Today the race for the White House hits the five-month out marker. Both campaigns are revving up their political engines. The tactics from the incumbent side seem to be evolving.
The fellow that many would like to see convicted seems more interested in attacking the “convicted felon” than he is running on his record. Is that because he hasn’t accomplished enough, or because polling data suggests that the American people think he hasn’t? Or, is it both?
About this time last year, the Biden campaign rolled out “Bidenomics” like a new car intro. POTUS and VPOTUS touted job growth, wage expansion, GDP, and falling inflation. America wasn’t buying it. Even a lapdog media couldn’t sell this Edsel.
Undeterred, they pivoted to “it’s there,” but it takes time to “feel it,” they said. The problem for them is that America does feel it and it’s a negative feeling.
The cumulative effect of three years of high inflation is felt at the grocery cash register, the gas pump, and the mortgage loan office. Wages are up but aren’t keeping up.
Bidenomics is a buzzword that went south.
Speaking of going south, for three years we’ve heard that the border was under control as best as it could be because of the mess he inherited from Trump.
Then this past winter Biden wanted to forge ahead with a deal that he pulled out of the top drawer with Congress to “control” the border. That’s known as a flip-flop. A bipartisan agreement is the only way to fix it he said. The bill was a one-sided con to legalize illegal crossings.
Yesterday, he signed an executive action to do what he said he needed Republicans to come along to get done. But it doesn’t get anything done except pave the road for 1.8 million illegals to continue to cross yearly.
The border is a sieve.
They tried but failed to pin the border mess on the Republicans.
What are the most important issues per polling for Americans this fall? The economy is one and immigration is two. Rut roh.
The list continues with crime, abortion, debt, medical care costs, etc.
Only on abortion does Biden’s position outpoll Trump’s. But make no mistake, it is an important one and one that Trump should tackle head-on for clarity of his position. It only polls somewhat low because women place it way higher than men. Women are half of the total votes cast.
Looks like it’s time to ramp up the “it’s a fight for our very democracy” battle cry. This comes from an administration that has weaponized the DOJ to take down opposing views.
Then comes a good dose of racist claims. The Dems can pander like no other.
Sprinkle in “convicted felon” at each mile marker. Do you want a “convicted felon” in the White House?
The race to the bottom heats up faster than climate change this time of the year.
Oh, it’s summer?