with the well-fought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same.”

So as mentioned, we need your help.  This forum needs to educate those around us.  Most that read(not all which is cool) BBR are of like mind.  Sitting around in a virtual circle all nodding affirmative heads won’t help too much.  That’s nice, but we need to spread the word.  Please pass it on daily to others and ask them to do the same.

Mark Twain once eloquently said, “Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

Buttercup, eh?






Enough Is Too Much

They say that all good things must come to an end.  We aren’t sure of that.  As a matter of fact, if you’ve been along for the five-plus years of, you’ve learned that we tend to question more than we answer.

But, one thing that we are sure of is that it is time to move on.

The website has served its time and at times has served it well.  In no particular order, the maintenance, upkeep, time, and energy have taken their toll.  We don’t have bigger fish to fry, just different fish.

Our philosophy isn’t moving on, just the vessel that transports it is.

Let us summarize.

America has a big problem on its hands.  Any student of history or any learned human can see it.  We’re divided.  We’re divided because philosophically we’ve morphed a long way from where we were in a short period of time.

Some folks think it’s good.  Some not.

Dems now support war v. protesting against it is but one example.

In years gone by liberals would have marched against a vaccine that wasn’t a vaccine.  This go around they hysterically supported it.  Some still walk around wearing masks.  We almost feel sorry for them.

We once referred to crime as blue-collar or white-collar.  But, we’ve been asked to not see color any longer.  Besides, nobody wears collars anymore either.

A growing number of prosecutors are now bought and paid for by people named Soros.  He owns them for the price of not prosecuting.  He either hates America or has a death wish for us all.

We have stores closing in major cities left and right.  Cops won’t answer a theft call out much less arrest the thieves.  Store management is telling its employees to stand aside and watch.  Crime does pay.

We have a President who has no philosophy.  He’s a bought-and-paid-for career politician.  He’s been schilling for 40 years and tells us that there is much work to be done.  Supposedly 81 million bought into what he was selling.  What he was selling was far-left vitriol that promised pre-election to fold into his flock for the election if he would fold on a few of their wishes post-election.

He actually thinks that the economy is good.  “We’re building an economy from the bottom up and the middle out!”  He has no idea what that means cause it means nothing.  “And our Bidenomics plan is working.”  There is no plan.

Somebody was snorting cocaine in the White House recently.  God bless the queen, man.

The government doesn’t build the economy, capitalism does.  The government gets in the way of free trade with regulations on what those in power don’t like(oil)

and gives handouts to those that they do like(green).

Would you vote for Biden again?  If it’s Trump v Biden many will.   America will lose again. Trump lost and might lose again.

The left hates him as does the establishment right.  He threatens them because he exposes them for what they are.  You might hate his hubris, his pettiness, and his ego. But, if you look past that and see what he does, it is good for long-term America.  And he’s only been impeached or indicted about a half dozen times.

At least he has a backbone.

Biden walks, talks, and acts like an amoeba.  Was that last sentence hateful?  Truthful?  Both?

Climate change.  Climate change.  Climate change.   Say it enough and most will believe it.

We don’t talk anymore, we text, Instagram, or TicTok.  Elon owns Twitter.  He said yesterday, “Put the phone down, and go outside.”

The war on drugs isn’t going too well.  You open the border wider than ever and drugs flow in quantities larger than ever before.  Demand is not half of the problem, it’s all of the problem.  Supply isn’t the problem.  It wasn’t the problem and is even less so now.  San Fran hands out needles.

On the Fourth, we celebrated our nation’s independence.  Yet, daily, those in power attempt to make us more dependent.  You’re a victim.

Some want more gun control.  Sensible gun control they call it.  Yet, yesterday we celebrated those CITIZENS that fought for us with guns against GOVERNMENT tyranny nearly 250 years ago.  How many people shot off a bottle rocket yesterday and have no idea?

Our government would never do that to us, right?

Immigration unfettered is good, right?  Ask France this morning how that’s working out.

We hope that some of our articles gave you pause, made you think, or perhaps even changed your mind.

If you’d like to continue to read some of our rants and musings, let us know in the comment section and I’ll put you on a good old-fashioned email list.  When the mood strikes the words will pour into your inbox.

Thank you for your time.


You Might Live…

This morning we examine some things old, versus some things new.  We borrowed the below and it has us feeling a bit blue.

You’ve heard the Jeff Foxworthy diatribe about “You know you’re a redneck if….”  Well, enjoy or cry at his similar take on “you might live in a nation (state) that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots” below.

If plastic water bottles are okay, but plastic bags are banned, you might live in a nation (state) that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally, you might live in a nation…

If you have to get your parent’s permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion, or change your gender, you might live…

If you must show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government, you might live…

If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt, you might live…

If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24 ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live…

If an 80-year-old woman who is confined to a wheelchair or a three-year-old girl can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched, you might live…

If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more, you might live…

If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute” but hosting a sexual exploration class in grade school is perfectly acceptable, you might live…

If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion while not working is rewarded with SNAP cards, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones, you might live…

If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, timeshares, a wall-sized TV, and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage, you might live…

It was quite lazy of us to blatantly cut and paste this.  We wonder if America is getting lazy as well.

At the very least is America paying attention yet?



Ten Piece Nuggets

It’s past time to drop ten more at the virtual door.  Plus one.  They’re as random as random gets.

  1. Many many years ago Ronald Reagan exclaimed, “The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.”  As the two parties squabble down to the deadline to extend the debt limit, ALL involved should ask themselves if there might be anything at all in the government that we could cut back or eliminate.
  2. William Buckley said many years ago, “I would rather be governed by the first 2000 people in the Manhattan phone book than the entire faculty of Harvard.”  You have to be old enough to know what a phone book is to fully enjoy that one.
  3. It seems like Joe Biden has been in government for nearly 2000 years.  Twelve years ago in 2011, Biden said those with a “my way or the highway” position on the debt limit will “learn that they have to compromise” because “you can’t govern that way.”  Times are changing.
  4. Karine Jean Claude Van Damme Pepe Le Pew Pierre slammed any bans on trans treatment for minors yesterday, “These are our kids, they belong to all of us.”  Incorrect.  She’s the worst Press Secretary ever.  Second place is as far behind as the horse that trailed Secretariat in the Belmont 50 years ago this June. She’s a parrot.  And, unfortunately, the press lets her babble on to Babylon and back.  Shameful.
  5. In Portland, Oregon, a 15-year-old can elect to have their genitalia removed and/or a mastectomy without or against their parent’s wishes but thankfully minors are protected from getting a tattoo until they are 21.  Makes sense.
  6. Jordan Neely, the NY subway mentally deranged rider who unfortunately died after a good samaritan tried to protect those who he threatened, has been arrested 44 times in his life. You read that right.  Forty-four.  One arrest was for kidnapping a seven-year-old, and another was for beating a 67-year-old woman.  Do you know who killed Jordan?  Jordan killed Jordan.  Stop with the white killed a black narrative.
  7. Heads up for the ever-changing way that we classify peeps.  A few progressive media folks called Neely unhoused.  You read that right as well.  Unhoused.  Once bums, hobos, homeless, underserved, and now unhoused.   Maybe that means being released from jail?  Doubtful.
  8. Riley Gaines, a former NCAA swim star who has turned into an activist to keep women’s sports fair and equal, and Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., were among those Wednesday who took issue with the male model advertising a woman’s Adidas swimsuit as part of the company’s pride collection.  You have to admire her willingness to take a stand.  America needs more women like her.
  9. We’re anxiously awaiting the first female model in a male swimming suit.  Meanwhile, move over Dylan Mulvaney.  The adidas male model could certainly work for the UNTUCKit Company if called upon.
  10.  We took a deep dive into the Latin dictionary.  Turns out that Fetterman is an old-world term meaning Young Frankenstein, er, Young Feinstein.  If you haven’t seen his interaction on the Senate Finance Committee here it very painfully is.
  11.  Adam Schiff should be thrown in jail.  His cellmate should be Eric Swalwell.  And, Barrack Obama was apprised of the entire operation.

As Joe Biden would say.  That’s all folks.  No, I’m serious.  I signed the Declaration of Independence.  Give me a break.  Come on man.  My mom was part Irish, African American, French, Jewish, and Mexican.  I slept with wolves when I was a boy.  No joke.

Good Evening! And Welcome to….

A visionary is someone who can see further down the road or higher in the sky than the next.

An example of the road analogy is Tesla.  When you combine an environmentally friendly great ride with soon-to-be driverless-ready capability fostered by a huge helping of cash from your government you’ve got an industry changer.

An example of the sky analogy is SpaceX.  Its stated goal is reducing space transportation costs to enable the colonization of Mars and eventually other planets.  Last month a forty-story-high rocket flew beyond the company’s expectations.  That’s not huge that’s YUGE.

Can Elon Musk go three for three?  He bought Twitter to ensure that there was at least one platform where free speech was indeed free.  Noble.  But, it’s doubtful that he bought it for just that or to lose money.

You’ve heard it uttered before.  “He’s playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.”

Once upon a time, people gathered around a radio in their living rooms to hear their news, sports, and entertainment.

The television changed that. Three black-and-white networks became three colorful ones.

Cable changed that.  Three networks became hundreds of channels and even some premium ones like HBO.

Satellites changed that.  And soon the choices were too many to choose from.

Enter Al Gore’s internet and streaming started.  Now you can stream any platform on many platforms.

Watch what you want, when you want, how you want, and on whatever you want.  Jump into your La-Z-Boy and click on an app, any app, or many apps.

There’s vision and there’s television.

And then there is Twitter and Elon.

After cutting dead-weight employees and charging for blue check marks, the next shoe is dropping.  Enter Tucker Carlson.  And, with that, we enter yet another new era.

Will it be called a podcast?  A live stream?  Premium content? Pay-per-view?  It matters not.

Can you imagine Twitter on TV?  Of course you can, it’s already there.  You can watch live programming from Twitter on Amazon Fire TV and Apple TV. Xbox and Android TV users can enjoy Twitter by launching their web browser and going to

So, is Twitter TV, or is TV Twitter?  Yes and yes.  Or for that matter call it whatever you want.  There is content and there is distribution.  And there is a vacuum when it comes to unfiltered content.  The free market gets to decide what misinformation and disinformation is.

The “networks” will soon remind you of the pay phone.  Once upon a time, you could make a long-distance call on a pay phone thanks to long-distance providers.  ABC, NBC, and CBS soon will have much in common with Sprint, Cingular, and MCI.

Twitter has the distribution, subscribers, tweeters, followers, and advertisers, and now has its first piece of serious content worth taking from the old world.  It won’t be its last.

It must have promise.  CNN wrote yesterday, “Who will fact-check Tucker now that he is on Twitter?”  AOC tweeted (oh the irony), “Twitter, brought to you by MyPillow.”

Wait till Don Lemon signs on with Elon.

Checkmate?  Not yet.

But content is king.

And, soon Elon will be wearing a crown.



Ten Piece Nuggets

Spring is in the air.  It reminds us of spring chickens.  Spring chickens remind us of nuggets.  Ten are waiting for you below.

  1.  Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls for regulating conservative news.   She opined on Sunday’s MSNBC, “When you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence. Very clearly.”  Free speech and the First Amendment say otherwise.
  2. Say what you want about Ted Cruz, but every January when the new Senate convenes he puts forth a bill calling for strict term limits.  And every January it finds the round file in the corner of the room.  AOC on one end and Mitch McConnell on the other are two prime examples of why term limits would help us all.
  3. It won’t happen until the American public demands it though.  You can’t get 60% of Congress to agree on anything much less eliminate their job(cash cow).
  4. A poll revealed on NBC”s Meet the Depressed that voters are depressed having Uncle Joe in the White House four days a week and in Delaware three.  53% of Biden’s 2020 voters say he shouldn’t run again in 2024, and a whopping 75% of Biden voters under 35 think likewise. Will Joe Biden be the weakest incumbent president running for re-election in any of our lives?
  5. “Stunning he didn’t get a major primary challenger,” says Clay Travis.  Or, is it?  “Stunning that he got 81 million votes” is more like it.  Not stunning is that he and his handlers will do anything to minimize his exposure to questions, debates, news conferences, etc.  The basement awaits.  Time to order up another pandemic if you are a conspiracy theorist.
  6. Travis was on a roll on the weekend.  Another tweet,  “DC public schools are requiring all students and staff to provide a negative covid test in order to return to school after spring break. These people are batshit insane. Covid broke whatever functional brains they had.”
  7. That tweet reminded us of watching Morning Joe about three years ago.  They interviewed visionary Bill DeBlasio in the middle of the covid paranoia.  He suggested that we all wear two masks. He really did.  Maybe he was educated at the aforementioned DC public schools?
  8. “Today proves yet again that you can’t buy class but you can buy a blue check mark,” said Dan Rather.  We wonder if Dan knows that his salary was paid by those watching him by watching ads every five minutes.  Multiple sites believe that Rather’s net worth is north of 70 million.  You’d think he could afford the $8 bucks a month.  Or maybe he could just stop complaining while you’re still tweeting without it.
  9. Alyssa Milano wonders with the blue check removal, “Does that mean Twitter and @elonmusk are liable for defamation or identity theft or fraud?”  The DC public schools must have been very crowded.
  10. Exxon Mobil isn’t going all in on green just yet.  Near the Gulf Coast just east of Texas’ oil-rich Permian Basin, nearly 2,000 ExxonMobil contractors are making sure the company’s latest project – which includes 26 miles of piping, 35 miles of electrical wiring, and 875 tons of steel is pumping oil at full capacity.  Fill er up.

And we hope that you are filled up after the nuggets.

Fools Two Days Ago

One of our senior editors fell asleep on the job Saturday.  As a result, the news that may or not be true was not able to be published until this morning.

Not to worry, BBR is a caring organization.  We gave our editor a raise and a pat on the back for a nice try and give you the somewhat late, but still worthy news of note.

Elon Musk announced that the $7/month cost for blue check mark verification would indeed start on April 1st.  Additionally, he announced that beginning May 1 conservatives that subscribe will be paid $7 a month for red check mark verifications citing a need for diversity.  The New York Times said it is now identifying as a conservative organization.

Phillip Morris International owns the Marlboro cigarette brand.  They’re joining M&M Mars and Disney in their efforts to welcome one and welcome all.  PMI announced Saturday that the Marlboro Man campaign has been replaced and new commercials will feature a Marlboro They person.

Joe Biden flew in and sympathized with the citizens of tornado-ravaged Rolling Fork, Mississippi.  He promised that the federal government would do all that it could to help “Rolling Stone” rebuild. He went on to say that April’s Fool Day has always been one of his very favorite days of the year.

Kamala Harris unexpectedly extended her African trip by a day to head out on a safari trip.   On it, she asked guides if lions were female tigers.

St. Peter did his job at the pearly gates.  He told Audrey Hale to “go to hell.”  Alexandria Ocassio Cortez has asked the Department of Justice to open an investigation of St. Peter for a possible hate speech crime.

Mitch McConnell asked House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to begin drafting articles of impeachment against Donald Trump for early 2025 in the unlikely event that he gets elected.

A San Francisco City Council member asked the other members in a meeting if reparations should be considered for all citizens, not just Black ones.  “We embrace and celebrate equality and inclusion in our great city.  To leave out anyone would be against our values,” he/him said.   A vote will be taken next week.

In Oregon drag kings are suing the state for unfair hiring practices.  “Drag queens are getting all of the jobs in our state-funded schools,” a king spokesperson shrieked.  “We only want what is flair, I mean fair,” he concluded.

One other bit of news of note is only a day late.  A freight train derailed in Paradise, Montana, on Sunday.  The train derailed on the banks of the Clark Fork River.  Some of the cars spilled into the river.  Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, criticized for taking too long to get to the East Palestine, Ohio derailment, contemplated peddling his bike from DC to assess the situation.  Instead, he chartered a private jet and got two tickets to Paradise.

Somewhere Eddie Money is shaking his head over all of this.