That Close

It’s no secret that it’s a fine line in this country between civility and incivility.  Late Saturday afternoon it got as close to crossing over as the distance between former President Donald Trump’s ear and his head.

Luckily for him even more than us, it didn’t.

Who is to blame?  It starts with the deranged 20-year-old who pulled the trigger.  No gun has ever shot anyone.  It needs a human’s finger to pull the trigger.

But, it’s reached a point where that’s only the end result.

For the lone gunman to get to the high point on the roof a mere 130 yards away is a Secret Service failure plain and simple.  As a team, they looked balky(and that’s being kind) trying to surround Trump, move him to the safety of the limo, and whisk him away.

Three female agents looked like unsynchronized swimmers in dire need of floaties.  The relatively new leader of the USSS Kimberly Cheatle is the 27th Director of the U.S. Secret Service, sworn into office on September 17, 2022.  Her publicly stated goal of having 30% female agents ASAP might be ambitious.  How about having the very best candidates regardless of skin color, gender, and sexual orientation?

This was a DEI failure and an abject team job failure overall.  Ms. Cheatle should pay for it with her job.

But they were dealt this dangerous situation by an even deeper hand.

The animous that the left has for Donald Trump is unhinged.  Donald and the right have a hand in egging it on as well.

President Biden took to the airwaves yesterday.  “The political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated. It’s time to cool it down.”

Just last week Biden was trying to rally the deflated Dem donors.  “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. So, we’re done talking about the debate.  It’s time to put Donald Trump in a bullseye.”

You can almost hear him if asked today, “Oh, you know what I meant, come on man!”  Sir, we rarely know what you mean these days.

“Our very democracy is at stake.”  Trump will be a dictator from day one.”  “This is what Hitler did.”    Jeez, somebody better do something about this guy.

And, a very misguided 20-year-old who likely liked blue hair had a hair trigger because somehow he was triggered.  Go figure.

Social media is like watching a long rally in a ping-pong match.  “Gotch ya.”  “No, I got you.”  People only relent when their mom calls them to dinner or the phone battery needs recharging.

The mainstream media personalities are only cheerleaders for their chosen side while constantly castigating the other.

And then there is Hollywood for now.   It will mostly move to Canada if Trump gets reelected.

Kathy Griffin had his decapitated head in her hand.  Tiny Robert De Niro is going to slug him in the face.  Anthony Bourdain wants to poison him.  Madonna wants to blow him up.  Rosie O’Donnell ends it all by throwing him over a cliff even though she can’t see her shoelaces.

Some people believe that these actors are more than just that.

And, let’s be perfectly candid.  There are a lot of not-too-smart people.  And, it only takes one.

Where to from here?

For former President Trump luckily that answer is Milwaukee.  “Fight.”  Fight!”  “FIGHT!”

For America, we wonder.







Whether you only watch CNN in airports while waiting for a DEI-piloted plane, or if you watch them daily, most can agree that the network leans left.

So, when they presented their latest polling data five months before the Nov 2024 elections you can understand the apoplexy.

What was already known is that Biden is fatigued.  But what was discovered is that the Black Community might be increasingly fatigued with Biden.

If we aren’t supposed to see color why do we still recognize communities by color of skin?  We digress.

The CNN poll shows Biden with a 70% to 21% lead over Trump in 2024 with “likely Black voters” currently.  Sounds pretty good for the Dems?

Not so fast.  At the same time in 2020, Biden held an 86% to 7% margin.

If the 70-21 margin held on the actual ballots cast this fall it would be a six-decade low of African Americans supporting the Democratic candidate.  CNN Senior Data Reporter Harry Enten called it “a historic performance in the making” that “leaves me speechless.”

But he went on talking anyway.

When you look at Blacks 50 and older Biden holds an 74 point advantage over Trump down from 83 points in 2020.

But the under-50-year-old lead in 2024 plummets.  The advantage for this age group shrivels from +80 to +37.  In other words, only one-half as many “young uns” favor Biden four years later.  That’s a yuge change as one would say.

Harry shrieked, “The Blacks are leaving Biden in droves.”

The age-old political line is, “Ask yourself if you are better off than you were four years ago.”

For blacks should it be, “Ask yourself if you are better off than 60 years ago?”  While the answer is likely yes, is that gap still far too wide in their minds?

Trump asked Blacks in 2016 to vote for him.  He even uttered, “You’ve been voting one way forever, what have you got to lose?”  Political pundits panned the pandering labeling it racist.  Don’t they always?

But, perhaps unlike the glove the shoe might fit.

Does Biden need to go to the black church of his choice more often?  Maybe student debt forgiveness isn’t enough to buy a vote.  Ten thousand to first-time homeowners isn’t either.

How about a half-black female VP?  Maybe a black female Supreme Court Justice isn’t.

Maybe the historic first black female lesbian Press Secretary won’t get it.  You’ve seen Karine Jean Claude Pepe Le Phew Van Dame Pierre wax eloquently from the podium, haven’t you?

Maybe if we stopped calling “them” the Black Community and realized that interest rates, crime, inflation, wild spending, and illegal immigration impact us all negatively we’d progress.

Maybe CNN is fair and balanced after all.


What have we got to lose?




Lapdogs and Laptops

The sound caused by the gavel bang still resonating in the Delaware courtroom was just slightly louder than the words still ringing in the ears of those present after the jury foreperson spoke yesterday.

Guilty! Guilty!  Guilty!

Three felonious convictions were the verdicts for Hunter Biden on the illegal purchase and ownership of a handgun while addicted to drugs.

That’s impressive in a bad way but falls far short of 34 guilty verdicts for Donald Trump several days ago for what no one knows.

Hunter stood tall and took his medicine like a man the lapdog media said.  Trump, on the other hand, acted like a petulant child crying wee, wee, wee all the way back to Mar-a-Lago.

We’re in rarified air this election cycle.  If you’re scoring at home we have a convicted former president running for office against a sitting president whose son is now a convicted felon as well.

And, you have credible allegations that the sitting one and his family profited greatly by the son’s “job” of extracting foreign money for peddling the influence of one Joseph Biden, aka “the big guy.”

Many folks say there is plenty of evidence of that and other crimes on the infamous Hunter Biden laptop dropped off for repair but never picked up.  Others, 51 in all from various intel agencies that you pay for, signed an official US document that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

The wheels of justice grind slowly especially when the DOJ is in play.

Never mind that Joe Biden’s daughter, and Hunter’s sister, wrote in her diary that she remembers her father taking inappropriate showers with her when she was 10 years old.  “She must be believed!” went out of style when #metoo boomeranged.

If Trump wins the possibility that he goes scorched earth in DC and brings down the long arm of the law or “lawfare” on many hiding in the swamp is very real.  He’s playing with house money in term two.  And, he may utter, “You’re fired,” a time or 50.

If incumbent Biden wins the probability of him pardoning his son Hunter is great. He’s playing with house money in term two.  If Biden loses, he could issue the pardon on his way out of the White House door.

And maybe he should.  After all, in a 2019 interview with CNN, Biden said about his son, “He’s the most honorable and decent person I know.”

Joe, the black church-going Irishman must hang out with a tough crowd, though likely not as tough as the one that ate his uncle.

Can’t everyone grow up?  Well, that’s a problem too.

Biden is 81 and too often acts like he’s 95.

Trump is 77 and too often acts like he’s 5.

The choice is yours………………….. unless Fulton County gets involved again.




EV Anyone? Everyone?

Are you still driving that big gas-guzzling, fossil fuel-emitting vehicle?   Shame on you, Joe Biden says.

Even if you were not one of the early pacers (not the car itself), didn’t you take advantage of the 10k incentive provided by your government to convert to an EV? No?

Well, if the obvious benefit of clean air and the financial incentive didn’t work, the Biden Administration has come up with another conversation starter.

Never mind that over the weekend the Hertz Car Rental CEO lost his job making a too-big bet on EVs.  Never mind that multiple (Audi, Ford, Mercedes, etc) car manufacturers reported disappointing earnings, high EV inventories, and factory cutbacks on production.

This week, the Biden administration is expected to finalize highly anticipated regulations targeting gas-powered vehicle tailpipe emissions, considered the tip of the spear in its efforts to electrify the transportation sector.

The Environmental Protection Agency is slated to issue the final rulemaking — which officials have boasted will incentivize greater adoption of electric vehicles, but which opponents have criticized as a de facto mandate.

We tried to sell you, incentivize you, and now we’ll force you.

“It certainly won’t do anything to improve human health. It won’t do anything to reduce pollution,” American Energy Institute president and CEO Jason Isaac, who has researched the EV market, said in a Sunday interview. “We’ve proven in this country that we’re already a world leader in clean air.”

“All it’s going to continue to do is push the costs of electric vehicles on to purchasers of internal combustion engine vehicles.”  Ah, there it is.

Mind or not, over 75% of the global emissions come from India and China combined.

But, but, BUT!  We have to do our part.  Others will follow.  Surely they will.   Won’t they?

Does this have anything to do with election season being upon us like smoke emanating from an exhaust pipe at a red light on Wilshire Blvd?

“This is purely being done for campaign reasons — to appease the leftist large donor base that are the climate alarmists that are driving this movement towards really what is a forced energy transition,” Isaac added.

“This policy is bad for consumers, the economy, and national security. It will sacrifice our hard-won U.S. energy strength for even greater dependence on China and the EV battery and mineral supply chain China controls,” opined American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers president and CEO Chet Thompson.

So who is right?  Father Biden and our government know best.  Remember how well they nailed that COVID thing?  Boosters and batteries are good for you.

Regardless, we have a ways to go.  According to the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, an industry group representing major automakers, 9.3% of total car purchases in the U.S. last year were electric or plug-in hybrid, up from 7% in 2022.  Most of those were in LA or similar urban areas with short-range driving needs.

EVs remain far more expensive than traditional gas-powered cars. Even factoring in generous federal and state subsidies, the average cost of an EV is about 52k while the average subcompact car costs 24k.

Well, in a Bidenomics sort of way at least they are affordable.

Maybe after we tackle shrinkflation we could tackle EV costs.

Maybe not.


No Debate

Remember the good old days when you went back to school and your second-grade teacher had you write about what you learned on your family vacation?   Didn’t you at least once want to write a single word, “Nothing,” and turn it in?

Remember the good old days when presidential debates actually meant something?  If you watched last night’s Republican Debate didn’t you at least once think this was a whole lot about “nothing,” and turn it off?

Of course, they have more substance than the Democrat’s debates, for there aren’t any.  Although there seems to be considerable debate within the party of Joe Biden’s mental and physical health to run the country for four more years.

There’s actually a debate in some circles about whether he’s running the country now.  But, we digress.

Five fine folks took the stage last evening named DeSantis, Haley, Ramaswamy, Christie, and Scott.  They all trail former President Trump in the polls by roughly 40 gazillion percentage points.

There is no debate in the Trump camp about his need to debate.  He was actually campaigning outside of Miami.

Also absent last evening was his former VP, Mike Pence.  He said last week that “now wasn’t his time.”  The polling to get on the stage wholeheartedly agreed with him.  If not now Mike, when?  A strong guess would be never.

As the crowd dwindles, former NJ Governor Chris Christie now occupies the far left podium and position.  Sometimes his detractors wonder if he is “far left” with his incessant attacks on Trump.

He won’t make the next cut down and will soon vanish like Pence.  At least he can fall back on his day job as a NY bus driver.  Wait, we are being told that is actually Ralph Kramden, not Kris Kreme Christie.

Tim Scott will drop like a dead tree in a forest.  If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, is it sound?

Vivek Ramaswamy was interesting for five minutes.  But, that was five weeks ago.  He talks too fast.  He’s like a petulant child that won’t go quietly into the night.

That’ll leave two, DeSantis and Haley.   Can all of the “never-Trumpers” and supporters of the last one standing actually give Trump a run for his money?  Never say never.

Well, we’re assuming Trump has money left after paying for 20 lawyers in the four states that are trying to convict him of what most still aren’t sure.

Vegas must have Haley as the shortest odds to be the next VP.  Would she want to stand next to The Donald?  She’d obliterate Harris in a VP debate.

Eventually, there will be one standing, and there’ll be one or two debates against the Democratic nominee.  That assumes that Fauci’s lab bats don’t escape and COVID-24 keeps us all indoors wearing masks.

If that were to occur we could watch Biden campaign in front of parked cars, horns blowing in unison agreeing with everything the octogenarian mumbles and stumbles through.

That assumes he actually runs.

America is in good hands.  Maybe.

We just don’t know whose hands.  Definitely.

The next 365 days will be interesting, of that there is no debate.  Absolutely.





Real Change Has a Price

As former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy packs up his office belongings to move down the hall this AM, there is a lot to unpack about how and why he was sent on his not-so-merry way.

First and foremost, remember that it took the Republicans 17 different votes to give him the gavel to begin with. You can call that a lot of things, but “mandate” isn’t one of them.

McCarthy agreed to a single vote “motion to vacate” to ascend to the Speakership to begin with.  He got the carrot, but the handful of votes that came with it still carried the stick.  Yesterday they used it.

Why?  This is where it gets complicated.  The simple answer is that enough Republicans felt like he was acting like a uniparty swamp RINO even though he swore to be otherwise.

You can call them MAGA Republicans, ultra-conservatives, malcontents, or even ass@#%*$ as one of our more fervent readers did late last evening.

But, can you blame those further to the right if they truly believe what they are doing for the country is the right thing?

The Democrats agreed.   They voted unanimously to oust McCarthy.  Well, of course, they did.  This morning the words disarray, chaotic, and worse are hurled at the Republicans.  It’s always a great day to knock down a rook on the political chessboard.

They always vote unanimously.  But, they have their factions too.  Bernie is a socialist.  The Squad is, well, The Squad.  Sheila Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters are tubas in the wind section of the band Nancy and The Blowhards.

But, is always voting unanimously good for the country?  Or, is it always good for your party?  Or, is it always good for your political career?  Ah, yes.  Now we’re getting somewhere.  If you want that DNC or RNC money and support to help your reelection campaign, vote accordingly.

It wasn’t always this way.  A great example is back in 1991 when the full Senate voted 52–48 to confirm now Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.  In all, Thomas won with the support of 41 Republicans and 11 Democrats, while 46 Democrats and 2 Republicans voted to reject his nomination.

That’s when independent thinking was still in style, allowed, and even preferred.

Do you know that Matt Gaetz, the unflappable smug leader of the malcontents takes zero dollars in PAC money and less from lobbyists?  He sounds like an outsider that insiders would prefer stay outside of the Capitol.

You like sausage, but you want to pass on seeing how it’s made.  Yesterday, the meat grinder setting was on high.

If you want real change in DC you’re really up against it.  Ask Trump.

“We have no Speaker!” Egads!

One could argue that we have no minority leader in the Senate either.  Mitch McConnell, you say?  Please.

And, one could argue that we have no President.  Joe Biden, you say?  Ahem.

The House is in recess for a week.  We’ll get to another speaker.  And, the process might be as cantankerous as this last one was.

Sometimes real change is really hard.





The Pretend Fight

In 2018 Joe Biden announced he was running for president. When asked why, he emphatically said, “It’s a battle for our nation’s soul.” In other words, “embrace our vision.”

Last week, Nancy Pelosi announced that she was running for reelection as the representative from Cali District 11.  She said she has to as “we are in a fight for our democracy.”  She may have been the accelerant for J6, and she’ll use it to her advantage as long as her 83-year-old soul lives.

Always give the Dems credit.  They craft a catchy “cause” phrase, define it in their own self-interests, tell the media to run with it, and sell it way better than their friends from the other side of the aisle.

We assume our nation’s soul and our democracy would include open and fair elections.

Is the Democratic Party open to a fair process this go around? Does their democracy in the “fight for our democracy” include the opportunity for all voices to be heard, or just voices that see the nation’s soul the way they do?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wonders as well.  He hinted strongly last Friday that he would run for president on a third-party ticket instead of continuing his long-shot primary challenge to President Biden.  The DNC shut down the “democratic” election process months and months ago.

Free speech sometimes has a hard time finding its way onto an expensive stage.

No debate, no opposition.  It’s Biden 2024. Or, bust.

Or, is it?

Maybe RFK sees the country’s soul and democracy fight differently than the establishment does.  RFK’s move set off alarms among Democrats worried about its potential to cause chaos in November 2024.

The establishment has “established” folks like Biden and Pelosi.  They’ve been “doing the people’s work” in DC since 1972 and 1987 respectively.  If you’re counting, that’s 87 years of combined fine service.

Lieutenants Harris and Buttigieg fell directly in line when asked four years ago.  For that, they got high-profile jobs that they were immensely not qualified for.

What do we do with this RFK guy?   He seems like a rogue one that has little interest in being bought and paid for.  Worse yet, he thinks on his own.

Ah, how about we have Gavin Newsom at the ready, yet only emerging from the shadows enough to show his pearly whites now and again? He’s bought all in.

In the fight for our democracy, we need a promotable lieutenant in case our president were to take a nasty fall ascending a staircase or exiting a stage.

Or worse, he could pull a Dianne Feinstein.  She was well established too and a spry 90.

Too soon?





Hurricane DC

If you’re still driving around wearing a mask have we got good news for you?

The White House on Friday launched the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, half a year after Congress instructed the administration to set up a new arm in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

It is a now-permanent installment in Washington and will first be led by retired Major General Paul Friedrichs, a longtime biosecurity official. It comes roughly two months after the Covid-19 public health emergency ended and weeks after Covid-19 response coordinator Ashish Jha stepped down, reflecting an overall wind-down of the administration’s coronavirus efforts.

Just in time!

Pandemics are like hurricanes.  You know another one is coming.  Best be prepared.  You don’t know exactly where and when it will hit.  And, they both get named by the government.

There was Alpha and our favorite Delta AY.4.2 amongst many other COVID-19 variants that caused us to run to CVS for a booster or three.  Hurricanes Katrina, Ike, and Sandy needed no boosters, strong on their own accord.

Permanent installments in DC grow like hurricanes as well.  They start small, grow into an unstoppable fury, and leave a mess behind time and again.

After 9/11 the Transportation Security Administration was created.  It’s now a permanent installment as well.

As of the fiscal year 2020, the TSA operated on a budget of approximately $7.7 billion and employed over 47,000 Transportation Security Officers, Behavior Detection Officers, Transportation Security Specialists, Federal Air Marshals, and other security personnel.  The FY 2023 Budget is 34% higher at $10.3B and manned(or womanned) by 60,652 positions or 29% more fine government workers.

That’s Bidenomics!  Grow the government from the bottom up and the middle out.

Don’t you feel safer?  Remember to take off your shoes before going through the airport gauntlet, please.

You’d think that the combo of WHO, NIH, FDA, and the CDC would be able to handle the next time some Chinese bats take flight.  Or did it escape from the lab Anthony?

But, no.  It is time, or past time really, for another arm to be added to the many in DC there to serve you.

Thank goodness Biden and Kamala are urging the wealthy to pay their fair share.  As they remind us, there is still work to do.

Maybe the government is the virus, after all, it spreads just like a pandemic does.

Unfortunately, like COVID, there does not seem to be an effective vaccine to eliminate its growth.




Win Big and Go Home.

It’s right below the Republican elephant’s nose trunk and they can’t see it.  It’s the winning ticket for 2024.

No, it’s not Trump and Kari Lake.  No, it’s not DeSantis and Tulsi Gabbard.  Oh God no, it’s not Pence and anyone.

It’s term limits.  That’s right.  Run against yourself.  Limit your time there.

Think about it.

Any poll that you can find shows a great majority of Americans feel that Biden is too old or incompetent or both and should not run again.

Octogenarians are everywhere in DC.  Bernie Sanders is older than Colonel Sanders.  Nancy Pelosi participated in the original test group for Poly Grip.  Mitch McConnell is the older brother of the Smith Brothers Cough Drops brothers.  Maxine Waters was there when Moses parted the red sea waters.

Joe Biden is an original signer of the Declaration of Independence.  “No joke.  Listen, folks.  I’m serious.  John Hancock and I used to go to black churches together.”

It’s all quite stale.  And, old.

Even polarizing Ted Cruz sees it.  He introduces a bill in the Senate every two years post elections to limit both sides of the House to 12 years in office.  And every two years congressmen and congresswomen and those who identify otherwise vote to keep their jobs for longer than that.

And, as Americans, we sit around and complain about the cronyism.  Yet, we don’t demand action.

The Dems smartly will have their big issues front and center.  You know them.

Let’s end racism!  This a battle for our democracy.  The rich should pay their fair share.  Abortion is a right!  The LGBTQA+2 deserves equal rights.  It’s a war on women.  Teachers deserve a raise!  Let’s pass sensible gun legislation!  We have to build an economy from the bottom up, and the middle out (can anyone, anyone explain that one?).

The Republicans could run on “you don’t like us and you don’t like them.  Let us do our job and send us home.”

That’s what they did in the horse and buggy days.  They voted as quickly as they could and got back home to tend to their real job.  Representing was representing. It wasn’t a permanent meal ticket in and out of Dulles International and in and out of lobbyists’ pockets.

Say it loud and proud, “Vote for me, and I’ll go to Washington to vote against me!”

Inflation, border, foreign policy, debt issues, and Biden’s mental and physical health issues are there for the taking.  We can (maybe) assume they’ll get that messaging right.

But, it’s past time to up the ante on keen marketing.

And, it is past time for term limits.

$31,802, 940,127,334

Rule # 1.  Follow the Money.

Rule # 2.  See rule number 1.

A week from today America either defaults on its debt obligations, or it doesn’t.   It won’t.  The worst case is that both parties will agree to kick the can down the road as it has many times before.

Whether the Republican-controlled House and the Democratic-occupied (when not in Delaware) White House come to an agreement or not boils down to who gets what, as in who gets how much funding for what in the coming budget year(s).

Then that team can declare victory.  Usually, both teams declare victory even in defeat.

It’s a modified version of a previously modified version of The Golden Rule.  This version is he who makes the rules hands out the gold.

And, for the last three decades, we’ve been handing out a lot more gold than we’ve taken in.  Thirty-two trillion ($31,802,899,784,128 to be exact when we began writing) more and counting.

America doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.

Who’s fault is it?  It’s everyone’s fault.  Too few folks from all walks of life and the government demand action.

Money buys votes.  Money buys more money to campaign with when you give it to industries.

The House has already passed a bill to fund the debt.  With it comes freezes on spending in the coming years at the level we spent in 2022.

Democrats run out to the always-available mainstream media hacks microphones and scream that the elephants are going to starve children, kill the homeless, and give tax breaks to the rich.

Elizabeth Warren has no reservations(except where she should qualify to live) about asking for a wealth tax.  We need more gold.  That boils down to taxing what has been taxed.  It’s Robin Hood all over again.

Democrats call freezes “cuts.”  They aren’t.  They just aren’t increases.  And, they will still add to the burgeoning debt as the budget has more spending than revenue (which should always be called tax money received, not revenue).

Republicans, predictably, have no orator, no marketer, and few vessels to explain what they’ve done is indeed pass a bill to extend debt payments.  They can’t sell.

Karine Jean Claude Pepe de la Pierre said just yesterday, “This is something that the president has been saying for five months now, how it is important for Congress to act…”  They have acted.  What percent of America knows that?  Cares?

We don’t even want to keep what we haven’t spent.  Covid ended 18 months ago, but the nation’s Covid emergency status and funding didn’t end until this just past April.  “So, if COVID is now a thing of the past, why is it controversial for us to reclaim the billions of unobligated COVID funds?” asks Rep. Lauren Brobert.

That’s an easy one.  The money can be turned into pet projects which garner election-day votes.

Want to “save” 10k on your next car, buy electric.  More electricity means less gas.  Less gas means fewer Texans with big cowboy hats full of money.  Fewer hats means less money funding the heathens.

Want 10k of your college loan debt reduced?  Raise your hand.

Want more votes?  Reduce border security spending.  Open the border like a sieve and hand the new illegals 300 bucks a week and a hotel room.  Give them paperwork that states that they have a court date in 2027.  No rush.

Let them vote meanwhile if you can.  Maybe Texas will turn blue sooner than later.

It’s all working well.  Ask Joe himself.  “My agenda is bringing back good-paying jobs to communities that’ve been hollowed out and left behind for decades. We’re building an America we can take pride in.”

Meanwhile, Biden walks around telling assembled groups that he’s cut the deficit by 1.7 trillion.  Sometimes he says 1.7 billion.  Sometimes he says 1.7 million.  Big numbers can be confusing.

A pathological liar tells lies and stories that fall somewhere between conscious lying and delusion. They sometimes believe their own lies.

Take a look at any chart over time and see if you can see any year that we haven’t had an increase in the national debt since Clinton.  But don’t take long. You’re wasting your time.

Speaking of time, the national debt clock increased by 41 million dollars since word one above was typed.