Our society always yearns for clarity. There are always good guys and bad guys in movies. In debates, we want to know who won or lost. One debate does not an election season make. Regardless, we’ll play along. To the Nevada Democratic Debate scoreboard we go.
Winner– Donald J. Trump. There were no “wow” moments from any Democrat that would cause anyone to look at this race for 2020 any differently. When capitalism v. socialism is being debated you’ve got a problem with the narrative in the bigger picture.
Loser- Michael Bloomberg. He paid to get on the stage and halfway through he likely wanted to pay to get off of the stage no matter the cost. Elizabeth Warren stood next to him. Mini Mike, as Trump calls him, looked small in stature and when Warren traded punches with him on his confidentially settled lawsuits brought by former female employees he looked even smaller. He was attacked by everyone on stage and had few counter punches of note. He looked like he could use a standing eight count at one point.
Winner– Mayor Pete. It is obvious that the moderates (we use that term loosely with this crowd of Mayor Pete, Amy Klobuchar, and Bloomberg) will consolidate down to one at some point. Mayor Pete has poise and stage presence. He speaks eloquently but says little. That actually works in this crowd. His few but pointed attacks had a plan. He had Klobuchar rattled more than once. He has no national record so few attack him. Others are falling around him. Is his inexperience his biggest foe?
Loser- Joe Biden. Joe stood in the middle of the ring and came out of the debate unscathed. That sounds like a winner, but it’s not. Why? Its because no one even bothered to throw a punch at him. This also makes him a loser as his competition has moved on to fight other fighters. Long on experience and relationships around the globe, he constantly reminds us, is no longer the winning ticket to get on the nomination train.
Winner– NBC. The moderators had control for the most part and the questions aimed at most candidates were pointed and debate worthy. The bar for moderators is very low when CNN is your competition, however. Bonus points to them for keeping the far-left MSNBC talking heads at home.
Loser– Elizabeth Warren. Her demeanor was better than her norm. Her aforementioned exchange with Bloomberg was strong. Her fingernails on a chalkboard voice was an octave lower than usual. Sounds like a winner doesn’t it? The problem is Bernie Sanders is the front runner and he is in her lane taking up all of the oxygen. It’s too late for her.
Winner– Bernie Sanders. He admitted that he is a “Democratic Socialist.” He was called out for a 25 trillion dollar gap in his health care plan costs. Yet he lost no ground last evening and remains the front runner. Now he should loudly focus on fixing the Democratic Super Delegate problem that is right in front of him. Bloomberg has money to burn. Bernie should burn down the crooked process.
Loser– The Democratic Party. Having an avowed Socialist leading your process as the capitalistic driven economy rolls along in 2020 is no way to win an election. For the party that prides itself on inclusiveness, last night was a divisive two hour attack on one another.
See you in South Carolina.