Ten Piece Nuggets-Super Bowl (A)Live

Last week our column February Made Me Shiver stated how boring the big four sports leagues are collectively in February.  One bright spot, we thought, was that at least we had the Super Bowl prior to the NFL fading into the long winter nights.  Wrong.  The NFL would have better served us if it faded to black in late January.   Today we serve you ten random leftover nuggets from the extravaganza that was not so extravagant.

  1.  The flyover was super and on time as Glady’s Knight hit the right notes and finished on cue for the flyover pilots to time their 400 mph cruise just right.
  2.  Unfortunately, then, the game started.  The Rams offense did not start however.  They became the first team ever to punt on their first seven possessions in Super Bowl history.  No wonder teams are feverishly looking for the next offensive genius like Sean McVay.
  3. In November and early December many “pundits” or “experts” spoke almost as loudly as Steven A. Smith about the new NFL.  It was a high scoring, defense be dammed, pass first league.  I wonder how many this AM will fill the airwaves talking about how defense wins championships in football?  In case you ever wondered, and we hope that you haven’t, the “A” in Steven A. is “Anthony.”
  4. The Rams could not rush the ball.  Their game total was 62 net yards or less than half of the 139 they averaged during the regular season.  For all of the talk about the Rams interior defensive line, it was New England’s DL that controlled the line of scrimmage.  Amazing really.  Patriots fans can name their defensive lineman we are sure.  Can you?
  5. Halftime was 3-0 NE.  Only SB IX played in bitter cold, some ice, and rain saw fewer points in SB history.  In that one Pittsburgh held a 2-0 lead over the Minnesota Vikings.
  6. Halftime would have been better if one of our favorite rappers Cardi B would have performed. Cardi passed up the opportunity to perform to show solidarity with Colin Kaepernick. Cardi, whose real name is Belcalis Almanzar, told the AP on Friday that she felt obligated to “stand behind” Kaepernick.  “I got to sacrifice a lot of money to perform,” she said. “But there’s a man who sacrificed his job for us, so we got to stand behind him.”  Cardi did, however, accept an offer to appear in a Super Bowl commercial with Steve Carell and Lil Jon proving “stand behind” and capitalism can coexist.
  7. Rams punter Johnny Hekker tallied a 65 yard punt in the third quarter.  It was the longest punt in SB history.  If you weren’t sleeping by then that had to provide you with at least the impetus to yawn repeatedly.
  8. The Rams didn’t see the end zone the entire game.  Belichick can coach some D, can’t he? Once the run was neutered they set their sights on Goff.  He was sacked, hit, and harassed plenty.  His accuracy or lack thereof reflected that.  Only the 1971 Dolphins failed to score a touchdown in a SB game prior to last night’s somnambulist’s dream. Sure, here you go-somnambulist.
  9. Brady and Belichick’s combined age of 107 years old is the oldest qb/coach combined age for a winning team in SB history.  It feels like they have won 107 SB’s actually.  If you are a New England fan or from Bahhstun, we get that you love them.  You should.  They are the winningest combo in SB history and second place is no longer close.  If NE is not your favorite team you have to respect their unparalleled excellence.  But they aren’t likeable.  They just aren’t.  The NFL needs a new story.  They need it desperately.  They need it starting in 2019.  Paging Patrick Mahomes.
  10. Julian Edelman won a much deserved MVP trophy for his 10 catch, 141 yard performance.   No one can cover the guy.  No one. On a team that has been excellent for nearing two decades their Hall of Fame candidates are few.  Edelman might be one before he is done.  One wonders if he could run even faster if he trimmed that wooly beard of his.
  11. (Extra Point) Post game on CBS Phil Simms turn at the mic at the bloated five man desk came.   He said the game was very enjoyable, very exciting.  Phil really needs to get out more often.

Minutes after the game Vegas established Kansas City as the favorite to make Super Bowl LIV next year.  We can hope.  LIV means 54, not “live.”  Apparently SB LIII meant “not live” as well.





Ten Piece Nuggets-NFL

Sweet and savory and served below, one at a time, are ten NFL nuggets for your digestion.  It was the wild card weekend and it provided some wild moments.

  1. Poof!  And just like that both of the third seeds and one fourth seed are done.  Dallas, a four seed, is the highest rated survivor from the wild Wild Card weekend.  They were also the only home team and division champion to hold serve.
  2. Three lower seeded and visiting teams won on the road.  Two of them dominated.  The Indianapolis Colts and the San Diego Lost in Angeles Chargers won convincingly.
  3. The four losing quarterbacks were Lamar Jackson, DeShaun  Watson, Mitch Trubisky, and Russell Wilson.  They are 22,23,24, and 30 years old respectively.  Their experience in order is rookie, 2nd year, 2nd year, and 7th year.   With age comes experience.  Does experience entering the post season matter?
  4. The four winning quarterbacks were Phillip Rivers, Andrew Luck, Nick Foles, and Dak Prescott.  They are 37,29,29, and 25 years old respectively.  Their experience in order is 17th year, 7th year, 7th year, and 3rd year.  With age comes experience.  Does experience entering the post season matter?
  5.  The Houston Texans won the AFC South Division Championship with an 11-5 record.  But, they did that in name only.  Indy was the better team coming down the stretch.  They started 1-5 yet finished 10-6, coming down the stretch with eight impressive wins and one loss.   After two possessions for each team Saturday it was 14-0 Colts after two “in your face” drives.  School was out and so were the Texans.
  6.  Seattle gave it their all, but Dallas had just a bit more in winning a close one.  If these two teams played ten times they might post five wins each.  The problem for Seattle is that the playoff format is one and done.  Each team’s defense is top five in the league in points allowed and turnovers created.  Dallas has a wee bit more talent on offense.  Seattle has a kicker who does not know how to attempt an onside kick apparently.
  7.  The LA Chargers lost at home to Baltimore three days before Christmas surrendering 22 points to a Raven offense that had a shiny new toy under the tree named Lamar.  It ran like it had fresh batteries.  But like most new toys at Christmas soon the newness wears off.  The Chargers found the off switch.  And suddenly not a creature was stirring, not even a Raven.
  8. Philadelphia looks like a team playing with house money.  They won on the last regular season weekend and coupled with a Vikings loss found themselves in the playoffs.  Then they went to Chicago and found a way to beat the Bears in an entertaining game that had a doink, doink field goal, no good, finish.  The Bears need a new placekicker for the placekicker’s own safety if nothing else.  He is perhaps the most hated Chicago sports figure since Steve Bartman got in the way of a foul fly ball.
  9. This coming weekend has the top two seeds from each conference hosting this past weekend’s winners.  The hosts are rested after having the week off.  Historically three of the top seeds win at home.  But, that’s history.  Philly, Indy, Dallas, and the LA Chargers make for formidable dogs.
  10. Speaking of dogs, the lines are NE(-4) v. LAC, KC(-5) v Indy, LAR(-7) v. Dallas, and NO(-8) v Philly.  Having the week off and having your opponent give it their all the week prior  is a big advantate.  It’s furthered by them having to then travel to face you.  It’s earned during the regular season and very appreciated right about now.  If history holds which of these four home teams lose?  BBR actually thinks two will.  Patriot and Chief fans beware.  Poof!


Ten Piece Nuggets-CFB

If you have a good start on better health resolutions for the new year of 2019, good for you.  If not, it’s always a good day to get started.  Below are ten healthy nuggets CFB style to invigorate your resolve even further.  Digest them as you please.

  1. Despite all of the November angst when the college football playoff selection committee divulges its weekly rankings, the cream inevitably rises to the top.   Playing the “what if” team X loses and team y beats team z sells beer commercial time on sports shows.  It does little else.  Alabama and Clemson’s body of work to this point have separated them, yet again, as college football’s finest.
  2. This will be the fourth consecutive meeting between the two schools in the playoffs.  It will be the third time in the final as Bama took out Clemson last year in the semis.   The two teams have lost seven games combined in the last four years.  Three of those losses come when facing each other.  Throw those out and the two are a combined 107-4 versus all other teams.  That’s a 96% win percentage.  Everyone else has been playing for third place. How long might this continue?
  3. Third place doesn’t matter too much unless you are a fan of one of a handful of teams who might want consolation bragging rights for the next few months.  Notre Dame and Oklahoma entered the playoffs ranked third and fourth respectively.  BBR thinks that it’s more that the music stopped and they had a chair to sit on than it was that they had separated themselves that much from teams ranked 5-8.
  4. Criticize ND all you want if you feel like they really weren’t a top four team.  But don’t shoot the Irish for their schedule.  Schedules are made years in advance.  I doubt anyone thought three or four years ago that Stanford, USC, Virginia Tech, and Florida St. would be collectively as down as they were in 2018.  Add wins over Pittsburgh, Michigan, Northwestern, and Syracuse and you have had the makings of a solid strength of schedule.  Their season opening win over Michigan looked better and better as Michigan piled up wins.  It quelled ND naysayers and got them on to the doorstep of the final four before the Wolverines imploded.
  5. Criticize Oklahoma all you want if you feel like they really weren’t a top four team.  But don’t shoot the Sooners for their offensive firepower.  Criticize them for their defense or lack thereof.  Oklahoma gave up 40 points or more in six games this year.  Six.  Serious contenders for championships are minimally above average in all three phases of the game and really good at two or more of them.  Oklahoma’s D doesn’t pass that test even though their offense passes all over everyone.
  6. Of the teams bunched in the 3-8 spots all were good, none were great.  THE Ohio St. looked listless three times, but lost only once.  It was, however, a shellacking by an average Purdue squad that got worked by Auburn during bowl week.  The aforementioned Michigan was worked by THE in the Big 10 showdown.   As Peach Bowl participants they enjoyed the festivities leading up to the game v. Florida.  Apparently they pulled the rip cord and decided not to participate in the game itself.  Florida finished strong, but hiccupped early.  UCF has a fun team that has no beef in the trenches to compete in real big boy football.  Georgia was on the short list for a while, but Bama set them back and Texas beat them soundly.  Texas closed strong.  But 4 L’s are 4 L’s.
  7. The power five conferences were bunched together in their collective bowl performances with no clear standouts or failures.
    1. 4-3 Big 12
    2. 5-4 Big Ten
    3. 6-5 SEC
    4. 5-5 ACC
    5. 3-4 PAC 12
  8.  BBR thinks that Wisconsin, Washington, and Miami were pretty big 2018 disappointments relative to their talent, their competition, their schedule, and therefore their final body of work.  We were quite surprised by Kentucky, Washington St, Cincinnati, and Utah St.
  9. It’s just about 230 days till the 2019 season kicks off.   Watch out for Texas, Florida, and Texas A&M next year.  If Herman, Mullen, and Fischer were a law firm they would be tough in a courtroom.
  10. Before the 2019 season kicks off, the 2018 season has just that one game left this coming Monday night.  Is another Bama v Clemson matchup good or bad for college football?  BBR thinks it is neither.  It just is what it is.  Enjoy the amazing talent and depth of same on display.  The NFL scouts do.
  11. (one leftover)  We say again that the targeting rule, interpretation, in-game review, penalty, and player suspension resulting from it is in need of serious review itself.  The NCAA can move like an overweight sloth at times.  We hope that this is not one of those times.

Enjoy the FBS Championship.  The turf in NoCal this time of the year is bad terrible.  Abby wagged her tail and barked Clemson 33-31 just so you know.


Ten Piece Nuggets-NFL

Yummy.  The holiday food and sweets are all around.  Gaining weight(more) unfortunately has never been so easy.  Another food group heats up around Christmas and the New Year as well.  The NFL treats us to some wonderful nuggets as the regular season barrels to the  finish.  Enjoy them one at a time below.  And when you are done, please pass the pecan pie.

  1. The NFL’s oldest head coach, Pete Carroll, is 67.  He’ll be three years older and still leading the Seahawks in 2021 as he agreed to a three-year contract extension yesterday.  This comes a day after his team secured a wild card playoff berth last evening.  Carroll’s Seahawks have made the playoffs for the seventh time in his nine years at the helm.
  2. The New Orleans Saints secured the NFC home field advantage throughout the playoffs in a well contested, entertaining scrap with the Pittsburgh Steelers in the Superdome.  Significant?  Very.  The Saints haven’t lost a playoff game in their Superdome home with Drew Brees executing what Sean Payton cooks up.  Ever.  In 2009, as the no. 1 seed they held serve at home, beat Indy in Miami, and hoisted the Lombardi Trophy.
  3. Pittsburgh fought valiantly for 60 minutes and came up just short.  They went from being the leader in their division to currently being on the outside looking in at the playoffs.  This weekend they have to beat Cincinnati and hope that either a) Cleveland beats Baltimore, or b) Indianapolis and Tennessee somehow play to a tie.  Pitt is a tough team with a very good coach.  It’s hard to believe that they may be home for good after the holidays.
  4. Raise your hand if you thought Cleveland might be playing in a meaningful game in late December.  The Browns are 7-7-1.  A win would give them their first winning season since 2007.  It would also possibly give Pitt postseason life.  And last but not least, it would give Gregg Williams a nice page or two to add to his PowerPoint presentation as he tries to get the word interim removed from his current title of interim head coach of the Cleveland Browns.
  5. The Houston Texans lost to Philadelphia 32-30.  They also lost their hold on the no. 2 AFC playoff seed and with it a first round bye as a byproduct.  They actually even lost a chance to clinch the AFC South Division as surging Indy lurks oh so closely.  But, rest assured the Texans won when they drafted DeShaun Watson.  His brilliance almost took the Eagles down in their nest.  Watson dazzled the hard to please Philly crowd with 29-40 passing for 339 yards and two touchdowns.  He ran into the end zone for two more.  How he amassed those lofty stats was more impressive than those lofty stats themselves.  That Mahomes is getting national run is elementary.  But, Houston’s dear Watson isn’t far behind.
  6.  The MNF Raiders’ game might have been the last one at the Oakland Coliseum.  Viva Las Vegas.  Speaking of Vegas every road underdog in the NFL either won straight up or covered the spread afforded them.  Betting the NFL from week to week is crazier than having money in the stock market right now.  Ouch, that hurt.  That game versus the Broncos also brought down the curtain on yet another MNF season of broadcasts.  The NFL wants all games this coming weekend to conclude by Sunday to level the playoff playing field.  If only that would bring down the curtain on Jason Whiten’s announcing career.  Ouch, that hurt.
  7.  Quick quiz.  In how many of the last 16 NFL seasons have the New England Patriots won ten or more regular season games?  If you said 16 that would be correct.  Impressive.  Of course playing the Dolphins, Jets, and Bills a total of six times a year helps.  Of course so does having Tom Brady.  The next closest is Indy (thanks Peyton Manning) with 11.
  8. The Vegas Raiders and the Mistake by the Lake Browns have only one ten win season each in those same 16 years.  The NFL structures their league to provide plenty of help to those that cannot help themselves.  We detailed those thoughts recently.  It’s hard to be that bad for that long in the NFL.  These two teams have a lot in common over that time.  They both have or had bad ownership, bad draft picks, bad cap management, and a revolving door at the quarterback position.
  9. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers aren’t far ahead or behind depending on your viewpoint.  Sunday’s loss to America’s Team marked the seventh season in the last ten that the Bucs have lost ten or more. Jameis Winston’s rookie contract is up.  Will TB offer the available one year extension to it? This decision about one year has ramifications for many.  Perhaps a call to Nick Foles agent would help in the decision-making process.
  10.  Baltimore was once 4-5 six games ago.  Enter Lamar Jackson at QB.  The Ravens are 5-1 since.  The only loss in that span was in a very hostile Arrowhead Stadium.  Saturday night the Ravens traveled three time zones to the left coast and held the hot Chargers to a stone cold 10 points, winning by 12.  If you are looking for a dark horse, or a dark bird, to make a playoff run look no further than the Ravens.  They run the ball very well and defend the run very well.  That’s a winning January combination.

Is a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream on top of the pecan pie a bit over the top?  Hmm.


Ten Piece Nuggets-CFB

Go ahead.  Throw away the last of the pecan pie.  It’s getting close to two weeks old!  If you are brave enough it’s likely bittersweet by now anyway.  Likewise, it’s bittersweet that Rivalry Week in CFB has come and gone.   And, Army v. Navy aside, we now must wait a few weeks for more college football.  That’s when way too many bowl games between way too many mediocre teams start.

The latest AP Top 25 is out.  The playoff committee has spoken (Alabama v. Oklahoma, and Clemson v. Notre Dame).  The bowl matchups are set.  We serve up ten not bittersweet nuggets below.  With so little movement in the Top 25 we changed the menu slightly.  These nuggets are more random thoughts about the season than they are about the order of the teams.  Digest them as you please.

  1.  Kirby Smart was not so smart in the final two minutes attempting the fake punt as Georgia succumbed to the second half crimson tidal wave, 35-28.  Alabama sewed up the no. 1 seed in the playoffs and Georgia fell out.  That the Red Elephants won isn’t a big surprise.  The problem with Smart’s dumb fake was that Bama was playing their defenders, not the punt return team.  Hence, it wasn’t a surprise to Bama.
  2. Increasingly over the last five or so years more coaches are going for it on fourth down.  They are willing to risk forty yards of field position to keep the ball.  It’s a complex equation of when, where and why to go for it on fourth down.   Whether he should have is quite debatable.  But, if Kirby felt like he couldn’t afford to give Alabama the ball back, he should have used his best offensive play in going for the first down.  With the clock stopping briefly on first downs in college ball a little bit of time remaining is a lot.  Clearly the fake was no surprise.
  3. With that. out of the playoffs bounces Georgia. and in strides Oklahoma.  Their prize is a first round game v. Alabama.  Oklahoma played just enough defense against Texas to join the party.   They even ran the ball and ran the clock some when it counted.  How their D stops Alabama is TBD.  Lincoln Riley has nearly month to figure it out and he will everyone of those days and nights.  One note to keep in mind.  Bama has started slowly in the first half of the last three contests.   They rallied to crush The Citadel, soundly beat Auburn, and squeaked by Georgia.  Another disinterested start by them against the machine that the “O”klahoma offense is might be interesting.  The early line is Alabama minus 14.
  4.  Isn’t the Clemson run rather quiet relatively speaking on the national level?  Syracuse gave them a full 60 minutes nine long weeks ago.  Since then they have plowed through the last eight weeks and three ranked teams winning by 60,34,49,61,20,29,21, and 32 points.  The ACC Championship Game v. Pittsburgh was but an ACC coronation ball for King Dabo and his Tigers.  The early line v. ND is Clemson minus 11.5.  Would it surprise you if Clemson won it all?
  5.   THE Ohio St., Georgia, Michigan, and Central Florida are outside of the top four looking in.  The first three had their chances while UCF did not due to schedule strength.  Now that the yearly hype of “what if this” and “what if that” has died down, the playoff committee got it right.  The best four teams are in.  The next four are headed to nice bowls and nice paydays.
  6.  UCF rallied from a 38-21 halftime deficit to outgun Memphis 56-41.  The Golden Knights will carry the nations longest winning streak into the New Year’s Day Fiesta Bowl.  They stand at 25 wins in a row and counting.  Standing in their way from back to back undefeated seasons is another SEC bowl opponent.  Last year they beat Auburn.  This year they will face LSU.  Maybe UCF will hold yet another national championship parade for themselves.
  7.  The Oregonian’s John Canzano reported the Pac-12 spends $6.9 million per year to rent a lavish downtown San Francisco space.  By comparison, the SEC pays $318,000 in rent for its Birmingham, Alabama, offices.  Canzano described how the Pac-12 high command spent $3.1 million in expenses last year. The Big Ten spent $542,000.  How is the return on that investment going?  Well, the conference was not in the discussion for the playoffs.  The conference championship Friday night game was very poorly attended and the few that did show booed Larry Scott, PAC-12 commish, lustily.  Two loss Washington State got dispatched to the Alamo Bowl as three loss Florida was awarded the much higher payout Peach Bowl.
  8.  The annual post season coaching carousel has begun.  It doesn’t stop until the last musical chair is removed.  The annual coach speak is in full swing.  ” I have the only job I want.”  “I currently have no interest in…” “This is about this team and these kids- I love every one of them.”  ” I have not been contacted by anyone about that job.”  Then, poof!   As an aside, does Urban Meyer call it quits?  Colin Cowherd says that two sources have told him that it’s a definite “yes.”
  9.  How about Mack Brown and Les Miles?  Mack packed for North Carolina.  He last coached there in 1997.  He looked lost on the Texas sidelines in his last few years there.  He sounded lost on ESPN as a game analyst.  He found his way to his old home though.  The Les Miles experience landed in Kansas last week.   He looked lost on the LSU sidelines in his last few years there.  He sounded lost in his Kansas intro presser as well.  Brown and Miles join Herm Edwards and Bill Snyder as oldies but goodies on the sidelines next fall.  First one still coaching at 80 years of age wins.
  10.  Army v. Navy is this Saturday.  Army is favored by seven.  If they win it will be their 10th on the year.   They won 10 last year.  This would be the first time ever that they accomplished such a feat.  The Black Knights started playing football in 1891.
  11. (Plus One) The nation’s 41st Commander in Chief passed away last Friday.  George H.W. Bush will enjoy the great view from high above as his Army Cadets and Naval Midshipmen meet for the 119th time.

Ten Piece Nuggets-CFB

Week 13, aka Rivalry Week, provided all of the “wow factor” that week twelve, aka Yawn Week, lacked.  And better yet, like turkey, you got served portions Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  The outcomes (one of which took 4 hours and 53 minutes) provided some clarity as to who might be in the playoffs, or bowling, or going home.  It also shook up the new AP Top 25 a bit.  On to the ten nuggets then, served one at a time.

  1.  Alabama actually looked mortal for the second week in a row heading into halftime again.  They led Auburn 17-14.  This allows sideline reporters to ask Nick Saban what is wrong with his team.  Saban so loves those interviews.  The unanimous no. 1 AP team disposed Auburn in the next 30 minutes winning 52-21.  How good is Bama?  They are the first team since Yale in 1888 to beat every regular season opponent by more than 20 points.  That was 130 years ago!
  2.  Clemson and Notre Dame remained nos. 2 an 3.  Clemson easily outscored South Carolina 56-35, while ND struggled somewhat (24-17) against a USC team that rallied a bit behind maligned Clay Helton.  Pittsburgh unranked at 7-5, and losers this past weekend to Miami, is all that stands in the way of Clemson’s ticket to the CFB playoffs yet again.   Nothing stands in the way of the Irish as they have no conference affiliation, hence no “extra” game win is needed to insure qualification.
  3.  Georgia eased into the fourth spot after beating the Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech.  They took Michigan’s place.  Georgia is only in a one week rental situation however as they have a date with Alabama Saturday in Atlanta.  Tinder was not involved.  Few expect the date to go well.  Bama, as previously mentioned, doesn’t hang close to anyone for very long.
  4. All Hail THE.  The Michigan drop from 4 to 8 was bought on by THE Ohio State University’s absolute demolition of the proud Wolverine team and its heretofore stingy defense.  THE QB Dwayne Haskins carved up the Mich D for 20-31, 396 yds., and 6 passing TD’s.  Harbaugh’s impersonation of Bo Shembechler isn’t going too well as he fell to 0-4 in this rivalry.  Harbaugh is the first UM coach to ever open 0-4 against OSU.  THE vaulted from 10 to 6 with the big win.  Urban’s suspension is long ago and all but forgotten.
  5. Oklahoma remains at no.5.  They outscored West Virginia in a “defense optional” game 59-56.  You cannot spell Oklahoma without starting with a capital O.   There is no D, capital or lower case, needed however.  The reveal of the playoff committee standings tomorrow night has intrigue starting right here.  If/when Georgia loses to Alabama are the Sooners in with a win over Texas this weekend?  Likely.  Does one loss THE have a say if they beat Northwestern in the Big 10 championship?
  6.  This brings us to what if Georgia, Oklahoma, and Ohio St. all lose their championship games.  It’s improbable but far from impossible.  Enter UCF into the dialogue for at least one more week.  They now sit at AP no. 7 and might have crept that far forward in the playoff rankings too.  We will know tomorrow.   Isn’t an undefeated UCF more worthy of a final four spot than any two loss team?
  7. Previous no.8 LSU fell four to no. 12.   Words don’t really describe how they lost Saturday night.  A season long (decade long) maligned offense scored 72 in 7 OT’s.  A season long (decade long) admired defense surrendered 74 to Texas A&M.  It’s the most points ever scored in a college game.  Ever.   The fourth down attempts, the fourth down conversions, replays, lack of replays, marginal penalties called, marginal no calls, and turnovers not turned over are downright staggering.  Jimbo Fisher had to work overtime (7 as mentioned) to earn a part of his 10 year 75 million dollar contract.  Four hours and 53 minutes after the workday started he cashed.
  8. Washington State fell hard as well.  They are tied for 12th with LSU.  Their playoff dreams vanquished as well losing to Washington in the Apple Cup.  The Cougars scored 69 a week prior drumming Arizona.  The Huskies stifled that high-octane O, limiting the mad scientist Mike Leach to a meager 15 points.  Washington vaulted all the way up to 10th.  Joining these two in the top 25 at 17th is Utah from the Pac 12.  The Utes are the only other rated PAC 12 team.  The PAC 12 nor Jim Mora want to talk playoffs.
  9.  The SEC has teams rated 1,4,11,12,16,20, and 22.  Eleven of the 14 teams will go bowling before they hang up their football helmets this year.  Tennessee, Ole Miss, and Arkansas are the only three that will sit in front of their flat screens to enjoy a bowl game.
  10.  Some early lines are out.  If Vegas is right (when aren’t they?) the conference championship games won’t provide too much final playoff position intrigue.   Oklahoma is -7.5 in their redemption rematch v Texas.  Alabama is -13 v. Georgia in the Georgia Dome.  Ohio St. is -14 v Northwestern.  And, Clemson is minus a whopping 25.5 v Pittsburgh.   However, Memphis played UCF closer than anyone since 12/2016 earlier this year.  UCF is only -3.5.   Lastly, the Friday night PAC 12 Championship (that has no playoff implications) that everyone will forget is on Friday night has Washington -4.5 over Utah.



Ten Piece Nuggets-CFB

Week 12 thankfully has come and gone for college football.  We say thankfully because many games looked like mismatches prior to Saturday and their scores looked liked mismatches after the game ended Saturday.  There were a few notable exceptions though.  Looking ahead rivalry week is upon us.  Many games look like good matchups.  We give thanks this week for many things.  Good football is one.  Enjoy the Ten Piece Nuggets first.

  1. The latest AP Top 25 rolled out yesterday.  The top 10 of the top 25 saw little change from the week prior.  Why? Well, the top 10 beat down their opposition by a combined score of 424-198.  The top six in that order remained unchanged.
  2. The 424-198 score gets more lopsided if you remove the leaky Oklahoma D that surrendered 40 to Kansas.  And it tilts further if you remove THE Ohio St. (desperately looking for a place to lie down) D that gave up 51 but easily could have given up 53 to Maryland.  How does 317-107 for the other eight games sound?  Bad.
  3. Kansas, yes Kansas, made headlines this week.  First, their “all name” running back Pooka, yes Pooka, Williams ran for 252 yards on 15 carries and two TDs against the sieve that Oklahoma calls a defense.  He threw a td from nine yards out as well.   But, the bigger news is that they named Les Miles as their head coach for 2019 and beyond.  Who cares about Kansas basketball when you have a Mad Hatter coaching a Pooka?
  4. THE D is not good for Urban Meyer’s health.  Urban was tired of defending Zach Smith.  He is now more tired of watching THE D.  Maryland blew the try for two in OT.  And, Urban’s legend grows for at least another week as they survived 52-51.  One wonders where it all goes from here.  Well, Saturday it goes into THE Horseshoe to add one more chapter to the Michigan v. OSU rivalry.  The two midwest state schools first met in 1897, and the rivalry has been played annually since 1918.  Much is at stake including a birth into the Big 10 Championship Game as well as a possible probable CFB playoff berth for Michigan and a probable possible birth for THE.  The loser is out of both.
  5.  The Citadel attempted zero passes but was tied 10-10 at halftime to no. 1 Alabama.  That didn’t last too long as Bama scored repeatedly in the second half and won 50-17.  Next up is the annual Iron Bowl v. Auburn.  Auburn slowed Alabama’s roll last year in this contest. Of course Bama still won it all when it mattered.
  6. Notre Dame deserves it’s just due.  The Fighting Irish have plenty of fight.  In spite of their bad unis last week in Yankee Stadium they took the fight out of the Syracuse Orangemen, 36-3.  A season ending contest on the left coast v. not yet bowl eligible USC stands between them and a CFB playoff spot.  USC seems to have little fight left in them after a loss to 3-8 crosstown rival UCLA Saturday.  Hundreds of fans poured into The Coliseum to watch UCLA score 13 unanswered in the fourth quarter to down USC 34-27.
  7.  Kudos to UCF.  College Game day descended onto their Orlando campus and the Golden Knights did not disappoint.  The 24th ranked Cincinnati Bearcats came calling and went home soundly beaten as 38-13 losers.  No “big name” school one wants UCF in a bowl game.  There is no upside.  You win and you were supposed to or you lose and you weren’t supposed to.   USF v. UCF is but five days away.  The UCF win streak, dating back to January 2016 is alive and well.  Orlando loves a good parade.
  8.  West Virgina lost 45-41 at Oklahoma State.  Their national title hopes are vanquished.  They play Oklahoma this week.  Their prize, if they win, is a rematch with Oklahoma a week later in the Big 12 Championship Game.  If they lose, three-loss Texas likely slides in to the game.  That would give Oklahoma a chance to avenge the State Fair/Red River Rivalry Shootout loss to Texas several weeks back.   If Oklahoma beats #12 WVA and no. 11 Texas in back to back weeks they will have positioned themselves well to slide into the final four discussion should Georgia lose to Alabama and Michigan lose to THE.    Anyone confused?
  9. Utah St. is ranked 14th.  Who?  Northwestern at 7-4 is ranked 20th and has clinched the Big 10 West.  How weak is the Big 10 West?  Army is ranked 23rd.  A win over Navy in two weeks gives them a strong 10-2 record.
  10.  Some surprising early lines are out.  Okla at WVA is a pick um.  WVA has to pull up their boot straps.  Washington is +3.5 at Washington St.  Mike Leach has coached a long time and had much fun getting to this moment.  Michigan travels to THE and is favored by four.  Jim Harbaugh is very close to doing it his way yet again.  LSU is a one point dog to Texas A&M.  The previous seven SEC meetings between these two all have gone to the Tigers.  Finally, Auburn is plus a tall 24.5 v Alabama in the aforementioned Iron Bowl.  Nick Saban doesn’t even know Thursday is Thanksgiving.

Enjoy the Thanksgiving Week, Turkey Day itself, and some great games after the yawn festival of the week gone by.


Ten Piece Nuggets-CFB

Week 11 has come and gone in college football.   Most teams have played ten games.  Most teams spent Saturday reaffirming their positions in walk overs as another regular season end draws nearer.  The latest AP Top 25 poll is out and it looks a lot like a week ago.

  1.  Alabama rightfully remains the unanimous no. 1.  The Tide rolled over Mississippi St 24-0.  That’s two straight shutouts of SEC West opponents.   The Bama D began the year with eight new starters on defense.  “Scary good” is a phrase that comes to mind.  The Citadel is up next.  Their enrollment, per their website, is 2,349 for 2018.  Ironically that is nearly the same amount assistant coaches, strength coaches, staff, tutors, and analysts that Nick Saban has on staff prepping Bama for ballgames.  We wish the best of luck to this fine military academy come Saturday.  Yawn.
  2. Spots 2,3, and 4 remain in the hands of Clemson, Notre Dame, and Michigan.  They overwhelmed Boston College, Florida St, and Rutgers respectively.  Clemson knocked out the Eagles QB and are playing complementary football.  ND heads to the Big Apple for a tussle with a motivated Syracuse team in Yankee Stadium.  Michigan hosts Indiana in the Big House.  Yawn.
  3. One loss teams Georgia, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Washington State, and THE Ohio St. are slotted 5-9 ready to stake their claim to a top four playoff spot should one get cracked open.
  4. Georgia is a more complete team than the other four.  Oklahoma survived a two point conversion attempt by Oklahoma St. with one minute to go to hold onto a 48-47 win.  The Sooners don’t play much defense.  They have surrendered 45 or more points in three of their last five contests.
  5. THE’s punter Drue Chrisman’s punts, in a tight defensive struggle, forced Michigan State to start its first five drives after halftime from its own 5, 6, 3, 1 and 2-yard line.  It wasn’t a work of art, but they emerged victoriously from that Big 10 snooze fest.   Yawn.
  6. Washington St. continues to roll.  Ranked 8th now, they have earned their way into the national discussion.  Their conference’s weakness, real or perceived, is doing them no favors however.
  7.  Just outside the top ten is a litany of interesting stories led by UCF at 11.  Speaking of no favors, they did none in surrendering 24 to Navy and winning by 11.  Syracuse is at 12 with two losses.  A win over ND in the Bronx would be a crowning achievement for a team that usually looks to Jim Boeheim by this time of the year for sports entertainment.  Texas survived Lubbock and is at 13 with three losses.  At 14 is a 9-1 Utah State team that no one knows a thing about.  They lead the Mountain West Conference and call themselves the Aggies.  Who knew that there two Aggie teams in these United States?
  8.  Kentucky woke up late in Knoxville, gave up an almost uncontested Hail Mary pass at halftime, trailed 17-0 at intermission, and lost to the Tennessee Volunteers 24-7.  The last minute win at Missouri, then the hangover from the Georgia loss has the Wildcats running on fumes.  That lethargy was on display for 60 full minutes Saturday.  Meanwhile, after a wobbly start, Jeremy Pruitt has the Vols playing hard.  Kentucky plummeted to 20th with loss number 3.
  9.  In the AP top 25 there is no such thing as being ranked no 26.  But, in the usually dreaded “others receiving votes” section Army gets the most votes and is this week’s best of the “others.”   What a job Jeff Monken has done in five years there.  They won ten last year and have a shot at that again in 2018.  The last time that Army won 10 games was 1996.
  10.  Some early lines are out for this week and if you like big dogs or big favorites this is your week.  We’ll spare you those for now and focus on Syracuse +9.5 v. ND, and Mich St. is -1.5 at Nebraska,  while WVA travels to Okla St as a 5 point pick, and Oregon -4 hosts Arizona St.  Can the Orangemen box with the Fighting Irish?  How is Nebraska only a small dog sporting a 3-7 record?  Can WVA win another Big 12 road game in a tough environment?  After a 3 point win over downtrodden UCLA, Herm Edwards announced that the six win Sun Devils are now bowl eligible.  Hmm.  Can they make it seven in Eugene?

Ten Piece Nuggets-CFB

Week 10, which ESPN called “Separation Saturday,” is complete.  We looked at it as the last chance to withdraw from a course however.  Some did while others passed with flying colors.  Below is a complete report card of the tests administered to date.  We grade them one nugget at a time.

  1.  Surely in Baton Rouge, under the lights, against a stingy Dave Aranda led LSU defense would provide Alabama their toughest test thus far this season.  Well, Alabama separated themselves from what some billed as their toughest competition to date with ease.  Tua Heisman passed and Bama ran with flying colors.  We think Alabama actually had the LSU run game playbook advanced to them for study.  The Tide gets an A+ by surgically removing LSU from the game possession by possession.  Bama is bigger, stronger, faster, and better coached than all.  Bama is a unanimous no. 1 in the AP Top 25 released yesterday.
  2.  Clemson felt like it was getting ignored in this teacher’s pet conversation over these last few weeks.  No more.  They put a very salty 77 points on now lowly Louisville.  That’s 63,41,59, and now 77 against ACC foes in the last four weeks.  Trevor Lawrence makes one remember Deshaun Watson’s work in the orange uni’s. Give the Tigers an A and a clear no 2 ranking.
  3. Notre Dame and Michigan are nos. 3 and 4 respectively.  Their week one encounter, won by ND, is all that separates these two.  ND beat Northwestern by 10 and gets an A for their 9-0 results thus far, but a B for style points.  Michigan meanwhile is charging ahead.  Their D (not grade) is the best in college football except for the one from Tuscaloosa.  Taking apart a talented Penn St. team 42-7 in the Big House earns the Wolverines an A in the class so far.  They have THE has a final regular season exam looming in Columbus on 11/24.
  4. Georgia went to Kentucky and excelled for four quarters.  The 34-17 win in the Bluegrass State was impressive as the Kentucky defense was unyielding all season till Saturday.  The Bulldogs ran and ran and ran.  Georgia will win the East and earns a B to date and a no. 5 AP rank.
  5. Joining Georgia in the top 10 with one loss is Oklahoma, West Virginia, THE, and Washington St. (LSU is no 9 with two losses).  Each of these students excel in one area but lack discipline in another.  Oklahoma gets an A for O and a D for D.  West Virginia wants to earn an invite to the honors section, but gets a C for D.  THE almost looks like they want to withdraw from school.  All isn’t right in Columbus.  We suspect Professor Urban Meyer is struggling getting through to his students.  The aforementioned Michigan final exam will be tough.  Washington St. wants a pat on the head for work well done to date, but we think their course load(schedule) has a few too many blow off classes(teams).  They haven’t played a ranked team.  And, their 19-13 win over the Nuts from Berkeley puts a few red correction marks on their term paper.
  6. Syracuse rose nine places in the rankings to 13th.  The Orangemen slept in just a bit for their Wake Forest test.   But, once they settled into the exam they scored early, often, and well.  With two losses they have no path to any final four contests, but we wonder if this student is blossoming right before our eyes.  Next year perhaps?  Give them a B for now.
  7.  The Texas Longhorns have three losses and are somehow ranked 15th.  Their head coach, one Tom Herman, is proving to be the clASS clown.  Tom should spend more time coaching a defense that doesn’t slow down good teams and less time whining about things he cannot control.  Several teams ranked below them would be and should be favored over them in Vegas.  Give the team a C+ so far and Tommy Boy a D- in conduct.
  8.  Washington has three losses and a #20 rank.  They are disappointed in themselves.  Wisconsin is another national brand that has underachieved and is relegated to the “others receiving votes” section of the class.  Florida St., at 4-5, has no wins over anyone worth mentioning and is in year two of a cliff dive from prominence.
  9. But the dunce’s cap goes to the man who needed a neck brace a few years ago.  The cap fits squarely on the head of the man in charge of the once high-flying Louisville.   We wonder if Bobby Petrino will get to answer the roll call next year?  Louisville is 2-7 overall, and 0-6 in the ACC.  If you are a Louisville fan the stench emanating from Pitino and Petrino over the last 12 months must make your nostrils burn.  Give Motorcycle Bob an F- if there is such a grade.
  10. Some early lines are out.  Bama is minus a whopping 25.5 hosting Mississippi St.  Vegas cannot get the lines high enough on Bama.  Clemson travels to Boston College as a big 17 point favorite.  Tennessee is a live home dog +3.5 entertaining Kentucky.  Washington St travels to the four losses in a row Colorado Buffaloes as a 4.5 point fav.  And Wisconsin is an 8 point road dog in Happy Valley v Penn St.  One of those two teams will fall further in the loss column than expected before the year began.

Till Saturday.

Ten Piece Nuggets-CFB

In last week’s Ten Piece serving we almost labeled this past Saturday “Separation Saturday.”  We are glad we didn’t.  As it turns out we should have called it “Upset Saturday,” or “Set Up Saturday.”    Eleven of the ranked AP Top 25 teams lost which created no separation.  Eleven is the most since 2006.  Those outcomes set up this coming Saturday to be the most intriguing day this season.  Week ten is upon us and we offer Ten Nuggets to satisfy your CFB hunger below.

  1.  The top five teams had a boring Saturday actually.  Number one Alabama, and nos. 4 and 5 LSU and Michigan had the weekend off.  No. 2 Clemson turned Florida St. inside out 49-10 while no. 3 ND paid only marginal respect to our beloved Navy.  Willie Taggart, HC of the Seminoles, called out his team post game feeling like some of them had quit.  We quibble, but we think that it was more than some.
  2. Georgia pulled away in the second half of the (don’t call it) Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party soundly beating Florida 36-17.  The score almost matched the 36-16 beating LSU administered two weeks ago.  Georgia had a week off to stew.  They looked very determined to ensure they would still play meaningful games as the calendar flips to November.  And sure enough they will, in of all places, Kentucky.
  3. The #11 Kentucky Wildcats made sure of that with an improbable last second comeback at Missouri.  The SEC East is up for grabs at 2:30 CST five days from now when Georgia rolls in.  One of the two one-loss teams will be in the captain’s seat in the SEC East by 6:00 pm.  Kentucky was 300-1 in Vegas in August to win the SEC.  It’s the first half of the CBS doubleheader.
  4. The second half of the CBS “Separation” Saturday doubleheader is a small gathering of 100k fans in Death Valley, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  The Crimson Tide rolls in with the SEC West hanging in the balance.  LSU is an early, big, 14 point home dog.  Bama has rag dolled everything in its wake by halftime of each (non)contest that they have been in thus far.  Speaking of halftime, future first round pick and LSU middle linebacker extraordinaire Devin White gets to watch the game until then.  LSU fans have expressed overt displeasure with the targeting call that reduced him to first half spectator status.  See their anger here.
  5. Oklahoma dispatched of a different Wildcat to land at #7.  Kansas St. found out what the Sooners’ offense can do sooner than later.  A 34-7 halftime lead turned into a full on rout, 51-14.  One still has to wonder what D Oklahoma can muster as K St. isn’t having its best year under Bill Snyder, the oldest CFB coach at 78 years young.
  6.  Idle on the week UCF is stuck in idle as #9.  The turnstile above and below them in the rankings continues to make us feel that if they want to participate in a parade again this year it will need to be thrown by them, for them, and watched only by them again as no one else seems to care too much.
  7. A warm welcome to the Top 10 goes out to the Washington State Cougars who are #10.  They lead the PAC 10 North now after an impressive win at Stanford.  This comes after their impressive home win over Oregon a week ago.  Mike Leach does it his way and his way has reached the top 10.  Utah sits at #16 and a top the PAC 10 South.  Raise your hand if you predicted a possible Utes v Cougars PAC Championship game.
  8. Michigan, THE, and Penn St. well represent the Big 10 East at nos. 5,8, and 14 respectively.  Iowa is the lone rep from the west side of the conference at 19.  However, Iowa is in a three-way tie for second in that division as Northwestern sits atop.  Northwestern is what we wrote.  It’s no typo.  They are 12-1 in their last 13 Big 10 matchups.   One of the teams tied for second in the west is three loss Wisconsin.  The odds on favorite Badgers came into the season with so much hope and will end it with so much disappointment.
  9.  Nine of the 11 teams that were ranked 15-25 lost.  Seven ranked teams dropped out.  That is the most since 1989.  Jeez.  Notable among the new entries are the Syracuse Orangemen, ranked for the first time since 2001.  Also, Virginia returned after a seven-year hiatus.   Notable among the departures was first time ever, and ranked for one week only, Appalachian St.  The Mountaineers hosted a Thursday night game v. Georgia Southern.  The visitors trounced them 34-14, ending the one week run.
  10.  While seven teams dropped out, the SEC now boasts seven teams in.  The conference places teams at 1,4,6,11,13,21, and 25.  Mississippi St at 21 and Texas A&M at 25 are the only three loss ranked teams for now.
  11.  (or, Plus One) Some early lines are out.  As mentioned above Bama is a 14 point road favorite at LSU.  Can LSU’s D slow down the Tua train to The Downtown Athletic Club?  Can LSU’s O muster enough to stay close?  ND is another road favorite by 7.5 at the aforementioned Northwestern.  West Virginia is a 1.5 point road dog in Austin, TX.  Texas might still be seething from their road loss to Okie St., while West Va. is not the same team on the road.

Till Saturday.