Who could have predicted that 2020 would bring us so many 12 to 6 curve balls and 95 MPH knee-high outside corner strikes?  No one could actually.

Who could know what 2021 could possibly have in store for us in the sports and news world?  Well, BBR of course.

Take the first six months of the 12-month journey below.  You’ll be glad you did and then let the champagne flow.

January-  Alabama beats Clemson 45-28 and a masked Nick Saban hoists his 23rd or so FBS trophy, each as tall as he is.  The Kansas City Chiefs make it two Super Bowls in a row beating the New Orleans Saints 38-35 in overtime on a 61-yard field goal.  Joe Biden gets sworn into the highest office in the land while mistakenly placing his left hand on the bible.  Donald Trump, the most outgoing President ever, becomes the first outgoing President to not attend the inauguration.

February- To kick off Black History Month President Biden, by executive order, renames the White House the Black House.  A new civil rights organization, Tall Lives Matter, is formed and takes over four square blocks near the house, and names the area Shaq.  Dr. Fauci opines that the next pandemic could be far worse than this past one, or it might never come.

March- The stock market dives from its all-time high of 33,321 to test the March 23, 2020 lows of 18,321.  President Biden calls it March Madness and the greatest buying opportunity of his 103 years.  He proposes that the government buy Apple for 3 trillion dollars, rename it Ring My Bell, and promises free phones for all.  Donald Trump gets his own TV talk show named Agent Orange.

April- Gonzaga finishes 33-0 and wins the real March Madness tournament.  They cut down the nets sans masks forcing them to forfeit their trophy and 2 scholarships for 2022.  The Ways and Means Committee eliminates April 15 as the tax deadline effectively allowing you to pay your taxes when you wish and if you wish.  A bill on the Senate floor to rename America as Neverland is narrowly defeated 51-49.

May- Biden mistakenly signs his name on the new healthcare act as President Harris.  Mitch McConnell gets new glasses sponsored by Coca Cola. They are affectionately known as Bottoms Up.  Ghislaine Maxwell, under oath, swears that William Jefferson Clinton was such a frequent guest on Epstein’s island that they named the slip and slide into the pool after him-Slick Willie.  A race track star is born as Pie O My III wins the Kentucky Derby by 12 lengths.

June- The earliest hurricane ever recorded slams Washington, DC and it takes nearly three full weeks to drain the swamp.  The San Diego Padres win their 17th game in a row to take a commanding 12 game lead in the NL West.   George Springer hits his 27th dinger for the NY Mets.  Joe Biden, by executive order, deems 1-3 PM Monday through Friday in the Black House as nap time.  The stock market hits an all-time high of 33,666.

Tomorrow we’ll see what the second half of 2021 has in store for us.



What Changed?

Helping America get back on its collective feet is a noble cause of our invaluable government.  In fact, there is a report from Politico this AM that a $900 billion stimulus package (the second of its kind in the year of our Covid) is expected to be announced today.

Yesterday’s stock market rally foreshadowed as much.  When you pump money into consumers’ and businesses’ hands it eventually lands on corporate bottom lines.  When bottom lines go up, stocks go up.

You might question why $900 billion and why today?  Perhaps you should question $900 billion and why today.  President Trump countered and countered Pelosi’s pork-filled relief bill in September and October.  She wanted a robust $2.2 trillion.  Spendthrift Trump only wanted about $1.8 trillion.  Pelosi tore into the miser at every turn.  In fact, she ripped up the pages (not really but to revisit the visual is worth the reach) of the Trump counter saying it wasn’t near enough back then.

What changed?   An election is what changed.  Why help Trump and the peasants before the election when you can delay, anger the peasants, blame it on Trump, and have them vote your way?  Now that the dealing is done, open the cash spigot a bit and make it rain all be it far less than the president was willing to do to help.

Speaking of peasants, the black lives matter movement spearheaded by the BLM organization is now impatiently waiting for a meeting with the Biden/Harris team that they peacefully protested for in many cities to ignite those same peasants to vote them in.  It’s been 32 days and counting they say.  Enough already.  Where is our seat at the table they ask?  Don’t they know that the Biden/Harris transition team is very busy?  At the sound of the tone leave a voice mail, please.

Extra busy and awfully quiet is Kamala Harris.  Remember BLM to enunciate it as “Comma Lah” when leaving the voice mail, but we digress.  In six months’ time, she accused Biden of racism and her campaign soon fell on its face.  She got up four months later, answered Biden’s call, and was nominated as the first black woman to run as VP.  Depending on from which direction the wind blows she claims to be either African American or identifies as a Black American.  What changed?  “Only in America” Don King once said.

And that isn’t the only busy signal that BLM calls have received.  Yesterday Biden announced his choice for Secretary of Transportation.  It’s none other than Mayor Pete Buttigieg.  When last we heard a peep from Pete he was dropping out of the Democratic Presidential race and holding raised hands with Biden on a stage announcing that the future was bright.  Heck, he didn’t even wait till Super Tuesday.  What changed?  A backroom back scratch for his obvious sway with the Gay Community is what changed.

Could it be more ironic that in South Bend, IN, where the honorable Buttigieg reigns, the roads are said to have some of the worst potholes of any city in America?  As Secretary of Transportation maybe Pete can grab a bit of the above-mentioned $900 billion for some asphalt?

In addition, Buttigieg faced opposition from the local black community and the local BLM organization after he demoted the city’s first black police chief, and after a white police officer shot and killed a black man named Eric Logan. Black Lives Matter activists followed Buttigieg on the campaign trail and protested him repeatedly.

Hmm.  BLM denounced his nomination loudly yesterday.  After all, isn’t that at the very core of the BLM movement?

The number that you have called is either disconnected or no longer listed.  Please hang up and try again.

What changed?  You know what changed.

The saying “politics makes strange bedfellows” need not change.

It always answers the call.