Were you already working yesterday at 9 AM EST and missed the Amy Coney Barrett(ACB) Supreme Court Justice initial nomination proceedings? Understandable. That’s why BBR is here for you. We watched and are pleased to bring to you a quick recap below summarizing what took place. Nothing. That right, absolutely nothing. ACB (no relation whatsoever …
Were you already working yesterday at 9 AM EST and missed...
Ok, ok. You’re hungry for some Monday nuggets. The kitchen opened a bit late while practicing social distancing, but into the grease we go. Buffet style is so out of style, COVID -19 concerns you know. We break that trend below. The Houston Texans fired a coach/GM last Monday. Yesterday, they played pretty well for …
Ok, ok. You’re hungry for some Monday nuggets. The kitchen opened...
We’ll be brief this AM. We’re lucky Abby studied the board early this week as she has a bad cough and a runny snoot. Hopefully her improvement this AM means we can avoid waiting in the dreaded car line for the dreaded swab up the nose halfway to Omaha. Meanwhile, she’s off to a good …
We’ll be brief this AM. We’re lucky Abby studied the board...
Have you ever thrown a boomerang? Rumor has it that if you throw it just right it’ll come back to you. Shortly after the 2016 presidential election it now looks like one may have been thrown so hard and far on Capitol Hill that it’s just now making its way back to its rightful owner. …
Have you ever thrown a boomerang? Rumor has it that if...
Significant technical difficulties this AM at the world headquarters of BBR leads to a first. You’ve been put on a diet. Less than ten nuggets might be served below in hopes that we can beat the deadline to post. Enjoy and shed some weight at the same time. Deep in The Heart of Texas …
Significant technical difficulties this AM at the world headquarters of BBR...
Week one predicting isn’t for everyone. Abby isn’t everyone. She pawed her way to four bones while giving back two. Her record was 2-2-1 (Louisville pushed the bet) and her hunch didn’t punch the ticket. That’s plenty good enough in a week that LSU and Oklahoma went down in flames while others played flat (Texas …
Week one predicting isn’t for everyone. Abby isn’t everyone. She pawed...
So, who won the debate last night you ask? We’d like to ask the question differently. Who lost? America. So, you persist. Who won the debate, you ask again. We are at least willing to narrow it down to two people. We have some obvious clues. We think the winner was an old white angry …
So, who won the debate last night you ask? We’d like...
It was way back in 1978 when Kenny Rogers was singing and Democrat Jimmy Carter was President. Rogers song, The Gambler, advised us to know when to hold ’em, and know when to fold ’em. Carter advised us to raise our thermostats to 78 degrees to help overcome the global oil supply shortage caused for …
It was way back in 1978 when Kenny Rogers was singing...
We debated. Usually, Mondays in the fall are dedicated to a rundown of the top 25 in NCAA football. But, only half of the country is playing football right now. And during our debate, we wondered how we could ignore the fact that the most anticipated debate, you know the one, is but 36 hours …
We debated. Usually, Mondays in the fall are dedicated to a...
It’s hard to believe but Abby begins year three already of her doggone good picking prowess for BBR this AM. And she’s been doggone good indeed. Take a look at last year’s final picks and overall standing here. Bow wow wow! This year’s picks start a month later than usual. Thanks a lot COVID-19. …
It’s hard to believe but Abby begins year three already of...