Changing Times

That was then.  This is now.

During their medal ceremony in the Olympic Stadium in Mexico City on October 16, 1968, two African-American athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, each raised a black-gloved fist during the playing of the US national anthem to show solidarity with oppressed Black people worldwide.  Forty-five years ago it was outrageous behavior to act out for a cause.

Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov refused to wear a rainbow jersey during warm-ups for the team’s Pride Night for LGBTQ inclusion on Tuesday, citing his religious beliefs.  It’s now outrageous to act out against a cause.

Tommie Smith and John Carlos helped black people in San Fransisco even if it took almost half a century.

The San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee has proposed paying each Black longtime resident $5 million and granting total debt forgiveness due to the decades of “systematic repression” faced by the local Black community.  This is not for slavery as California was never a slave state.  Can anyone who so chooses identify as black?

Ronald Reagan was the last Republican governor in Cali (The Terminator aside) since 1980.  Jimmy Carter was the last Democratic governor in Georgia since 1980.  Cali loses 100s of thousands of residents a year (even with border migration) while Georgia and Florida gain like numbers.

We’ve gone from social gatherings to social media which makes us anti-social.  Who the hell is that ringing our doorbell?

Peace, love, and sit-ins were plentiful to protest the war we had no business being in-Vietnam.

Now we print money that we don’t have to fund the war that we have no business funding-Ukraine.  But if you say that out loud you’re outed as a lover of Russia.

And right on cue, Zolenskyy asked for more funding last evening.  There is no way that any of this money is making its way back to America for any reason is there?

Horses and buggies used to bring representatives to Washington so they could vote and go right back home to tend to their business (likely farming).  Now representatives make a career out of the position and get quite rich doing so thanks to outside interests lining their pockets.

The representatives used to vote for what they felt was right for their constituents.  Now they vote almost always along party lines.  Why?  Money, power, reelection party funding, and committee positions.

Budgets once existed to balance what you wanted with what you could afford.

Tomorrow the national debt ceiling is reached without additional approved funding.  The Dems say this is no time to negotiate any spending reductions.  It was only three weeks ago that they(and enough Republicans) jammed a $1.7 trillion dollar Omnibus Bill through before year-end.  There was little time then as well presumably.

An omnibus bill is a law that covers a number of diverse or unrelated topics in case you wondered.  It’s like going to a buffet.  Take as much of anything as you want.

Free speech was once free.  Elon is trying to get it back that way.

Oh, and as a reminder vaccines are free today as are boosters.  Except they’re not free as the government is paying for them, which means you are.

Crime didn’t pay.  Today it does.  Daily not-so-fine folks walk out of fine stores with thousands and thousands of dollars of merchandise with no repercussions.

The war on drugs sounded promising.  The “Just Say No” campaign sounded promising.   Now we want to release criminals early immediately for nonviolent crimes such as selling drugs.

Maybe the only thing constant is change.  Take the climate for example.  It has always been changing.  Sedona Arizona’s mountains were once hundreds and hundreds of feet below sea level for example.  Today they stand thousands of feet above the dry ground.

But guru Al Gore went on an unhinged rant and told an esteemed group gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos yesterday that climate change will “boil the oceans.”

That sounds like one hell of a seafood feast.   Take as much of anything as you want.






Sleep With the Fishes

Yesterday here at the global headquarters for the temperature at 8 AM was 77.   As we gather for a staff meeting we just asked Siri what it is this morning.  Her answer was, “Brrrrr, it’s 37.”

Maybe, just maybe, this is enough to convince those “climate deniers” that change is indeed in the air.  For further proof, we used the Google search engine courtesy of Al Gore’s internet for any recent updates to this existential threat.

Gore himself is quite the expert on climate change (formerly known only as global warming) as well.  As a former VP, though, his expertise on the climate falls short of current VP Harris’ handle on the US and now the Ukrainian border, but we digress.

The very first article that popped up was courtesy of the virtual newspaper formerly known as The Times-Picayune back when we cut trees down to write.  The article, in a nutshell, said that the latest Federal Government research project on rising water levels now projects a two-foot rise at the Louisiana coastline from current levels by 2050 and a four-foot rise by 2100 of the Gulf of Mexico.

This was a modest but not insignificant increase in levels from a previous study by the same team just five years ago.  The word dour comes to mind.

As we ready the lifeboats, we climate change ignoramuses have a couple of questions, please and thank you.

One, if the water is going up two feet on the Louisiana coastline by 2050, isn’t it going up by two feet everywhere in the Gulf of Mexico, or for that matter any and everywhere that land touches an ocean worldwide?  The old adage, “water seeks its own level” comes to mind.  We’re not claiming to be intelligent, just inquisitive.

Are all coast dwellers soon to “sleep with the fishes?”  Venice, Italy, are you listening?

Two, Nancy Pelosi is building a swanky mansion on the Florida Gulf Coast for her retirement home as we speak.  What does she know that the researchers have overlooked?

Cramped Barracks at Barrack’s. Is a Small Carbon Footprint Needed to Run this Joint?

Oh, and Barrack Obama and the fam decided that they would like an occasional getaway from the cramped conditions in Martha’s Vineyard.  They’re building a second home on the Hawaiian Islands.  Will they fly to and fro emitting fossil fuel all along the 3000-mile journey?  Heck, maybe the glacier melts and Artic Shelf degradation fallout won’t matter much that far away from the mainland.

Then we wonder why the tops of every single mountain reaching thousands of feet in the Sedona, Arizona air are flat, parallel to the ground there? A little research of our own, not federally funded, tells us that once upon a time the ocean actually was there.  The tops of the mountains were the floor of the sea.  Let that sink in a bit.

This brings us to the ultimate question.  Hasn’t the climate always been changing?  Of course, it has.  If you don’t believe us ask the dinosaurs.

But, now we need to do something about what nature does on its own.  Why?  Because mankind (and womankind) is bad.  We’re destroying our planet.

It’s why we have more hurricanes and more severe ones at that.  No, it isn’t.  And, do we even have more and more severe ones?  Nah.  We have more damage because more folks like Nancy and Barrack live closer to the water than ever, so the damage to lives and property is far worse.

If ending(which you can’t) or greatly reducing fossil fuel consumption is some/most/all of our solution we’ll eventually get close.  But, you need communist China and India, and others to jump on board.

And, relative to what Mother Nature does on her own it’s like shooting a BB at a tank anyway.  But, shoot away.

All it takes is 30 or 60 or 90 trillion depending on who you ask.  AOC thinks 90 and she’s an emerging expert here as well.

And, finally, did you know that the sun is cooling by the year as well?  What to do, what to do?  Get a match.

Father Time is undefeated, and you shouldn’t mess with Mother Nature.

But, give it a try we will.  Oh, and you better get it done by 2050 or you can kiss Louisiana goodbye.

Ten Piece Nuggets-Random

Back by popular demand is our Ten Piece Nuggets column, random style.  Who knew that your taste buds would be so approving last week?  You did, and you told us as much.  Sports, news, politics make for some good hash to hash out.

  1. Bitcoin hit a high for the year and its existence of $64,895 on April 14.  Just 40 days later, Sunday, it was down 50% from that high, standing roughly at $32,000.  If anyone reading this understands virtual money give our staff a buzz at 1-800-SAY-WHAT.   Imagine if it was our standard currency.  In 40 days the price of a loaf of bread would have doubled as your purse was effectively cut in half.
  2. Of course, if anyone understands how our government can print money virtually day and night in the last 12 months, please call too.  Have you noticed prices creeping north at your local grocer?  The word from your government is that these increases are only temporary as demand surges post-pandemic.  We aren’t so sure.
  3. The Pope is at it again.  This time he tells us mere mortals that we’ve been abusing planet Earth.    For a long time, the earth “has suffered from the wounds that we cause due to a predatory attitude, which makes us feel like owners of the planet and its resources and authorizes us to irresponsibly use the goods that God has given us,” the pope declared in a video message for the launch of the Laudato Si platform, a seven-year ecological project.  “From the hands of God we have received a garden; we cannot leave our children a desert,” he declared.  Speaking of abuse, didn’t the church already leave a few children in the worst desert of all?  Some folks just can’t stay in their lane.
  4. Everyone is a climate change expert.  Listening to the pope, live-alone bachelor Al Gore must be smiling inside of his 10,070-square-foot estate near Nashville, Tennessee. Though a report by the National Center for Public Policy Research said that according to data obtained from the Nashville Electric Service, a public electric company that powers Mr. Gore’s home and most of Nashville, the 20-room mansion used 230,889 kilowatt-hours of electricity during the 12 months ending in 2019.  That’s roughly 21 times more than the 10,812 kWh a year used up by the typical American household, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.  Lucky for him, his invention of the internet easily pays for such excess.
  5. Meanwhile, another expert, this one on infectious diseases, said this one year ago in May of 2020.  “If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what’s out there now, is very, very strongly leaning towards this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated the way the mutations had naturally evolved,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci.
  6.  And now?  Fauci was asked by PolitiFact managing editor Katie Sanders late last week if he still believed the virus was developed naturally.   “No, actually,” Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) said. “I’m not convinced about that, and I think we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we continue to find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened.”    One mask, two masks,  Red mask, blue mask.  We borrowed those words and manipulated them a bit from another doctor who has been outed.  Dr. Suess.
  7. Brooks Koepka got swept up in the mass of humanity that rolled towards the 18th green Sunday as 50-year-old Phil Mickelson won the PGA Championship. But, he’s yet to get swept up in the Bryson DeChambeau craze.  This video proves that and then some.  It’s a must-see for 45 seconds.  Even though Bryson is making big bucks on the big tour, he’s obviously living rent-free in Brooks’ cranium.
  8. “They” say that there is nothing like playoff hockey.  “We” agree with “they.”  Overtimes, tied series, and nonstop end to end skating take us back to yesteryear when we didn’t have to listen to social blah blah, jerseys with causes in place of names, and incessant whining about all that’s wrong in a world that is and always has been far from perfect.  It’s only a hunch, but we’re guessing that the tv ratings are way up for the NHL playoffs right about now.  And, they accomplish all of these ridiculous athletic moves on ice skates.  Drop the puck.
  9.  Aaron Rodgers’ feelings are hurt.  Brian Gutekunst, the Green Bay GM who drafted his eventual replacement, is his target.  “I think sometimes people forget what really makes an organization,” Rodgers said Monday. “History is important, the legacy of so many people who’ve come before you. But the people, that’s the most important thing.  Culture is built brick by brick, the foundation of it by the people, not by the organization, not by the building, not by the corporation. It’s built by the people.”  Well said, Aaron.  And, you’re one of the people. In fact, you’re the most important person on and perhaps off of the field in the organization.  Swallow that immense pride and huge ego and buckle up your chinstrap, please.  Vince Lombardi is looking down at you while looking down at you from above.
  10. As MLB approaches the 1/3rd mark on the season, who leads the AL East?  It’s not the Boston Red Sox, nor the New York Yankees.  They are the big spenders.  It’s the Tampa Bay Rays, again. Tampa Bay won it in 2020.  They would be the ideal team for a remake of the great movie Moneyball.  The league average for entire organizational salaries is $258 million.  The Yankees are spending $402, while the Sox ( or Sawks if you hail from there) stand at $352.  Tampa?  Glad you asked.  They’re getting it done with $126.

Till then, later.