Nothing to See Here.

The bodies of the six victims in yesterday’s Nashville Christian School shooting hadn’t even cooled down yet before the rapidly evolving and bickering US public began throwing haymakers assigning blame for this latest senseless loss of life.

Using “hadn’t even cooled down yet” to describe the deceased would have been looked at as a macabre way of writing just a decade or so back.  But, in today’s desensitized and divided world, it’s just another keystroke or 24.

And, therein might lie the root of our problems.  We can see almost anything live thanks to cameras and streaming video everywhere, jump on our favorite social media platform and comment, lie in wait for the side that opposes us to counterpunch, then remark in horror that “they” could be so insensitive to our way of thinking.

Three years ago during those early coronavirus times, every dumb commercial told us that we were “all in this together” and this was our “new normal.”

Well, we’ve all always been in this together and our new normal is the same as it has always been.  It is what we as a society are willing to accept or encourage.

We accepted the two weeks to break the curve and jabbed a vaccine that did little good.  Now we are learning that it might have done us more harm than good.

Some are still wearing a mask.  Normal?

For years now we have fed the homeless, clothed the homeless, and on cold nights sheltered the homeless.  Prez Biden should whisper, “folks, we have a mental health problem, no joke!”   A few cities even put some up in hotels and charge the taxpayer.  That’ll solve it.

We video fistfights in an attempt to be the first to post them on Instagram.  Why would you attempt to break it up before someone gets seriously hurt when likes and clicks are at stake?  You can’t pray in the classroom but you can video your teacher having to go a few rounds with an aggressive student.

We see countless numbers of videos of in-store mob thefts, see store employees trained to let the culprits go, and have DAs from coast to coast that won’t charge anyone for crimes.  Society’s inaction encourages more of this behavior.  And, more we will get.

We accept that people want their own pronouns.  It’s now “normal” for two genders to have 44 different pronouns.

Some even identify as various animals.  Sounds fine.    No attention seekers.  No mental disorders.  Nothing to see here.

Last week Jane Fonda went on national TV and encouraged people to kill Christians.  Yesterday it happened.   Was that why this happened?

CNN spent half of the day trying to figure out which pronouns to use to describe the sick one that killed six someones.   All 1,459 of their viewers deserve accurate reporting.  This is CNN!

The trans community was supposed to hold a Trans Vengeance Day this weekend.  One started early.

Many pointed out that Tennessee has taken a strong stance against development-blocking meds and early gender reassignment surgery.  Was that why this happened?

He/she/they/them and all of us are wrong when complying.

After his afternoon nap and some drivel about his favorite ice cream, Joe Biden asked Congress to pass that important assault weapon ban bill all over again.  Remember, it’s the guns that kill, not the mentality that we embrace and accept of the shooters that kill people.

We yearn for the good old days of orange-dyed hair, tattoos from head to toe, gauges in lobes, piercings galore, war protests, social injustice, CHAZ, and mostly peaceful protests(but not J6).

One bright spot is that VP Kamala Harris is in Africa this week.  She’s searching the globe to find the root cause of the immigration crisis facing our southern border.

She does identify as she doesn’t she?



They’ve All Got It Wrong

In a quest to make you think their side is right, they’ve all got it wrong.

To put it mildly, January 6th, 2021 wasn’t the best day in our country’s history.  We doubt that you need a reminder, but it was what is now called Insurrection Day.

What went wrong leading up to the angry mob entering the Capitol Building, while in the building, and afterward?  Everything.

Then President Trump put himself before the country by denying the election results.  We’re still waiting for credible evidence of that at a level that would be meaningful.

Too many of his followers are followers and not clear thinkers and decided to cross a (fence) line.  Once there, there is no going back.

Trump knew as much and asked Nancy Pelosi days before if she wanted him to activate the National Guard to help with the protest control.  She declined.  Trap set.

Once inside the building, more of them looked like the joggers that ran behind Forrest Gump when old Forrest decided to stop in the middle of nowhere.  Now what? Stupid and harmless.

Did the government actively participate in whipping the crowd into the fervor it took to storm/push/walk casually in?  Was Ray Epps a paid FBI informant?  The select committee of all Democrats plus Liz Cheney says no.  The hard right says yes and supposedly Epps will testify as such in the new House’s investigation.

Have numerous judges doled out sentences for what amounts to trespassing for some participants seem harsh?  When you watch the daily blatant theft and violence that numerous cities now fail to arrest much less prosecute for the answer seems like “hell yes.”

Did the Dem stacked committee shape the story by selectively showing us footage inside?  You bet they did.  It’s called political theater.

Rep Josh Hawley is seen running for his life in the committee’s opportunistic edited video and laughed at for doing so.  It turns out that he was following a crowd, not leading nor acting independently, that was following the police’s command.

The repeated and repeated story that Capitol Police Officer Sicknick was shot and killed during the riot(do you prefer insurgence?) is not true. Footage shows him alive and working through the day.

His family will tell you that the stress that this caused in turn caused him to stroke and die the next day.  That may be the true cause of his passing, and it may not.

Once Kevin McCarthy got the gavel after four failed votes he released all of the thousands of hours of video.  He released it exclusively to Fox Show Host Tucker Carlson. His standing with the far right needed a boost.

Tucker and the team created a two-part special examining the video from his point of view.  Surely his ratings will get a boost, too.

In other words, the Dems hired a former TV producer (yes they did) to help them televise the hearings that weren’t hearings, but the Republicans effectively hired a TV show with a producer to televise what they want you to see and hear.

And, like the minions that they are, the not fair and balanced networks immediately attacked Tucker’s talking points.  They said he omitted the violent confrontations but showed the protester’s calmness once inside.  They’re right.

But, they’re the same ones that have a TV reporter on the ground in St. Louis telling you that the protests are mostly peaceful all the while a now windowless Mickey D’s is ablaze in the background.  And, for that, they are wrong.

Everyone wants to tell you that they’re right because the “other side” is wrong.

See it my way.  See it my way.  It’s the only way.  Otherwise, I’m offended.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Neither do two dozen.



Trial Balloon

The story doesn’t end when the air went pssst from the Chinese Spy Balloon(CSB) late Saturday afternoon.  The story behind the story is really the story.  And, it has just begun.

Journalism 101 teaches that four questions must be answered along the way.  Who?  What?  When?  Where?  It also teaches us that two other questions should be answered as well.  Why?  How?

The American public has few answers.  The American public still has many questions.

First, we pose some serious ones.

Why wasn’t the CSB shot out of the air as it first entered American air space?  Was it for the safety of those below due to the debris field?  The balloon traversed over Alaska first. It doesn’t get much more uninhabited than for long empty stretches of Alaska.

When did American intelligence first know about it?  If it was launched from China’s mainland as was floated(pardon the pun) yesterday then was it close to two weeks ago?

When was President Biden first informed of the CSB?  He was braggadocious telling the eager press yesterday that he “ordered” the military on Wednesday to take it out as soon as they felt it was safe.  How long did it take for him to decide?  And, why?

Would this all have been kept hush-hush until citizens in Montana spotted it and local TV ran with it?  Only Karine Jean Claude Van Damme Pepe Le Pugh Pierre knows and we’re guessing she’ll “have to circle back with us on that.”

Why was it strategically steered to avoid Russia?  This one is easy.  It would have been shot down immediately with the one bullet Putin has left from the war in Ukraine.

Why was it steered to avoid Ukraine?  This one is easy, too.  It would have been shot down immediately by Zelenskyy with one of the millions of bullets we paid for in the war with Russia.

Was the apparatus equipped with transmitting devices?   Did it capture everything it needed by the time it left the South Carolina coast yesterday?  Of course, it was.  And, of course, it did.

Why did we use a missile to obliterate the CSB?  Wouldn’t it be better if the parts weren’t smashed to smithereens and scattered over a seven-mile debris field 45 feet under salt water?

Why cancel Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s planned trip this week to China?  We blinked.  Sending him over to go face-to-face is stronger than folding your cards.

And, now a few not-so-serious ones.

Would Biden have acted sooner if he knew the balloon was unvaccinated?  Maybe he would have ordered multiple shots.  Boosters too.

Is this the first time in two years that Biden has paid any attention to inflation?

Is Border Czar VP Kamala Harris headed to China to find out the root cause of this border breach?

Did we fear that it was a modern-day Trojan Horse and thousands of Chinese soldiers with parachutes would drop out and invade?

Did the one military general who jokingly suggested that it might be a giant pinata get sent directly to diversity, inclusion, and equality training?

Did the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, endorse the hot air balloon as clean energy travel?  Or, did he call the balloon “racist infrastructure” due to its lily-white color?

Did we even get a chance to learn what pronouns the balloon goes by before it went bye-bye?

It’s better for the mind and the soul to poke fun at this when we take seven days to poke a hole in a spy balloon.

But, seriously, how does China feel about the end result of the trial balloon it floated to test Biden’s strength and resolve?  Mission accomplished.

But, write this down.  On Tuesday, during his State of the Union address, Biden (aka the Big Guy) will take credit for his swift action and strong stance against China.  And, 200-plus members of Congress will stand, cheer, and clap fervently.

It’s all a bunch of hot air.





A House Divided

Today is day two.  Yesterday was day one- the First Session of the 118th United States Congress commenced with Members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives in attendance.

Like going back to school, everything was new.  Pencils are long and freshly sharpened.  Notebooks have nothing but white pages and the spiral is still binding.  You can clearly read the words “on” and “off” on the on/off button of your TI 30 calculator.  Chewed bubble gum stuck under the desks is but a thought for the future.  Hope filled the chambers.

It was business as usual in the Senate.  But in the House, a few malcontents on the new majority side want this session to be anything but business as usual.  They took out their erasers.

Nearly two hundred of their Republican colleagues voted not once but thrice to elect Kevin McCarthy as Speaker. But, led by Rep (R) Matt Gaetz of Florida nearly 20 voted present, which means “I’m here, but I not supporting McCarthy until he gives us a more conservative approach to include what we want in this year’s agenda.”

Gaetz said, “if you want to drain the swamp you cannot put the biggest alligator in charge!”

So “nothing got done in the House” on day one.

Is that a bad thing?  Maybe less government is a good thing?  Didn’t the House with the help of 18 or so turncoat Republican Senators pass a $1.7 trillion Omnibus Bill late in December to keep us running ever so smoothly into the new year?

That was so 2022.  What have you done for me lately?  Already, do we need more pork, committees, investigations, Covid boosts, and Trump tax returns?

Those tax returns were a big fat greasy nothing burger, weren’t they? We digress.

The timing is dripping with irony (or planning).  President Joe Biden and the biggest RINO of all, Mitch McConnell, are taking a victory lap across a bridge together in Kentucky today celebrating the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Bill passed in 2021.

New house Minority leader (D) Hakeem Jeffries thinks yesterday’s vote, and vote, and vote was a bad thing.  He tweeted “it’s day one and we Democrats have our House in order and are ready to go to work. The Republicans aren’t.”

He got every vote of the 212 cast by Dems to be the Speaker.  Of course, he did.  And, therein lies the lie.  If the Dems were ready to go to work WITH the other side, surely one of them would have seen fit to vote for McCarthy?  Or, maybe could one find a way to vote present?

One?  Just one?

Of course, they won’t.  Dems never divide.  It’s one of their strengths.  But, this time their strength isn’t in enough numbers.  Jeffries is seven votes shy of the 219 needed.  He’ll never get there.

That the Republicans take time to get their house in order is such a big deal.  It’s a failure.  It’s the end of the world.  Except it isn’t.

See what they did there?  Every one of them voted against McCarthy.  But, heaven forbid that 19 or so Elephants essentially did as well.  They actually partially agreed with the Donkeys about McCarthy and they get chastised for it.

“A house divided cannot stand,” said one Abraham Lincoln.  Except this House divided can stand.  It has.  And, it will.

Is Jim Jordan the bridge to get the Republicans all on one side?

Time and politics will tell.

Meanwhile, today it’s time for two septuagenarians savvy at politics to tell us how great Mitch’s bridge to get Mitch’s vote will be.

Wink. Wink.





Sailor’s Warning

That red wave promised yesterday morning should have been a Republican sailor’s warning.  And, while the Democrats can’t sing “blue skies, nothing but blue skies, over me” just yet, they can certainly see a silver lining in the dark clouds.

What exactly just happened?  Or, what continues to happen today as those who can’t count continue to count?

What happened was America voted.  And, despite what many polls identified as major flaws in how they were running the country, they voted for a lot of the same as what they voted for two years ago.

Does that make sense?  Of course, it doesn’t.

If you were shocked that Trump came from no political background to win it all in 2020, you had to be shocked about last night into this morning.

Here’s what we know happened, and a few guesses on why it happened.

There is no red wave.  Yes, the odds favor the House turning red by a slim margin.  And the Senate could as well by the ever so slimmest of margins.  Or, it might stay purple.  Or it might turn blue.   That is not a red wave.

Ron DeSantis sailed far and away as the biggest winner on the Republican side.  He won four years ago by the slimmest of margins for his first term as governor.  It was a blitzkrieg this time.  He motored through Miami-Dade county, a 12-point Biden win county, in the most impressive of fashions.  He has to be considered the Republican frontrunner for 2024.

Has the population growth in Florida, mostly from the northeast and accelerated by covid hysteria, come in as transplanted conservatives?

Pennsylvania can’t count.  Also, they elected John Fetterman.  Sometimes if you have nothing nice to say you should say nothing at all.

Will Beto O’Rourke and Stacey Abrams finally go away?

Beto got a veto in Texas.  He’s ‘oh for” in his last three election at-bats.  In Texas, you don’t say out loud that you’re coming for the guns.

Abrams said last night that she’ll continue to do everything she can to right all of the wrongs in Georgia.  Sounds good until the DNC money goes elsewhere.

Arizona can’t count either.  And, they have broken machines in Maricopa County supposedly.  Does anyone think to give them a test run a few months back?  No.

And, if they don’t elect Kari Lake it will be the second biggest surprise of November.  She trails 51-49 with nearly 2/3rds counted this AM.

Republican leadership, we say again, is nonexistent, old, tired, white, and selfish.  Young adults aren’t buying what they are selling.

Mitch McConnell and his PAC cronies had a game plan.  Mike Tyson said everyone has a plan until they get hit.  McConnell and the RNC got pummeled.

The polls got it all wrong again.  Like the Republican leadership, it’s past time for them to look at their flawed ways.  They didn’t get to Trump voters in 2016.  And, they likely whiffed on Gen Z in 2022.  Calling landline numbers might be past its prime.  Get a TikTok account already.

Could control of the Senate come down to Georgia again in a Senate runoff?  Herschel Walker was once a hell of a running back.  There are holes in his candidacy as big as the ones his Bulldogs used to create for him to run through though.

So where does all of this leave one Donald J. Trump?  Today it is Mar-a-Lago.  Tomorrow it’s likely in some court.  By 2024, it’s likely on stage gunning for the White House.  The Dems can’t wait.

One thing about the weather “they” say.  It’s always changing.

The forecast from here till 2024 looks tough to call.   Red wave?  Blue Sky?  One fish, two fish.

Blame it on climate change if you wish.




Frick and Frack

They were out in all of their glory doing what they think they do best last evening for their respective parties.  Trump and Biden.  Biden and Trump.

Donald Trump was in Ohio at a rally of his own, promising a major announcement on November 15th.  He even spent some time attacking Ohio Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Tim Ryan and boosting his GOP opponent JD Vance.

Meanwhile a few states over in Maryland, Biden headlined a last-minute get-out-the-vote rally at Bowie State University, stumping for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wes Moore.

Trump didn’t call anybody in his party a bad nickname.  Biden forgot the want to be governor’s name.

On his best behavior, as he went through poll numbers at the rally, Trump did not call Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “Ron DeSanctimonious” as he did at a recent rally.

“And, of course, you got that next governor. What’s his name? Wes… Wes…,” Biden said, turning to the audience as they held up “Wes Moore” signs.  “Wes Moore!” Biden said after reading a sign. “The guy’s the real deal, man.”

So on midterm election eve with a possible red wave on the horizon, you had an orange face stumping for himself and an ashen face who might be singing the blues hours from now just plain stumped.

The questions are “why now” for Trump and “why” period for Biden.  Haven’t we reached a point where we can agree on one thing?  That thing is one past president and a past prime current president are both more harmful than good for their sides’ cause.

It may have been fun to label Marco Rubio “Lil Marco” six years ago. How about “low energy Jeb?” Some smart money is now on DeSantis and calling him “DeSanctimonious” doesn’t draw the laughs these days.

It may have been fun for 81 million people to bounce Trump in favor of Biden two years ago.  Today that choice will cost the left the House for sure and the Senate is at best a toss-up.

Things are bad around these 50 states, or 54 if you ask Joe.  Only an ostrich can’t see that.  DeSantis and Newsom can.

The for-sure Republican that will get a Democrat elected to the White House in 2024 is Trump.  The for-sure Democrat that insures a Republican will move in is Biden.  Kamala is a very close second, but we digress.

The RNC and the DNC have quite a job on their hands.  The former needs to convince an egomaniac that it’s in the party’s best interest that he should have no interest in running.  The latter needs to finesse a sitting president and vice president straight to the curb.

That fact will never become clear enough in Trump’s cranium for him to see it.  That fact should become clear to Biden around 10 pm tonight assuming he’s awake and cognitive enough to see it.

Americans coast to coast can see it.  Especially the smart ones.

Toward the beginning of his speech last night, Biden reminded some just how smart they were.  He told the mostly Black audience at the historically Black university that – despite them not having the endowments other schools have – they were “just as smart” and “just as bright.”  Pandering much?



Good Night Everyone

John Fetterman stumbled and bumbled through his debate last evening with Dr. Oz for the Pennsylvania Senate seat.  At least he has an excuse.  If his family, friends, and for that matter the DNC had a conscience, they would follow the science.

Speaking of doctors and following the science, Joe Biden, the CDC, and the NIH seem to be stumbling and bumbling with this pesky covid 19 pandemic.

It started about a year ago right now when the President, who stumbles and bumbles a bit himself, said, “For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.”  Looking back that seems overstated.

By June of this year, he was promoting a safe vaccine for children ages five and under.

The President then pivoted in a 60 Minutes interview in early September. “We still have a problem with Covid. We’re still doing a lotta work on it. But the pandemic is over. If you notice, no one’s wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape.”

And, yesterday, in remarks on Covid, before he rolled up his sleeve for yet another booster he said, ” Americans have a choice as to how bad COVID-19 could be this winter.”  He also warned, yet again, that more people are likely to die.    Maybe we aren’t in pretty good shape?

Giving a boost to the booster effort he continued, “It’s incredibly effective, but the truth is, not enough people are getting it,” Biden said.  “Now we need a shot just once a year.

Noticeably absent was CDC Director Rochelle Walensky from the group gathered to support Biden and his remarks.   Last Friday night the good Dr. Walensky tested positive for COVID-19.  She is up to date with her vaccines.  Consistent with CDC guidelines, she is isolated at home.

Remember, it’s incredibly effective.

Dr. Anthony Fauci was behind the President and smiling from ear to ear.  He misses the spotlight ever so much.  With Cuomo and Lemon off of CNN at night and Rachael Maddow seldom seen on MSNBC most evenings now, his path to a live camera to tell us “I am the science” is tougher.

Will Dr. Oz defeat Fetterman in two weeks?  If he does, the Senate is one big step closer to Republican control.

And, if they get that control, another good doctor will find a path to a live camera.  Dr. Rand Paul promises a full Senate investigation by the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions into the origin, treatment, payouts, and results of the last three years of the virus and the subsequent billions of jabs to save us all.

Susequently, that will get Dr. Fauci plenty of the live air time he covets whether he wants it then, or not.

“Goodnight everyone,” Fetterman said as the debate began last evening.

Kudos to him for stumbling into correctly reading the exhausted American psyche.

We’re all looking for a few good nights right about now.



The Germans Bombed Pearl Harbor

President Joe Biden and CBS’ 60 Minutes got together for an interview (we use that term loosely these days) that aired Sunday night.  We believe his performance landed somewhere in between two other great theatrical performances.

On the high side, it landed just below John Belushi playing Bluto in the 1980 hit Animal House.

Bluto: “What? Over? Did you say ‘over’? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!”

Biden:  “The pandemic is over.”  We still have a problem with Covid.   But people aren’t wearing masks anymore.  People are in pretty good shape.”

On Monday the White House was power walking that utterance back.  CNN, “the most trusted name in news,” reported yesterday that the White House says that its Covid-19 policy is unchanged despite Biden’s comments that the pandemic is over.

In interviews, six administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment said the president’s statement would probably make it harder to persuade people to get shots or secure new money from Congress, noting those efforts have already lagged behind their goals.

Maybe those in the military who didn’t get the jab or four can get back to defending the country?  Maybe we can stop suspending loan payments? Another round of noninflationary covid-19 stimulus checks anyone?  Etc.

In other words, it’s hard to keep giving away money and telling the same lie if the leader doesn’t go along with it. Maybe the White House can’t handle the truth?

So, on the low side, it landed just above Jack Nicholson playing Colonel Jessup in the 1992 drama A Few Good Men.

Colonel Jessup: “You can’t handle the truth.”

Interviewer: “The stock market dove 1300 points.  People are shocked by their grocery bills.  What can you do better and faster?”  Biden: “Let’s put this in perspective.  The inflation rate month to month is up hardly at all.  It was 8.2. or 8.2 before.  You’re making it sound like it went to 8.2 all of a sudden.  It hasn’t spiked in the last several months.  It’s been just barely, um, it’s been basically even.”

It’s scary to even ask this, but “how many people in America think that if inflation hovers around 8.2% annualized month to month that it’s barely going up?”

Does Biden and the White House actually believe the math salad that they are serving the country?  Or, do they believe America is too dumb to understand, so they buy this BS line just like they’ll stand in line to pay more for groceries?

Your physical health is way better, they just don’t want you to think so.  Your financial health is way worse, they just don’t want you to think so.  The 2022 midterms loom.

When Bluto ran out of the frat house no one followed him.  Today, far too many would.

Do the history books today teach us that it was indeed the Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor?  Today, we can’t handle the truth.




18 Doses of Common Sense

Do you know who John Kennedy is?  Nope, not that one.  Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana.

Senator Kennedy graduated Magna cum Laude in political science, philosophy, and economics from Vanderbilt,  and was president of his senior class. He received his law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law where he was an executive editor of the “Virginia Law Review” and was elected to the Order of the Coif. He earned a Bachelor of Civil Law degree with first-class honors from Oxford University in England.

Sounds impressive, doesn’t it?  It is.  But, what is more impressive is the written and spoken words that emanate from his cranium.  Add a dose of that slow southern drawl and the cat that swallowed the canary look, and you’ve got a bonafide “man of the people” personality.

Oh, and two more things.  He doesn’t bite his tongue, and he’s as funny as they come.

Sample a dozen and a half of his gems below.  Pure gold.







































We could use about 99 more like him in that chamber of Congress if you ask this writer.

Pure gold, we say again.







If You Fall Off of a Horse

During one of the Democratic Party’s nomination debates, then-candidate and now President, braggadocious Joe Biden claimed that he was the one that Vladimir Putin wanted nothing to do with.  “I’ve stood toe to toe with him and looked him in the eye,” he said, or words similarly intended, but a bit garbled.

He also told us that he had a plan to combat the coronavirus while the sitting president did not.   Though for better or worse, Trump’s Operation Warp Speed was full speed ahead by the fourth quarter of 2020.

Soon enough thereafter, also for better or worse, 81 million votes were counted for Joe.  “The most ever,” we’ve been told.

Fast forward to today, 18 months after he took office, and take a look around.

Shaking in his boots, Putin invaded Ukraine right away.  Biden has sent well over $40 billion in aid and weapons as he continues to stand toe to toe with Putin. Then, in a late Friday news dump, the Biden administration said that it will send another $400 million in military equipment to Ukraine, including four more advanced rocket systems.

What’s the end game?  “I don’t know how it’s going to end, but it will not end with a Russian defeat of Ukraine in Ukraine,” Biden said last week.  Eye to eye, this guy is.

Just wait till we get the bill to build Ukraine back better.

On the virus front, it seems like the man with the plan has seen the plan go awry.  He’s weirdly whispered into the mic a few dozen times, though not recently, “Get vaccinated, get boosted.  Now!”

We wonder if it works, why do we need to keep taking it?  If it doesn’t, why do we need to keep taking it?

Apparently, mothers (you can still use that word in the safe space of BBR) are questioning it as well.  The approved vax for 6-month to 5-year-olds has plenty of supply and little demand, unlike baby formula.

Will we have another variant creep into our lives before the midterms?

Old Joe swears that he’s running for reelection in 2024.  Given the above and throwing in Afghanistan, Wall St, and crime he has a tough hill to climb.

An in-depth Civiqs poll now has Biden with a historic low 29% approval rating.  Only 63% of Democrats and 36% of Hispanics approve of the job he’s doing.  Artificial intelligence aside, getting back to 81 million is going to be a stretch.

But, never count the career politician out.

As the old saying goes if you fall off of a horse, you get right back on it.

It’s the same as if you fall off of a bike, you get right back on it.

Joe remembers the old saying.

He’s living the new one.