The Pretend Fight

In 2018 Joe Biden announced he was running for president. When asked why, he emphatically said, “It’s a battle for our nation’s soul.” In other words, “embrace our vision.”

Last week, Nancy Pelosi announced that she was running for reelection as the representative from Cali District 11.  She said she has to as “we are in a fight for our democracy.”  She may have been the accelerant for J6, and she’ll use it to her advantage as long as her 83-year-old soul lives.

Always give the Dems credit.  They craft a catchy “cause” phrase, define it in their own self-interests, tell the media to run with it, and sell it way better than their friends from the other side of the aisle.

We assume our nation’s soul and our democracy would include open and fair elections.

Is the Democratic Party open to a fair process this go around? Does their democracy in the “fight for our democracy” include the opportunity for all voices to be heard, or just voices that see the nation’s soul the way they do?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wonders as well.  He hinted strongly last Friday that he would run for president on a third-party ticket instead of continuing his long-shot primary challenge to President Biden.  The DNC shut down the “democratic” election process months and months ago.

Free speech sometimes has a hard time finding its way onto an expensive stage.

No debate, no opposition.  It’s Biden 2024. Or, bust.

Or, is it?

Maybe RFK sees the country’s soul and democracy fight differently than the establishment does.  RFK’s move set off alarms among Democrats worried about its potential to cause chaos in November 2024.

The establishment has “established” folks like Biden and Pelosi.  They’ve been “doing the people’s work” in DC since 1972 and 1987 respectively.  If you’re counting, that’s 87 years of combined fine service.

Lieutenants Harris and Buttigieg fell directly in line when asked four years ago.  For that, they got high-profile jobs that they were immensely not qualified for.

What do we do with this RFK guy?   He seems like a rogue one that has little interest in being bought and paid for.  Worse yet, he thinks on his own.

Ah, how about we have Gavin Newsom at the ready, yet only emerging from the shadows enough to show his pearly whites now and again? He’s bought all in.

In the fight for our democracy, we need a promotable lieutenant in case our president were to take a nasty fall ascending a staircase or exiting a stage.

Or worse, he could pull a Dianne Feinstein.  She was well established too and a spry 90.

Too soon?





Have a Nice Trip

Yesterday President Joe Biden took an early fall trip.  Walking down the short stairs of Air Force One to visit the Michigan United Auto Workers Union picket line he almost took a fall himself.

Perhaps Karine Jean Claude Pepe Le Phew Pierre will characterize it as a misstep.

The twenty gas-guzzling SUVs convoyed off of the tarmac.

Jo-Slip Biden didn’t miss a step while joining the rally as he supported the UAW in their new contract asking for a 40% wage increase over four years and a 32-hour work week.  Every Michigan vote will count at least once next fall.

As a scrappy kid from Scranton (not Baltimore as he said late last week), he can relate to hard times.  He works about 32 hours a week himself these days.  And, a 10% pocket liner is right in line for the Big Guy.

Of course, the UAW better be building all-electric cars soon cause otherwise 40% of nothing is nothing.

It’s an assembly line of economics, or Bidenomics if you prefer.  You need big wage increases on the job these days to keep up with inflation at the grocery store and the pump.

But, big wage increases cause inflation.  And inflation causes the Fed to raise interest rates way faster than Biden can ascend a staircase.  And higher interest rates supposedly cause the economy to slow and mortgage rates to go through your new home’s roof.

Most of all higher long-term rates accelerate the nation’s debt.  You know the debt.  It’s a national disgrace that we don’t talk about.

Well, Joe does.  He’s told us that since he took office he’s cut it by 1 million, er, 1 billion, um 100 billion, er, 1.75 trillion dollars depending on the day he misspeaks.

On Monday the debt crossed over 33 trillion dollars.  It’ll balloon to nearly 36 trillion by the end of 2024.

Never mind all that, Joe spent 14 minutes with the hard hats in the key swing state and then headed west like the young man that he is.  Fire up the plane, and spew some fossil fuel emissions over the flyover states.  The next stop was a big Democratic Party fundraiser in California with the movers and shakers out there.

On the way out the Michigan dignitaries told Biden to ” have a good trip.”

He said, ‘I’ll see you next fall.”