Our style is to have no style in this random nugget format. We think it, we write it. Yesterday was President’s Day, but today is President Biden’s day. Putin finally punched his dance ticket at the Ukrainian border. What will Joe have to say after saber-rattling about severe actions? Some European countries have acted already …
Our style is to have no style in this random nugget...
Yesterday here at the global headquarters for BBR.com the temperature at 8 AM was 77. As we gather for a staff meeting we just asked Siri what it is this morning. Her answer was, “Brrrrr, it’s 37.” Maybe, just maybe, this is enough to convince those “climate deniers” that change is indeed in the air. …
Yesterday here at the global headquarters for BBR.com the temperature at...
If you’re waiting anxiously at your door for a block of ice delivery from Canada it might be a while. But, if you’re waiting for your delivery of some tasty nuggets, we’ve got ten on your virtual doorstep below. The contrast between the summer of 2020 discontent in America and the Canadian Freedom Convoy protest …
If you’re waiting anxiously at your door for a block of...
In politics, 2024 is just around the corner. But for aspiring, thought to be front-running politicians it’s light-years away. After all, who thought an ACORN employee turned Illinois Congressman would walk in the room and crack the glass ceiling when Hillary Clinton was attempting to hammer it herself in 2008? And, who thought a gritty …
In politics, 2024 is just around the corner. But for aspiring,...
Super Bowl betting is expected to cross $7 billion this weekend. BBR wants to do its part in ensuring that you’re on the winning side of your wagers. We tackle a few below and the logic behind them. Coin Toss– Take Heads ($10.50 to win $10.00) This one is a no-brainer. The headwinds are blowing …
Super Bowl betting is expected to cross $7 billion this weekend. ...
You only have two eyeballs. If you’re looking globally at the Russia/Ukraine border buildup with one and the Communist China Oppression and Olympics with the other you might be missing something. Big Tech has entered(yet again) into its own global border buildup and oppressive tactics. And, when you consider the long-term consequences the stakes might …
You only have two eyeballs. If you’re looking globally at the...
Our overworked and underpaid staff needs a day off. Unfortunately, or fortunately for news wonks, this world continues to deep fry Ten Piece Nuggets at a prodigious clip. There is no nugget supply chain shortage. We borrowed this line. Ok, we stole it. It’s too good not to. It looks like the only person at …
Our overworked and underpaid staff needs a day off. Unfortunately, or...
One day after Whoppi Goldberg said that the Nazi Concentration Camps were not about race, Brian Flores filed a suit saying that the NFL is all about race. So yesterday, 2/1/22, the first day of Black History Month, history was made all over again. The NFL and its playoffs were flying high with the Super …
One day after Whoppi Goldberg said that the Nazi Concentration Camps...
It’s February 1st, the middle of the winter. You need some warmth and comfort. What better way is there to get that than to digest some Ten Piece Nuggets? They’re served one at a time and randomly below. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau says that he tested positive for Covid-19. Is he hiding from the convoy …
It’s February 1st, the middle of the winter. You need some...
Surely once or thrice you’ve been asked to think outside of the box. A wise CEO once asked a group a few moons ago to think inside of the box. Why? To get their attention is one reason. And, to realize where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there is …
Surely once or thrice you’ve been asked to think outside of...