A Cure For What Ails Us

Roses are tough to grow you know.   A green thumb helps.  And, watch out for those thorns.

In spite of those obstacles, everything seems to be coming up roses for the hottest political couple of the summer of 2020.  Joe Biden and Kamala (comma la) Harris are having the virtual convention of their lives.

Have you watched it? If you haven’t we can tell you that what you’ve missed is a lot of the “what Trump has done wrong, and why he shouldn’t be reelected.”  A couple of folks named Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton went so far as to say he shouldn’t have been elected in 2016 either.  Trump remains quite the thorn in their side it seems.

But, last night Harris actually shed some light on what Biden would do if he got to prune the roses in the garden on Pennsylvania Ave. for the next four years.  We probably shouldn’t use the words “Biden” and “prune” in the same sentence, but we digress.

“Joe will bring us together to end this pandemic and make sure that we are prepared for the next one,” Harris said during her VP acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Wednesday night.  We knew there was a doctor in the Biden home, but we thought that was Dr. Jill.

Biden must be quite the medical miracle worker.  It turns out that he vowed to cure cancer during a campaign stop in June 2019. “I’ve worked so hard in my career that, I promise you if I’m elected president you’re gonna see the single most important thing that changes America. We’re gonna cure cancer,” Biden said.

That campaign stop was before his campaign stopped traveling.  Maybe that doesn’t matter anymore either.  Joe has been slow to get to a few states, including a vital swing state, Wisconsin.  He hasn’t seen any Cheeseheads in person in the last 660 days.  The doctor no longer makes house calls.

But, there is only so much time in a day or week, or month or year or two.  Joe’s been doing yeoman’s work in his basement which must closely resemble the Johns Hopkins research lab.

He repeated this cancer cure vow during his Super Tuesday victory speech and also added that he would find cures for Alzheimer’s and diabetes.

“We’re gonna invest billions of dollars to find, and I promise you, cures for cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes,” he said.  Who knew that you could throw money at a problem and fix it that easily?

Harris also has her eyes on a different virus.  It’s actually one that is so ugly that you can see it.  The first black woman to be nominated to a major party’s ticket, also described racism as “a virus” in her speech Wednesday night.

“This virus has no eyes, and yet it knows exactly how we see each other — and how we treat each other,” Harris said. “And let’s be clear — there is no vaccine for racism. We’ve gotta do the work.”

If Biden and Harris can cure COVID-19, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and racism between now and 2024 they deserve our vote.


End of story.


Hopefully they’ll find some time to stop the pesky climate change too.



The USPS Mess

The BBR staff has been rolling through some states in the Deep South for the last few days.   While there we managed to take only a glimpse at the news.  And, voila, it seems like the “deep state” is alive and well.

The quest to oust Trump is nearly four years old and going strong.  It sounds like the plight of the United States Postal Service is the latest raging problem that the left is placing the blame for at the feet of the President.

It’s so bad that Trump’s two months ago appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy will be beaten up like a USPS package by the time he is finished testifying before Congress next week.   Nancy Pelosi is so concerned about the Post Office all of a sudden that she decided to call the House back to Washington and back to order.  The House hasn’t been in order in years, but we digress.

TV networks will cover it like it’s the next Russian Collusion.  And, that’s because it is.  The Post Office’s problem isn’t Trump.  The Post Office’s problem is the Post Office.  And, it’s been that way for a long time.  Actually, it’s been that way for far too long.  A few facts, none of which will be brought up by the left as the excoriate DeJoy follow.

The Post Office, if it were a business would be out of business.  It’s insolvent and has been for a long time.  It lost 2.2 billion dollars last quarter to add to the 78 billion its lost since 2007. The government’s own Accountability Office wrote a May report and said that “the USPS current business model is not financially sustainable.

The Wall St Journal article last week called it a Blockbuster service in a Netflix world.  That about sums it up, doesn’t it?

In 2006 mail volume peaked at 213 billion pieces.  It’s down 33% and counting as of last year from that high.  But, during that same time frame, the number of delivery points (addresses) served by them increased from 146 to 160 million.   In other words, costs continue to rise while revenue shrinks.  Hello?

Walk-in retail customers are down 23% from the 2010 all-time high.  During that same time, USPS locations shrunk only 4%.

They have an exclusive right(monopoly) to your mailbox that carries a universal obligation or promise to carry a letter anywhere for 55 stinking cents.

One route in Montana serviced 6 days a week like all others, covers 191 miles to hit 272 mailboxes.  In extreme northern Arizona, mules take mail down an 8-mile path to the base of the Grand Canyon.

The USPS workforce is 600k people strong and organized by seven different unions.  Congress in 2013 rejected a proposal to save 2 billion a year back then and in every subsequent year by stopping Saturday regular service.  And, remember next week, this will all be the current administration’s fault.

The USPS retiree health care plan has billions to invest but is mandated to invest those Washington’s only in U.S. Treasurys.  Ten-year Treasury note returns have been falling for years and return about 1/2 of 1% per annum currently.  Do you think health care costs only rise by about 1/2 of 1 percent per year?  If so, we have a jackass to sell you that walks 16 miles a day in the Grand Canyon.

DeJoy reassigned 23 top-level managers while citing a substantial decline in volume, a broken business model, and a management strategy that has failed to address these issues.  It sounds like he is doing his job, so it’s no wonder Congress is mad.

Let the conspiracy theories begin.  Former President Barrack Obama said last month that “those in power are undermining the Postal Service in the run-up to the election that is going to be dependant on mailed-in ballots.

The Democrats, in their latest House relief bill, want to give the Post Office $25 billion to compensate for “revenue forgone due to coronavirus.”  The sickness of the financial state of the post office isn’t due to coronavirus.  It’s due to Al Gore’s invention called the internet.

What the USPS needs is major reform at a minimum.  Would you mind if your mail only came three days a week as but one example?

That will be lost in the name blame game next week.  The House will kick DeJoy around, blame Trump, and kick the mailbox down the road.


Impossible Is Nothing

Over 25 years ago a very famous man very nearly severed his ex-wife’s head from her body while savagely killing her, killed a man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time while he was there, and left an unmistakable trail of his own incriminating blood at the crime scene all the way back to his residence.

Can you imagine getting a jury of 12 of your peers that would unanimously agree that, upon further review, you were innocent?  “Only in America,” Don King would have said.  “Only in Los Angeles,” former NFL great Orenthal James Simpson said.

It’s also been said by many on many occasions that his innocence was payback to a police force and a city (supposedly of angels) that used excessive force in subduing Rodney King after a prolonged car chase captured on camera.  “Enough of this police brutality,” they screamed.

Now, a quarter of a century later, L.A. is still determined to fix that problem.  The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a proposal by a 4-1 vote on Tuesday to amend the city’s charter to remove $880 million from law enforcement and “reinvest” the money in “direct community investment” and “alternatives to incarceration.”   Minneapolis has more in common with LA than sharing the Lakers it seems.

Like the jury vote to acquit, the general population will have their say on the proposal on November 3rd.

Titled, “Reimagining L.A. County: Shifting Budget Priorities to Revitalize Under-resourced and Low-income Communities,” the proposal includes language frequently used by Democrat politicians and the broader left. It alleges the existence of “systemic discrimination, exclusion, and inequity” targeting blacks and yielding “racial injustice” and “racial inequity.”

The $880 million is 10% of the current law enforcement budget.  It would “strictly prohibit any of these funds to be used in law enforcement.  Rather it would provide  “access to capital for small minority-owned businesses, with a focus on Black-owned businesses.” It also prescribes the use of “community-based restorative justice” among its “alternatives to incarceration.”

Usually, when big government has identified a problem, they want to throw more money at it as a solution.  In this instance they are taking it away.  But, in this instance, they are also throwing it, just in a different direction.  Don’t cut taxes, just spend it differently.

Are fewer cops, or less well-paid cops a better idea?  Or would the same amount of them, but better trained, supervised, and evaluated be a better idea?

Or, is community-based restorative justice be a better idea than incarceration?  What does community-based restorative justice mean anyway?  Is there a social worker who can work with us on this explanation?

And what is this “access to capital for small minority-owned businesses, with a focus on Black-owned businesses?”   Does this sound like a hand up or a handout?  And, is there a direct correlation between more money government money for minority businesses and less crime?  Is there a social worker who, hell, nevermind.

The city that has run away from supporting NFL franchises faster than OJ, finger cut and all, exited 875 South Bundy Rd.  It will now try to support minority businesses while defunding the police.  Or, will it?

Will 51% of the city’s registered voters will go for this?

Would you have thought that 12 jurors would agree after a mere four hours of deliberation that OJ would benefit from “alternatives to incarceration?”  Alternatives might have helped Rodney King as well.  He was arrested and jailed at least 12 additional times after the 1991 incident.

In 2020 nothing is impossible.  Or, given the state of the times, should we say “impossible is nothing?”


The Golden Rulers

What do Ghislaine Maxwell and Tucker Carlson have in common?  On so many levels they have nothing in common.

Maxwell is the disgraced, and now arrested and held without bail, former girlfriend of the now-deceased Jeffery Epstein.  She procured many of the underage girls that pedophile Epstein used to his personal advantage or used to gain an advantage over some very noteworthy global figures.

Carlson is a revered conservative voice and stars nightly in the prestigious 9 PM EST slot for Fox News.  His show is the most-watched cable news broadcast every night, and has become must-see TV for the righteous right.  Carlson’s TV work is darn near the level of Rush Limbaugh’s radio work.

But on one very important level they have something in common.  And, it’s a simple one.  They both now have great fear for their personal safety.  And, that fear emanates from the same source.  Some very powerful people want them gone.

Maxwell sits in a cell and hopes to be able to tell her side when her day in court comes.  She very much believes that Epstein’s death in a similar NY jail was no accident.   She brought 99% of this upon herself.  You swim with the sharks, you get eaten.  When you have the “goods” on the Royal Family of England, on the royal want to be William Jefferson Clinton family, and who knows who else, you’ve got a target on your orange prison uniform.  The sooner they silence her, the better.

Carlson was going about his business of calling out every injustice he sees in this rapidly evolving US political landscape.  He very much believes that the New York Times was very soon going to publish a story about a whole lot of nothing that would have included the physical address of his family’s place of residence. He brought none of this upon himself if you still believe in free speech.  But, if you deliver the “goods” nightly to the opposition of the opposition’s Movement, you’ve got a target on your fine silk suit, crisp white straight collar shirt, and woven repp tie.  The sooner they silence him, the better.

For Maxwell the problem is that they don’t want to get exposed for being exposed.   For Carlson the problem is that they don’t want him exposing their ulterior motives.

And, this is where we are in America today.  It’s the golden rule.  He who has the gold ultimately makes the real rules.

The rich and the powerful play in their own sandbox.  Maybe they always have.

It just feels like America is extra dirty right now.  You know how that sand can get caught up in all of those untoward places.  It could use a bar of soap and a warm shower.

And, soon.


Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

CNN’s Don Lemon called for former President Barrack Obama’s chiseled likeness to be added to Mount Rushmore last evening.  “I think, listen … if they are going to put someone on Mount Rushmore, considering the history of the country, the first black president should be front and center,”  he reasoned.

The anchor that he was handing off to, Chris Cuomo added,  “Add to Mount Rushmore. I think that’s first of all, it’s a more salable idea than the idea of taking away Founding Fathers.”

The exchange continued.   Lemon said, “So what’s wrong with all of us together thinking or reshaping our country so that more people rethink our country in the way we think and where priorities are so the country it belongs to everyone.”

Cuomo said, “Nothing is wrong with it.”

Except everything about the premise is wrong with it.  If statues of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln don’t deserve to be in town squares anymore, they why should they be on Mt. Rushmore?  If you can find a statue of Roosevelt let us know.  If Barrack Obama deserves to be on Mt Rushmore, start carving out the stone.

The conversations should be 100% independent of one another.

America strives for greatness.  America demands greatness.  America applauds greatness.  America builds libraries, museums, monuments, statues, and mountainside likenesses to honor distinguished men and women who helped America achieve its status as the envy (regardless of what some might want you to believe) of the world.  You might have heard that it is the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”

America got to where it is with little compromise. Why start now?

It’s easy to be average.  It’s hard to be excellent.

It’s great that America has now had a black president.  He was voted in as qualified by its citizens to lead us.   Soon enough it will likely have it’s first female president as well.  She will need to be deemed qualified to lead us as well.   May there be a day when these occurrences are commonplace.

But having a certain skin color or being a certain gender doesn’t make you great.  And being the first this or that doesn’t make you great either.  It just gets you noticed more than others.  Accomplishments and leadership of all of its people do.

So, did the four presidents accomplish enough for our country, in spite of any shortcomings, flaws, or mistakes along the way, to deserve to be forever admired in stone?  America said yes then.  Does it still say yes now?

Did Obama do the same?  America will, or will not, mull that over for years to come.

But don’t keep one(or four) up as a negotiation ploy to get another.

Can’t you just see Ronald Reagan shaking his head, coiffed hair and all?

The Silence Is Deafening

Monday afternoon’s BBR staff meeting provided a look back to give us a look at what might happen going forward.  One staff member told us his story about the 2012 and 2016 elections.

In early October 2012, he moved into his new (old) home.  Driving down the street in the UHaul he realized that 14 of 22 homes had Romney/Ryan yard signs.  One had an Obama sign.  It almost sounds like this neighborhood enjoys white privilege, but we digress.  Obama won.

In 2016 that same street had but one Trump/Pence sign.  Just one.  One neighbor had a Hillary/Kaine sign.  Just one.  Trump won.  Did the silent majority speak back then?  We don’t know because they are silent.  But we have a hunch.

And now 2020 arrives at the doorsteps of this very same street and streets all across this fruited plain.  The fruited part is being bolstered by the “guerilla gardening” inside of the compound formerly known as CHAZ, but we digress.

What do you have to say silent majority?  Oops.  We forgot.  The silent majority doesn’t speak.  It watches and listens.  And we have another hunch or five to share.

Putting Russian collusion, impeachment, Covid-19 handling, lockdowns, and other attacks (from the right’s point of view) or deep concerns (from the left) aside do they see a picture being painted along the road to November 3rd, election day?

We submit they do.  And we submit that they have been watching all along and were listening and open to meaningful reforms as well.  In order to listen you have to be silent.

And, now, we surmise that the silent ones have stopped listening because The Movement won’t stop screaming long enough to listen.  And, it was going so well at first.  But, burning down cities aside, it’s now gone too far.  Arson wasn’t enough.  Looting wasn’t.  Beating innocent people wasn’t either.  Making death threats against Drew Brees and his family wasn’t enough.  The hell with free speech.   Coast to coast cries of “defund the police” wasn’t enough.

Even actual murder and attempted murder on the police that started weeks ago isn’t.  And, now you’ve armed yourself and taken over six square blocks of Seattle in this Summer of Love.  Now you’re the police.  Good luck.

Don’t use excessive force or maybe the silent majority will come and riot in your new city(named CHOP as of this AM).  Actually, they won’t.  They’ll just watch it self implode.  And self implode it will.  It’s only a matter of when.  Then, they’ll vote.

CNN had a weekend poll that showed Joe Biden had a 14 point lead on Donald Trump.  Didn’t Trump trail Clinton by 11% per the polls in 2016?  How did that turnout after the voters turned out?  Polls, schmolls.

The silent majority doesn’t speak to pollsters either.

But they’ve listened, learned, and likely become disgusted.  They’ll hit the voting booth in record numbers.

The election could be held today.  Is anyone in America undecided?

Brees and Knees

Drew Brees exercised his right to freedom of speech yesterday.  And, immediate reactions and overreactions poured in from around the sports world.  Woke Nation told everyone who tags, follows, trends, hastags, Snaps, or Instagrams that Saints Nation was ablaze because of it.

The BBR staff sat around a Zoom happy hour last evening.  Dixie beers straight from NOLA were aplenty.  Rather than fret about the short term, we asked “what does this mean long term for Brees’ legacy in New Orleans?”

Our conclusion?  We think that Drew Brees will be the mayor of predominantly black New Orleans the very first time that he runs for the post.  And, we think that he should.  We’ve long thought that he would.  And, we think that eventually, he will.  He has always wanted to make a difference outside of the hash marks.

When you boil it down, Brees said that he stands with his teammates and many others seeking racial equality and justice, but that he would not kneel during the presentation of the flag during the National Anthem that honors many who protected us and fought for our freedom along the way.

Woke Nation was outraged because it’s always important to be immediately outraged.  You cannot break through the massive clutter of social media and stay there unless your take is edgy, passionate, immediate, and progressive.

Former ESPN talking head Jemele Hill tweeted, “Drew Brees is why people shouldn’t assume that just because someone white is around black people that they understand black issues.”  Jemele Hill is why people who have no idea what Brees does off of the field say that they understand Brees.  Do you know what Brees and his Brees Foundation did for many minority families and causes post-Katrina?  No, you don’t.  He wants it that way.  And, his list of charitable efforts and contributions is quite long.

LeBron James tweeted that Brees was still ignorant as to why Kaepernick took a knee and said it had zero to do with the flag.   Thankfully we’ve heard little from LeBron since he told Daryl Morey that he was ignorant about the Chinese (communist) culture and that his words could be so hurtful. That was just after they occupied Hong Kong, but before their China virus broke out, was covered up, was lied about, was contained but wasn’t, and interrupted his NBA season.   We wonder if LeBron is ignorant to the fact that Brees donated about $250k to build a state of the art special needs playground smack dab in the middle of a park in the city last year.

Aaron Rodgers stated, “It has NEVER been about an anthem or a flag. Not then. Not now. Listen with an open heart, let’s educate ourselves, and then turn word and thought into action.”  It sounds like good advice.  Maybe he should listen to what Brees is saying.  Per Packer sources, Rodgers has a difficult time listening with an open head, much less a heart, to his teammates and coaches.  The Green Bay brass like his leadership so much that they traded up, reached, and drafted what they hope will be his replacement with Rodgers still in his prime.

We could go on.  But, what does the three of Jemele, LeBron, and Aaron have in common?  They don’t know Brees.  His family, friends, business associates, teammates, civic leaders, and coaches do.  Ninety-nine percent of them hold him in the very highest regard on and off of the field.

Star receiver Michael Thomas tweeted, “He don’t know no better.”

The nation known as America protects free speech even when it contains double negatives.   It used to embrace it.  The nation known as Woke only embraces it when you speak their language.

Maybe they don’t know no better.






“Never underestimate the strength of an opponent.”  Clearly those are smart words of advice.  They come in handy in the boardroom, on the playground, at the office, onfield, in the gym, or in the court of public opinion.

Ask Hillary.  She found out the hard way about Donald Trump.  He outworked her.  She slept while he flew tirelessly to the Rust Belt again and again.  Dare we say that the result “shocked da world?”

It was an upset in more ways than one.  The Democratic Party and the DNC, its right arm, are master strategists.  One of their tried and true, bread and butter, plays is to constantly make the Republicans play defense.  It’s hard to score when you are always on defense.  Trump stole that page from their playbook and executed it masterfully.

Never again cried the Democrats.  They’ve been on offense the last three-plus years.  You know, racism, Russian Collusion, racism, Quid Pro Quo, racism, Impeachment, racism, and Coronavirus mismanagement come to mind.   America was just starting to get healthy.  And now, tragically George Floyd has fallen and look what has fallen into their laps.

We have to stand together for social justice.  We need to end racism.  It’s time for real change.  We doubt many disagree with any of that at all.  One cop should spend the rest of his life in jail it seems.  Three others should pack a toothbrush for a while too.

But, a funny thing happened over the weekend.  The party that turned “abortion” into “women’s wellness” went on the offense.  You watched America burn, get looted, get knocked unconscious, and get rocks thrown at it over the weekend.    CNN was comparing the “violent” protests a week ago (that violated social distancing and were sans masks) aimed at governors and asked to end the lockdown to go back to work to the “peaceful” ones that spread across America mourning the loss of George Floyd.

The playbook said to say “peaceful.”  And CNN did.  MSNBC did as well.  Half of America laughed at the mischaracterization and cried watching flat-screen TVs being stolen live on their flat-screen TVs.

When will Pelosi and Schumer and company come out and denounce the “peaceful” violent protests and the thugs that continue to commit breaking and entering, theft, assault and battery, and attempted murder crimes?

They showed up yesterday.  But, surprise, they caught the pass from the media and ran further down the field.  In a joint statement Pelosi and Schumer stated, “At this challenging time, our nation needs real leadership. The President’s continued fanning of the flames of discord, bigotry and violence is cowardly, weak, and dangerous.”  Jim Acosta(CNN) asked Trump if this is still a democracy.

And so did Hollywood.   Samual Jackson, “Did we just get Martial Lawed??! So, he just Declared War on The Public??!! It’s not 1807 this is not Rebellion!!”  Ice Cube, “Will Trump be the first President to nuke a U.S. city? Stay tuned.”  Stephen King, “Trump is politicizing the protests. ANTIFA? Give me a break. Those look like apolitical hooligans and smash-and-grab artists to me.”  He does write great fiction.

See how easy that was?  What you’re seeing on TV are peaceful protests.  Don’t worry about what you think you see, listen to what is being said.

Last night a rioter in Vegas peacefully shot a cop in the back of the head.  He’s in critical condition.  In St. Louis four policemen were shot peacefully.

Violence is the new peaceful.  Tranquil and calm are soon to follow.   Voila!


Science and Data Borders on Nonsense

To quote Mark Twain, “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”

Perhaps you felt that way when the Democrat-led House finally found what they needed to press on to impeachment of Donald Trump.  It was a “quid pro quo.”  Did you know what that was?  Or, did it send you to the Google search bar?  Worry not, it did for many of us.

Actually it did for too many of us.  That’s why suddenly in all of the interviews of Democratic House Intelligence members and all talking heads on MSNBC stopped using the phrase.  They started using the word “bribery” instead.  Why?  It’s because the Democrats polled the public and quickly realized it was more understandable, hence an easier sell.

The Democrats always poll the public.  It’s why they are so much better at controlling the narrative of the country than the Republicans.  The old, stodgy, white, know-it-all Republicans tell you what they think.  The Democrats tell you what you think.

Which brings us to COVID-19.  There isn’t a leader of a state that is slower to open than some of the rest that doesn’t begin his or her press conference with “we are following the science and the data.”  Clearly “science” and “data” are two words that resonate with America. They asked.  They know.  It sounds so logical why wouldn’t we follow?

Except there may be one little problem.  The White House Coronavirus Task Force response administrator, Dr. Debora Birx had a direct comment or two for Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Apparently, in a two weeks ago task force meeting, Birx and others were frustrated with the CDC’s antiquated system for tracking virus data, which they worried was inflating some statistics — such as mortality rate and case count — by as much as 25 percent, according to four people present for the discussion or later briefed on it.

“There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust,” Birx reportedly said, according to two of the people present.

But that didn’t stop Dr. Birx in the last few days of separate interviews.  In the first she said that an earlier lockdown would not have helped to prevent the spread of the virus.  In a subsequent one she expressed concern that the weeks’ old lockdown was not having a positive effect in Washinton, DC., Chicago, or Los Angeles.

How about a little deductive reasoning?  If an earlier lockdown would not have helped and the current one isn’t, then why did we lockdown?  It must have been because of the science and the data?  The longer you “serve” as a government employee, especially if you have a white coat with your name embroidered on it, the more this makes sense we assume.  Having a scarf must help, too.

Finally, Birx worried aloud that “the fall could possibly bring the virus back as strong as ever.”  Coincidentally, last week, the Director of the National Hurricane Center said “this season’s storms could possibly be more numerous than last year.”  “Could possibly?”  That’s going out on a limb.

Georgia looked at the science and the data.  They said, “enough already.”  So far, so good.  Why?  No one is sure, but the answer must lie in the science and the data.

Meanwhile Trump has had it with the great state of North Carolina’s slow reopening.  In less than 100 days there is this little Republican National Convention of some interest scheduled in Charlotte.  On Monday, Governor Roy Cooper responded to Trump’s tweet, saying, “State health officials are working with the RNC and will review its plan as they make decisions about how to hold the convention in Charlotte. North Carolina is relying on data and science to protect our state’s public health and safety.”

Cooper got it backward.  He said “data and science.”  It’s “science and data.”  Maybe that’s why they are slower to open in NC than in Georgia.

The two states share a little border.  There must be some strong antiviral “stuff” on the Georgia side of that ever so thin state line.

We should ask Birx and the CDC to see what the science and the data tell us about it.



Your Body is a Temple

As America reopens we don’t seem so open with what we are willing to put into our bodies.

Is a vaccine around the corner?  Probably not, but a recent survey of Americans stated almost 50% would not want it injected into their bodies for fear of side effects.   Another reason cited was the concern that our government would be injecting a microchip along with the antibodies.

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters at the White House, President Trump revealed that he’s been taking a hydroxychloroquine pill daily for a week and a half, along with a dose of zinc. Shortly after the announcement, The Your World with Neil Cavuto anchor called the president’s remarks “stunning” and warned that the drug could kill certain individuals who consume it.

The "Great" Roger Ailes
The “Great” Roger Ailes

Trump objected to the rant and tweeted “@FoxNews is no longer the same. We miss the great Roger Ailes.  Looking for a new outlet!”  The great Roger Ailes’ body of work included a few workplace sexual harassment charges.   We digress.

Nancy Pelosi, head of one body of Congress weighed in as well.  CNN host Anderson Cooper asked, “Madam Speaker, what is your reaction to the president saying he is now taking hydroxychloroquine? Are you concerned?”  She tore up the president like an old speech.  “I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say, weight group — morbidly obese they say.”

Pelosi knows a thing or two about putting drugs into one’s body.  It must be clear to her that botox is way safer than hydroxychloroquine.  It’s written all over her face.

In her home state, six of seven convicted sex offenders freed in Orange County, California, last month due to fears of the Chinese coronavirus crisis spreading in local jails have since been rearrested for violating their terms of release.  Most of them were taken back in for ridding their bodies of that pesky GPS tracking device.  You have to wonder if they would line up to get the vaccine.  The bright side is virus immunity.  The downside might be a tracking device.

Planned Parenthood leadership is screaming for more money during these #alonetogether times.  Seems like we may have been together during our alone time.  Maybe we are more open to what we put in our bodies?

And this morning Walmart reported first-quarter earnings.  They were impressive.  With revenue over $32 billion, they beat the Wall St estimates by over $1 billion in top-line sales.  Same-store sales were up by 10% percent.  Strong.  A Walmart spokesperson cited “considerable strength in food sales.”

At least we haven’t lost our appetite though it all.