Go ahead. Throw away the last of the pecan pie. It’s getting close to two weeks old! If you are brave enough it’s likely bittersweet by now anyway. Likewise, it’s bittersweet that Rivalry Week in CFB has come and gone. And, Army v. Navy aside, we now must wait a few weeks for more college …
Go ahead. Throw away the last of the pecan pie. It’s...
When times are tough have you ever suggested that it was time to circle the wagons? Or, maybe it got tough enough that you needed to rally the troops? But, when the going gets really tough it might be time to gather the family. Who can you count on more than family? After all, “blood …
When times are tough have you ever suggested that it was...
College football’s conference championship week is upon us. Rivalry week has come and gone. It was a good one. And it was a long one. It was acutely long if you tuned into the 4 hour and 53 minute and 7 overtime Texas A&M victory over LSU. That marathon was won by the slimmest of …
College football’s conference championship week is upon us. Rivalry week has...
Some stats, when the body of work is accumulated over many years, are way more indicative of future performance than others. The folks at Deadspin spun this very well done analysis of the Pittsburgh Steelers won/loss record when they travel west vs. when they don’t. It compares their lack of success to other teams …
Some stats, when the body of work is accumulated over many...
Do you remember just a few (or many) years ago when your teacher spoke the nine most dreaded words you heard that day? “Today we are going to have a pop quiz.” Remember what your (printable) reaction was? Do “oh boy,” “jeez,” “gosh darn,” or even”dammit” or stronger come to mind? Well it’s that time …
Do you remember just a few (or many) years ago when...
On November 8th, 1970 the New Orleans Saints were hosting the Detroit Lions in old Tulane Stadium. The Superdome was little more than a hope and a dream at that point. The Saints won/loss record was a disappointing 1-5-1 on the season. Prior to this dismal 1970 start the franchise had set a record in …
On November 8th, 1970 the New Orleans Saints were hosting the...
Week 13, aka Rivalry Week, provided all of the “wow factor” that week twelve, aka Yawn Week, lacked. And better yet, like turkey, you got served portions Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The outcomes (one of which took 4 hours and 53 minutes) provided some clarity as to who might be in the playoffs, or bowling, …
Week 13, aka Rivalry Week, provided all of the “wow factor”...
Did you participate in the mad dash for your cash called Black Friday? In today’s world you can “save” money without out even getting in the car. Retailers provide brick and mortar locations and virtual locations to entice you. For your sanity we hope that if you did it did not involve any time on …
Did you participate in the mad dash for your cash called...
If Lefty and Shorty were still with us on Thanksgiving evening the night might have unfolded like this. Lefty and Shorty sat quietly in the cool fall air. It was nearly midnight and cars were nowhere to be found. Lefty- Why do we stay open till midnight on Thanksgiving? Shorty- So that we can discuss how …
If Lefty and Shorty were still with us on Thanksgiving evening...
Thanksgiving has come and is nearly gone. That means Rivalry Week is upon us. It starts Turkey Day night with the Egg Bowl. Abby has no egg on her jowls however. A difficult week to wager nicked her just a bit. Her won/loss record is dead even at 18-18-1. We give thanks that her bones …
Thanksgiving has come and is nearly gone. That means Rivalry Week...