Yesterday we offered a couple of proposition bets on the NCAA playing or not this fall. Today we offer a prop bet on the 11/3/20 election.
As #hidenbiden trends on Twitter, we have “Sleepy Joe” at plus $180 to actually NOT be the Democratic Pary’s nominee for President. You bet $100 to win $180 that Biden goes home in August with his pillow in hand. The DNC has to fear, we repeat, has to fear that the sunset is near.
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has delayed its convention a month, yet still plans to do it virtually. Safety is the key they say. Or, is it? Why delay it a month if you aren’t physically attending to begin with?
There might have even been a glimpse into that thinking yesterday. “First of all, our convention has to happen, because we are not officially nominating Joe Biden in order to take Donald Trump,” Xochitl Hinojosa, communications director for the DNC replied during an interview. “So our convention is happening. There is business that has to happen.”
Or could her combo of words be a gaffe? Hinojosa has yet to clarify her remarks. It would be befitting of the party whose presumptive nominee spits out more gaffes daily than the Feds print money.
Take yesterday for example. Please. In just one video conference from Biden’s basement, he won the rare Triple Crown. First, he needed off-camera prompting that he was on the air. Two, he told the country that in this pandemic we have lost 85k jobs and millions of people. “Millions of people,” he repeated. “Millions of jobs,” he finished. Finally, stammering, to complete the trifecta he forgot the name of one of his top medical advisers. All three dreadful videos are captured in this article.
Just before Biden went into hiding all of his Democratic challengers obediently folded like some fine sheets made from Giza region cotton. Crazy Bernie was the lone holdout. But, he virtually conceded the race when he virtually conceded the race. Sanders didn’t want to be President anyway. He just likes to be Bernie for a while every four years.
Honestly, it was funny at the outset. Now, it’s just said frankly.
He needs the best night’s sleep in the whole, wide world because a nightmare named Trump awaits.
Who will be the nominee if Biden is a no show? That’s a bet for another day to handicap.
For now, take “no Joe” for $100 to win $180.