Be Careful What You Wish For

Burmese pythons in the state of Florida are classified as an invasive species.  An invasive is an introduced species to an environment that becomes overpopulated, enabled, and harms its new environment.  An introduced species is one which has arrived there by human activity either deliberately or accidentally.

This man-made (induced) problem has disrupted the process of natural selection.  Simply stated the harmony of multiple living beings is changed.

Similarly, the government has disrupted our harmony in the last decade as well.   That which we took comfort in and lived by is no longer.

Too many white cops killed too many initially thought to be innocent (or were innocent) black citizens.   Mostly peaceful riots, looting, burning, assaults, and theft in Minneapolis, St. Louis, Seattle, Oakland, etc. led to cries to defund the police.

Progressive cities, all the while, were decriminalizing previously criminal acts.  Even if you are arrested bail has been reduced or eliminated for multiple offenses.  Put criminals back on the streets ASAP.

Multiple retailers have now even trained employees to stand down as flash mobs invade the store and clear the floor of merchandise.  Downtown San Francisco is now a retail ghost town because of it.

And, city leaders such as newly elected Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson have lectured us that calling the dozens of hoodlums gathered to commit crimes a “mob” is inappropriate.  They should be called “large gatherings.”  And, pythons should be called competition, perhaps.

Bought and paid-for prosecutors and judges are refusing cases or suspending sentences.

And, the law is so compromised by the new order that it’s walking away rather than being caught in the death squeeze.

Lt. Jessica Taylor, formerly of the Seattle Police Department, retired on Aug. 1.  On local Seattle radio she lit up the city like a post George Floyd Minneapolis night.  “The toxic mix of the Seattle City Council’s absurdity, the spinelessness of the Mayor, the leniency of the prosecutor’s office, and your failed leadership has accelerated this city’s downhill slide straight to rock bottom,” she opined.  “It’s been a free fall into anarchy & chaos.”

Washington DC Councilman Trayon White, Sr. voted for lowering punishment for major crimes like armed theft and carjacking. Now he’s on TV crying that the city has become “a war zone ” and the National Guard should step in.   Feed the python, then complain about it coming too close for comfort.

There were 16 homicides in DC in just the first week of August.  But, the NAACP sent a travel advisory to black people visiting Florida.  When they say something is not about politics, know that it is always about politics.  Gin up the base.

In metro New Orleans, the total number of uniformed police fell below 900 for the first time since the 1940s.  The city budget calls for 1800.  You read that right.  Why work for peanuts in a city that needs a circus tent placed over it?

Illegal immigration will only add to a city struggling with rampant crime in a new world order.  New York proudly proclaims(or proclaimed) itself as a sanctuary city.  That lasted as long as it took for the first bus of illegals to hop out onto Fifth Ave.  Now Mayor Eric Adams says that the care needed for the influx of migrants threatens to bankrupt a $9 billion dollar budget.

Pythons are constrictors that coil around their victims and squeeze the life out of their prey.   They have no natural enemies in The Everglades.

The government has to pay python hunters a bounty to help control the problem.  It’s gotten that bad.

Slither on.





The Fight for our Democracy

If you’re from the left you know  President Donald Trump stirred up his ultra MAGA loonies to storm the Capitol Building on 1/6/21.  He deserves to be impeached, indicted, tried, and convicted.  No sentence is too harsh for this treasonist act.

If you’re from the right you know that the Feds and Nancy Pelosi were heavily involved in staging J6 from the jump.  She refused National Guard help offered by Trump the night prior. This is all a part of a bigger plot to discredit Trump and keep him occupied so that he may never occupy the White House again.

It’s ping pong.

Turn on your favorite news channel and they’ll repeatedly show you evidence and put on “experts” 24/7 to validate what they want you to believe and what you want to believe.

Twitter knows you better than you do.  Every time you open a tweet, retweet a tweet, copy and paste a tweet, or open a video Twitter knows you even better than it did prior.  It, too, feeds you more of what you want to see, hear, and believe.

Objective, logical, balanced, and clear discussions are gone.  Any debate really means you hate.  Disinformation is slang for “I disagree with what you are saying.”

“The fight for our democracy” is a catchphrase now applied daily every single time one side wants to hysterically rile up its base.

There is no doubt that Hunter Biden, his friends, business associates, and hookers helped him show Chinese and Ukrainian businesses the benefits to have him on their board.  Or, better yet, they could “do some business” with his company and access to the then VP was theirs for the taking.

Don’t forget 10% for the big guy.  It’s all there on his laptop the right side howls.  Joe Biden says he never met one of Hunter’s business associates.  Ever.  Pictures of the same be damned.

Ironically, he’s never met his seventh grandchild either, but we digress.

The left says in spite of testimony under oath, emails, video of Joe bragging about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired, and Hunter’s repair shop laptop, there is no real evidence to connect any of these dots.

We could go on and on.  In ping pong, you have to win by two.

Meanwhile, we have a sitting president, whom the DNC shut down any competition to his renomination, who has the highest disfavorable ratings since Jimmy Carter ordered helicopters to land in Iran.  Bidenomics anyone?

On the flip side we have a twice impeached former president, now indicted for about the fourth time for god knows what, with a rabid base that has much fervor.  But beyond that 32% of the country, how much support does he have or can he garner?

One is an old 80, the other a spry 77.  Regardless, age is just a number.

Maybe it’s high time that some new blood and open thinking enter the arena to at least freshen the dialogue and reduce the diatribe.

That actually might make the media do its job.  Doubtful, but one can hope.

Give Robert Kennedy Jr a listen.  How about Vivek Ramaswamy?

Maybe you won’t agree with all of what they have to say.

But, maybe that’s better than believing everything that you hear from the same network or Twitter feed that you put on wash, rinse, and repeat daily.

It’s your serve.



Like Father, Like Son

Coincidences?  Plenty.  Deja vu?  All over again.  Reality?  Sinking in.

Netflix is very good at docuseries.  They released a solid one in 2018 called Bobby Kennedy for President.  It has more viewers now than it did then.  It chronicles the then New York Senator Robert Kennedy’s life and philosophies prior to him running, running, the tragic ending, and its aftermath in the tumultuous mid-60s.

One-half of a century has passed.  One of his sons, Robert Kennedy Jr, was 14 then.  He’s 69 now.  Last evening he participated in a town hall setting on Fox’s Hannity show discussing his philosophies and beliefs as he is a candidate for President in 2024.

Senior traveled to California to support Cesar Chavez, an American labor leader and civil rights activist.  He walked the streets of very rural East Kentucky, the backwoods of Mississippi, and the streets of LA post-Watts riots.  In short, he connected with the people in the street who felt disconnected.

Those were very divided times.  His brother President John was killed in Dallas.  Malcolm X was assassinated in New York.  Martin Luther King was killed in Memphis.  America was spending a fortune in lives and dollars in a war that it could not win in the jungles of Vietnam.

Junior lamented last evening about how divided we are today, exclaiming that, while a bit more civil, we are every bit as divided today.  He went on to question why we are in a war (by proxy including plenty of $) with Russia when we need so many wrongs made right here at home.

Senior built a nationally organized grassroots campaign in a sense.  Junior is forced into a similar route as the DNC decided to shut down its nomination process to protect one Joesph Biden.

Bobby had plenty of momentum, winning the California Primary moments before walking into a hotel kitchen that he would not walk out of.  He very likely would have faced Nixon.

Robert Jr. seems like he is gaining momentum by the day.  He’s direct, studied, and wants “to tell America the truth.”  He has many beliefs that are conservative as well.  His dad had a few, too.

Both father and son were/are Democrats.  But, you sense that they decide to take stances on issues one by one through careful consideration, not just following party lines and espousing careless rhetoric.

Both decided to run against sitting presidents in their own party running for reelection.   Senior v Lyndon Baines Johnson and Junior v Biden.

In the summer of 1968, the war seemed more futile than ever. Johnson’s approval rating fell into the mid-30s, the approval for his handling of Vietnam even lower.  He was battling significant, though some undisclosed, health problems as well.

LBJ shocked the globe in 1968. He ended a Sunday night TV speech with, “Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president.”

Will Biden actually run in 2024?  His approval ratings are woeful as well.  His handling of Ukraine v Russia isn’t good either.  His health?  Most would agree that physically he’s better off than he is mentally, but that says little.  And little is what his handlers continue to try to get him to say.

The DNC, try as it might, did not close the door.  The RNC should be shown the door.

Obama in 2008 and Trump in 2016 came from almost nowhere.

History might be our best teacher.

Deja vu?

Hurricane DC

If you’re still driving around wearing a mask have we got good news for you?

The White House on Friday launched the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, half a year after Congress instructed the administration to set up a new arm in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

It is a now-permanent installment in Washington and will first be led by retired Major General Paul Friedrichs, a longtime biosecurity official. It comes roughly two months after the Covid-19 public health emergency ended and weeks after Covid-19 response coordinator Ashish Jha stepped down, reflecting an overall wind-down of the administration’s coronavirus efforts.

Just in time!

Pandemics are like hurricanes.  You know another one is coming.  Best be prepared.  You don’t know exactly where and when it will hit.  And, they both get named by the government.

There was Alpha and our favorite Delta AY.4.2 amongst many other COVID-19 variants that caused us to run to CVS for a booster or three.  Hurricanes Katrina, Ike, and Sandy needed no boosters, strong on their own accord.

Permanent installments in DC grow like hurricanes as well.  They start small, grow into an unstoppable fury, and leave a mess behind time and again.

After 9/11 the Transportation Security Administration was created.  It’s now a permanent installment as well.

As of the fiscal year 2020, the TSA operated on a budget of approximately $7.7 billion and employed over 47,000 Transportation Security Officers, Behavior Detection Officers, Transportation Security Specialists, Federal Air Marshals, and other security personnel.  The FY 2023 Budget is 34% higher at $10.3B and manned(or womanned) by 60,652 positions or 29% more fine government workers.

That’s Bidenomics!  Grow the government from the bottom up and the middle out.

Don’t you feel safer?  Remember to take off your shoes before going through the airport gauntlet, please.

You’d think that the combo of WHO, NIH, FDA, and the CDC would be able to handle the next time some Chinese bats take flight.  Or did it escape from the lab Anthony?

But, no.  It is time, or past time really, for another arm to be added to the many in DC there to serve you.

Thank goodness Biden and Kamala are urging the wealthy to pay their fair share.  As they remind us, there is still work to do.

Maybe the government is the virus, after all, it spreads just like a pandemic does.

Unfortunately, like COVID, there does not seem to be an effective vaccine to eliminate its growth.




Enough Is Too Much

They say that all good things must come to an end.  We aren’t sure of that.  As a matter of fact, if you’ve been along for the five-plus years of, you’ve learned that we tend to question more than we answer.

But, one thing that we are sure of is that it is time to move on.

The website has served its time and at times has served it well.  In no particular order, the maintenance, upkeep, time, and energy have taken their toll.  We don’t have bigger fish to fry, just different fish.

Our philosophy isn’t moving on, just the vessel that transports it is.

Let us summarize.

America has a big problem on its hands.  Any student of history or any learned human can see it.  We’re divided.  We’re divided because philosophically we’ve morphed a long way from where we were in a short period of time.

Some folks think it’s good.  Some not.

Dems now support war v. protesting against it is but one example.

In years gone by liberals would have marched against a vaccine that wasn’t a vaccine.  This go around they hysterically supported it.  Some still walk around wearing masks.  We almost feel sorry for them.

We once referred to crime as blue-collar or white-collar.  But, we’ve been asked to not see color any longer.  Besides, nobody wears collars anymore either.

A growing number of prosecutors are now bought and paid for by people named Soros.  He owns them for the price of not prosecuting.  He either hates America or has a death wish for us all.

We have stores closing in major cities left and right.  Cops won’t answer a theft call out much less arrest the thieves.  Store management is telling its employees to stand aside and watch.  Crime does pay.

We have a President who has no philosophy.  He’s a bought-and-paid-for career politician.  He’s been schilling for 40 years and tells us that there is much work to be done.  Supposedly 81 million bought into what he was selling.  What he was selling was far-left vitriol that promised pre-election to fold into his flock for the election if he would fold on a few of their wishes post-election.

He actually thinks that the economy is good.  “We’re building an economy from the bottom up and the middle out!”  He has no idea what that means cause it means nothing.  “And our Bidenomics plan is working.”  There is no plan.

Somebody was snorting cocaine in the White House recently.  God bless the queen, man.

The government doesn’t build the economy, capitalism does.  The government gets in the way of free trade with regulations on what those in power don’t like(oil)

and gives handouts to those that they do like(green).

Would you vote for Biden again?  If it’s Trump v Biden many will.   America will lose again. Trump lost and might lose again.

The left hates him as does the establishment right.  He threatens them because he exposes them for what they are.  You might hate his hubris, his pettiness, and his ego. But, if you look past that and see what he does, it is good for long-term America.  And he’s only been impeached or indicted about a half dozen times.

At least he has a backbone.

Biden walks, talks, and acts like an amoeba.  Was that last sentence hateful?  Truthful?  Both?

Climate change.  Climate change.  Climate change.   Say it enough and most will believe it.

We don’t talk anymore, we text, Instagram, or TicTok.  Elon owns Twitter.  He said yesterday, “Put the phone down, and go outside.”

The war on drugs isn’t going too well.  You open the border wider than ever and drugs flow in quantities larger than ever before.  Demand is not half of the problem, it’s all of the problem.  Supply isn’t the problem.  It wasn’t the problem and is even less so now.  San Fran hands out needles.

On the Fourth, we celebrated our nation’s independence.  Yet, daily, those in power attempt to make us more dependent.  You’re a victim.

Some want more gun control.  Sensible gun control they call it.  Yet, yesterday we celebrated those CITIZENS that fought for us with guns against GOVERNMENT tyranny nearly 250 years ago.  How many people shot off a bottle rocket yesterday and have no idea?

Our government would never do that to us, right?

Immigration unfettered is good, right?  Ask France this morning how that’s working out.

We hope that some of our articles gave you pause, made you think, or perhaps even changed your mind.

If you’d like to continue to read some of our rants and musings, let us know in the comment section and I’ll put you on a good old-fashioned email list.  When the mood strikes the words will pour into your inbox.

Thank you for your time.


Justice is Blind?

The reaction to the Supreme Court action striking down Affirmative Action was fast and mostly furious.

It’s been a tough 12 months for the left.  Last June the highest court in all of the land struck down Roe v. Wade.  Writing for the court majority, Justice Samuel Alito said that the 1973 Roe ruling and repeated subsequent high court decisions reaffirming Roe “must be overruled” because they were “egregiously wrong,” the arguments “exceptionally weak” and so “damaging” that they amounted to “an abuse of judicial authority.”

Yesterday, left-minded folks thought the repeal of Affirmative Action for college admissions should be “overruled” because it is “egregiously wrong” for minorities.  They went on and on basically saying that the action on the Action is “an abuse of judicial authority.”

It’s funny how that works when the system works but works against your belief.

President Joe Biden said, “This is not a normal court.”  Of course, twice on Tuesday, he said Putin was losing the war with Iraq.  That too isn’t normal, but we digress.   We wonder what a “normal court” is or looks like.

Speaking of looking like, Judge Kantanji Brown Jackson looks just like the person Joe Biden said he would appoint to the Supreme Court if he got a chance while in office.

“The person I will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications, character, experience, and integrity. And that person will be the first Black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court. It’s long overdue, in my view.”

Twitter handle The Babylon Bee pounced.  “Awkward: Supreme Court rules against Affirmative Action with Affirmative Action hire sitting right there.”

And Judge Jackson went all in.  The first Black woman to serve on the court wrote in a dissent: “With let-them-eat-cake obliviousness, today, the (court’s) majority pulls the ripcord and announces ‘colorblindness for all’ by legal fiat. But deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life.”

Judge Clarence Thomas retorted, “Justice Jackson claims that this locks blacks into a seemingly perpetual inferior caste.  Such a view is irrational; it is an insult to individual achievement and cancerous to young minds seeking to push through the barriers, rather than consigning themselves to permanent victimhood.”

In 1991 then Deleware Senator Joe Biden chaired the Senate nomination committee that sent Thomas’ nomination to the full floor and confirmed him by a 52-48 vote to the bench.  The irony.

Harvard University admissions data revealed, amongst other things, that an Asian American in the 90-plus percentile range on entrance qualifications has less of a chance(12.7%) of gaining admission than an African American in the 40 percentile(12.8%).

“Affirmative” is defined as “supportive, hopeful, or encouraging.”  Do you think Asian Americans find the above supportive?  Hopeful?  Encouraging?  Discouraging?

The irony.  The very premise of Affirmative Action was to give everyone a fair chance by eliminating choosing one over another due to skin color.  It does exactly the opposite.

Playing the victim card just got harder.

And, we thought justice was blind.




On Deck

In the flyover state of Nebraska, the NCAA Men’s College World Series(CWS) is in full swing.  Last evening Wake Forest was eliminated, leaving LSU and Florida as the only two standing.

It’s promoted as The Greatest Show on Dirt.

And, it’s inching closer to winner take all.  Gone are wannabees Oral Roberts, Virginia, Stanford, Tennessee, TCU, and the aforementioned Wake Forest.

The entire event is a real slice of what is right in America.  Omaha puts its very best foot forward as the host.  If you flyover, you’ll miss it.

In all of America, the race for 2024 is in full swing as well.  Not one Republican entry has been eliminated yet.  But, the Democrats eliminated all of their wannabees before the race started.

It could be promoted as The Dirtiest Not So Great Show.

But isn’t it inching closer to Donald J Trump former President vs. sitting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr?

Sure there are Republican wannabee nominees like Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswamy, Larry Elder, Asa Hutchinson, etc.  Heck, even Robert Kennedy decided to disobey the DNC and announce his candidacy from the left side.

But, aren’t there really only two?

Maybe.  Maybe not.

Did you have Barack Obama(it was Hillary’s to lose) on your bingo card in 2008?  2012? How bout The Donald(it was Jeb Bush’s to lose) in 2016?  And, did you think Joe Biden(original signer of the Declaration of Independence) would garner the White House in 2020 straight from his basement, mask and all?

It seems, much like gravity, the race to the bottom is on.

More than 50% of Americans don’t want Trump to run.  More than 50% of Americans have seen enough of Joe Biden and want him to exit stage left or right.  Well, actually, his handlers would just like him to remember which side of the stage to exit daily as well, but we digress.

America is screaming for a leader louder than 20,000 jello-shot-filled LSU fans were for 10 innings last evening in downtown Omaha.

Maybe someone emerges from this pack unexpectedly.

But as of now, it seems harder than hitting a Paul Skenes fastball.

America only has its serious “For the World” series once every four years.

Hopefully, America doesn’t strike out in 2024.




Win Big and Go Home.

It’s right below the Republican elephant’s nose trunk and they can’t see it.  It’s the winning ticket for 2024.

No, it’s not Trump and Kari Lake.  No, it’s not DeSantis and Tulsi Gabbard.  Oh God no, it’s not Pence and anyone.

It’s term limits.  That’s right.  Run against yourself.  Limit your time there.

Think about it.

Any poll that you can find shows a great majority of Americans feel that Biden is too old or incompetent or both and should not run again.

Octogenarians are everywhere in DC.  Bernie Sanders is older than Colonel Sanders.  Nancy Pelosi participated in the original test group for Poly Grip.  Mitch McConnell is the older brother of the Smith Brothers Cough Drops brothers.  Maxine Waters was there when Moses parted the red sea waters.

Joe Biden is an original signer of the Declaration of Independence.  “No joke.  Listen, folks.  I’m serious.  John Hancock and I used to go to black churches together.”

It’s all quite stale.  And, old.

Even polarizing Ted Cruz sees it.  He introduces a bill in the Senate every two years post elections to limit both sides of the House to 12 years in office.  And every two years congressmen and congresswomen and those who identify otherwise vote to keep their jobs for longer than that.

And, as Americans, we sit around and complain about the cronyism.  Yet, we don’t demand action.

The Dems smartly will have their big issues front and center.  You know them.

Let’s end racism!  This a battle for our democracy.  The rich should pay their fair share.  Abortion is a right!  The LGBTQA+2 deserves equal rights.  It’s a war on women.  Teachers deserve a raise!  Let’s pass sensible gun legislation!  We have to build an economy from the bottom up, and the middle out (can anyone, anyone explain that one?).

The Republicans could run on “you don’t like us and you don’t like them.  Let us do our job and send us home.”

That’s what they did in the horse and buggy days.  They voted as quickly as they could and got back home to tend to their real job.  Representing was representing. It wasn’t a permanent meal ticket in and out of Dulles International and in and out of lobbyists’ pockets.

Say it loud and proud, “Vote for me, and I’ll go to Washington to vote against me!”

Inflation, border, foreign policy, debt issues, and Biden’s mental and physical health issues are there for the taking.  We can (maybe) assume they’ll get that messaging right.

But, it’s past time to up the ante on keen marketing.

And, it is past time for term limits.

$31,802, 940,127,334

Rule # 1.  Follow the Money.

Rule # 2.  See rule number 1.

A week from today America either defaults on its debt obligations, or it doesn’t.   It won’t.  The worst case is that both parties will agree to kick the can down the road as it has many times before.

Whether the Republican-controlled House and the Democratic-occupied (when not in Delaware) White House come to an agreement or not boils down to who gets what, as in who gets how much funding for what in the coming budget year(s).

Then that team can declare victory.  Usually, both teams declare victory even in defeat.

It’s a modified version of a previously modified version of The Golden Rule.  This version is he who makes the rules hands out the gold.

And, for the last three decades, we’ve been handing out a lot more gold than we’ve taken in.  Thirty-two trillion ($31,802,899,784,128 to be exact when we began writing) more and counting.

America doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.

Who’s fault is it?  It’s everyone’s fault.  Too few folks from all walks of life and the government demand action.

Money buys votes.  Money buys more money to campaign with when you give it to industries.

The House has already passed a bill to fund the debt.  With it comes freezes on spending in the coming years at the level we spent in 2022.

Democrats run out to the always-available mainstream media hacks microphones and scream that the elephants are going to starve children, kill the homeless, and give tax breaks to the rich.

Elizabeth Warren has no reservations(except where she should qualify to live) about asking for a wealth tax.  We need more gold.  That boils down to taxing what has been taxed.  It’s Robin Hood all over again.

Democrats call freezes “cuts.”  They aren’t.  They just aren’t increases.  And, they will still add to the burgeoning debt as the budget has more spending than revenue (which should always be called tax money received, not revenue).

Republicans, predictably, have no orator, no marketer, and few vessels to explain what they’ve done is indeed pass a bill to extend debt payments.  They can’t sell.

Karine Jean Claude Pepe de la Pierre said just yesterday, “This is something that the president has been saying for five months now, how it is important for Congress to act…”  They have acted.  What percent of America knows that?  Cares?

We don’t even want to keep what we haven’t spent.  Covid ended 18 months ago, but the nation’s Covid emergency status and funding didn’t end until this just past April.  “So, if COVID is now a thing of the past, why is it controversial for us to reclaim the billions of unobligated COVID funds?” asks Rep. Lauren Brobert.

That’s an easy one.  The money can be turned into pet projects which garner election-day votes.

Want to “save” 10k on your next car, buy electric.  More electricity means less gas.  Less gas means fewer Texans with big cowboy hats full of money.  Fewer hats means less money funding the heathens.

Want 10k of your college loan debt reduced?  Raise your hand.

Want more votes?  Reduce border security spending.  Open the border like a sieve and hand the new illegals 300 bucks a week and a hotel room.  Give them paperwork that states that they have a court date in 2027.  No rush.

Let them vote meanwhile if you can.  Maybe Texas will turn blue sooner than later.

It’s all working well.  Ask Joe himself.  “My agenda is bringing back good-paying jobs to communities that’ve been hollowed out and left behind for decades. We’re building an America we can take pride in.”

Meanwhile, Biden walks around telling assembled groups that he’s cut the deficit by 1.7 trillion.  Sometimes he says 1.7 billion.  Sometimes he says 1.7 million.  Big numbers can be confusing.

A pathological liar tells lies and stories that fall somewhere between conscious lying and delusion. They sometimes believe their own lies.

Take a look at any chart over time and see if you can see any year that we haven’t had an increase in the national debt since Clinton.  But don’t take long. You’re wasting your time.

Speaking of time, the national debt clock increased by 41 million dollars since word one above was typed.




One of our senior writers was sitting poolside last evening with a cigar in one hand and two fingers of Maker’s Mark in a glass in the other.  And, it dawned on him.

That’s what they want.  “To be honest, I all but forgot about the 2016 election stink about Trump and his team colluding with the Russians.”    That’s what they want us to do.

Four years of work, sixty million of your taxpayer dollars, and a whole lot of virtual trees produced a “remember all of that subterfuge” moment yesterday.  And to be honest the Durham Report flat out states that a lot of agencies and people involved weren’t too honest.

It’s important to separate the Mueller probe from the Durham Report.

One found that the Russians attempted to influence the presidential election, but found that the Trump campaign had nothing to do with it.

The second one found that the FBI, the DOJ, lovely Hillary Rodham Clinton, Christopher Steele, Peter Strzok, his mistress, and others actually were the ones colluding in an attempt to trump Trump.

If you get enough people to rally behind a cause all willing to lie and you repeat the false claims enough times and with enough volume you too can influence American politics and, more importantly, elections.

Adam Schiff fed CNN weekly.  How many times did he state, “We now have verifiable evidence that Donald Trump conspired with the Russians to influence the election?”  Many.  Minion Eric Swalwell parroted the same time and again.

The author of this debunked 2016 Hillary Clinton lie is currently sitting inside the White House as President Biden’s National Security Advisor.   That’s Jake Sullivan.  He took the Steele Dossier hook, line, and sinker to Team Clinton.

HH, or honest Hillary, tweeted on 10/31/16, “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.”

How about the DNC?  The Durham report states that Clinton General Counsel Marc Elias “declined to be voluntarily interviewed by the Office.” Elias was recently severed by the Democratic National Committee from representation. The campaign was fined by the FEC for his hiding the funding of the whole mess.

Enter the FBI and the DOJ, just not your father’s FBI or DOJ.  The Department of Justice and the FBI did not have “any actual evidence of collusion” between Russian officials and Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, and began their Crossfire Hurricane probe of Trump’s campaign based on “raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence.”

Operation Crossfire Hurricane, as most hurricanes do, left a lot of destruction in the path of its uncontrolled fury.

But they have learned much from this.  “The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented,” the FBI said yesterday.  Timely.

Reforms?  How about doing your job honestly and thoroughly?  No reform is needed, just good people without political agendas.

So what comes of this?  Trump was impeached for a “perfect call” to a guy we’ve since given 200 billion to and again for a messy January 6th insurrection that really wasn’t an insurrection.  Dems don’t play around.

You would like to think that smart people, regardless of affiliation, would recognize the atrocity of all of this and take congressional then legal action against the perps.

But, trust your gut.  The Dems will not.  After all, Schiff needs the Senate seat that Dianne Feinstein doesn’t know that she occupies anymore, Hillary is yesterday’s news, the FBI says it fixed all of its problems, the DOJ doesn’t take kindly to whistleblowers, Biden likely doesn’t even know who Jake Sullivan is when they pass in the White House halls, and Marc Ellis already extended his middle finger.

And the Republicans?

Mitch McConnell will mumble in front of a podium and no one will listen.  Speaker McCarthy will sport a fresh haircut and speak eloquently in front of a podium and not do anything.

And, a splintered party will eventually nominate the target of all of this.   It’s loaded with baggage.  It’s Trump.  And, it is mission accomplished.

Nothing to see here and soon you’ll forget about it anyway.

To be honest.  Or, not.