Sailor’s Warning

That red wave promised yesterday morning should have been a Republican sailor’s warning.  And, while the Democrats can’t sing “blue skies, nothing but blue skies, over me” just yet, they can certainly see a silver lining in the dark clouds.

What exactly just happened?  Or, what continues to happen today as those who can’t count continue to count?

What happened was America voted.  And, despite what many polls identified as major flaws in how they were running the country, they voted for a lot of the same as what they voted for two years ago.

Does that make sense?  Of course, it doesn’t.

If you were shocked that Trump came from no political background to win it all in 2020, you had to be shocked about last night into this morning.

Here’s what we know happened, and a few guesses on why it happened.

There is no red wave.  Yes, the odds favor the House turning red by a slim margin.  And the Senate could as well by the ever so slimmest of margins.  Or, it might stay purple.  Or it might turn blue.   That is not a red wave.

Ron DeSantis sailed far and away as the biggest winner on the Republican side.  He won four years ago by the slimmest of margins for his first term as governor.  It was a blitzkrieg this time.  He motored through Miami-Dade county, a 12-point Biden win county, in the most impressive of fashions.  He has to be considered the Republican frontrunner for 2024.

Has the population growth in Florida, mostly from the northeast and accelerated by covid hysteria, come in as transplanted conservatives?

Pennsylvania can’t count.  Also, they elected John Fetterman.  Sometimes if you have nothing nice to say you should say nothing at all.

Will Beto O’Rourke and Stacey Abrams finally go away?

Beto got a veto in Texas.  He’s ‘oh for” in his last three election at-bats.  In Texas, you don’t say out loud that you’re coming for the guns.

Abrams said last night that she’ll continue to do everything she can to right all of the wrongs in Georgia.  Sounds good until the DNC money goes elsewhere.

Arizona can’t count either.  And, they have broken machines in Maricopa County supposedly.  Does anyone think to give them a test run a few months back?  No.

And, if they don’t elect Kari Lake it will be the second biggest surprise of November.  She trails 51-49 with nearly 2/3rds counted this AM.

Republican leadership, we say again, is nonexistent, old, tired, white, and selfish.  Young adults aren’t buying what they are selling.

Mitch McConnell and his PAC cronies had a game plan.  Mike Tyson said everyone has a plan until they get hit.  McConnell and the RNC got pummeled.

The polls got it all wrong again.  Like the Republican leadership, it’s past time for them to look at their flawed ways.  They didn’t get to Trump voters in 2016.  And, they likely whiffed on Gen Z in 2022.  Calling landline numbers might be past its prime.  Get a TikTok account already.

Could control of the Senate come down to Georgia again in a Senate runoff?  Herschel Walker was once a hell of a running back.  There are holes in his candidacy as big as the ones his Bulldogs used to create for him to run through though.

So where does all of this leave one Donald J. Trump?  Today it is Mar-a-Lago.  Tomorrow it’s likely in some court.  By 2024, it’s likely on stage gunning for the White House.  The Dems can’t wait.

One thing about the weather “they” say.  It’s always changing.

The forecast from here till 2024 looks tough to call.   Red wave?  Blue Sky?  One fish, two fish.

Blame it on climate change if you wish.




That Little Clown Car is Full

The November midterm elections are barreling down on us faster than Ian went through Florida (too soon?).  And the circus has all three rings full of actions.

Send in the clowns.  Where are the clowns?  They’re all piling out of the little car at once.

In the hotly contested Georgia Senate race that has major national implications, Herschel Walker hopped out with a big red fake nose on.

He’s running as an anti-abortion candidate and he ran to Hannity for cover.  Asked if he indeed suggested that a woman whose unborn child he may have been a part of creating received money from him for an abortion he said no.

Asked if he sent her money he said he gives money away all of the time.  There is also the allegation that he sent her a signed get well soon card.  Coincidence?

He also recently admitted to having four children.  For a long time, he acknowledged but one.  It’s easy to forget about the other three with the way kids act these days.

The Dems fresh off of a 1/2 a trillion student loan debt forgiveness giveaway to buy the 20 to 30-year-old vote selectively struck again.

Kamala Harris told a reporter over the weekend when discussing the hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico and Florida, and we exactly quote, “On the point that you made about disparities: You know back when I was District Attorney of San Francisco  I started one of the first environmental justice units of any DA’s office in the country focused on this issue. And in particular on the disparities, as you have described rightly, which is that it is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making.”

The word windbag comes to mind.  May we recommend a little environmental justice to top off your word salad?

Boil it down and she is saying we need to give more money to climate change needs and direct that money to the minority communities.  Those are daily double Dem talking points.

It was a busy week for the VP.  Earlier standing 50 yards from and looking through binoculars at North Korea from South Korea she took to the podium.  And, she exclaimed that the U.S. shares an alliance with North Korea that is strong and enduring.”

Does the border czar know the difference between North and South Korea?  She was looking down at her notes while talking.  It’s hard to read “north” when seeing the written word “south,” isn’t it?  Or, is it vice versa?

Does Joe Biden know that the late Rep. Jackie Walorski is dead?  Where’s Jackie?  Is she here?

Does a bear……….?

Maybe Czar Kamala was hoping for a few Koreans to cross a border, any border, and gain the right to vote this November via absentee ballot.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Monday that she believes Democrats will keep control of the House after the November midterm elections as polls show the nation is relatively split on which political party it wants in the majority.  Or, maybe America wants neither party?

If she is right, the most experienced clowns of all, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, and McCarthy can keep driving the little funny car right over the cliff.

Send in the clowns.