Think Inside the Box

Surely once or thrice you’ve been asked to think outside of the box.

A wise CEO once asked a group a few moons ago to think inside of the box.  Why?  To get their attention is one reason.  And, to realize where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there is another.

So, where is America right now, and more importantly for Republicans where is their party in the minds of Americans?

America is seriously divided on a plethora of issues right down party lines.  Each side asks that we “come together as a country” frequently.  What they mean is “agree with us and all will be well.”  The ask doesn’t even sound sincere and it certainly doesn’t work that way.

Republicans are thought of and/or portrayed as white, old, stodgy, racist, set in their ways, and out of touch.

What to do?  How about doing some things that are progressive and democratic at the same time yet reflect conservative views?

Say what?  Well, it’s a lot different than it may sound at first blush.

Progressive also means “happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.” Democratic also means “relating to or supporting democracy or its principles.”

Try just a few on for size.

How about getting all new leadership after the midterms regardless of the outcomes?  Isn’t it past time that old Mitch McConnell for one, arguably the biggest RINO of them all step aside? Just last week he mumbled, “if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans,” implying that Black voters are not Americans.

On Friday, he said he “inadvertently omitted the word ‘almost,’” but then after the news conference ended, he returned to the microphones to correct himself one more time. “The omitted word is ‘all,’ not ‘almost,'” he said. “Sorry.”

Biden is worse tripping over his own tongue, but not by much.  The elephants need a fresh face, voice, and view.

How about having all 50 Republican Senators vote for the SCOTUS black female nominee?  Let’s assume that she is qualified, regardless if opinions vary if she is the most qualified.  The vote is supposed to be cast on qualifications, not political ideology.

Madame VP Harris would cast the 51st vote for her confirmation regardless, but that’s not really the point.  The point would be that America could look at this as “progress.”  Take the lead in celebrating her nomination.  Maybe even a RINO or two could sell it that way as “coming together as a country.”

Eleven Democrats voted for Clarence Thomas.  One was not then-Senator Biden, but we digress.   Thirty-nine Republicans voted for Ruth Bader Ginsberg.   Only one Democrat (don’t Build Back Better Joe Manchin) voted for Brett Kavanaugh.

And, how about looking ahead to 2024?  If you support true conservatism, you’d support it regardless of who espouses it, wouldn’t you?  Nominate the right presidential candidate from the right.  Then choose Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat in name only as your VP running mate.

Sound crazy?  It might drive perpetually in mourning Morning Joe crazy.  But, listen to what she believes in and you’ll swear that she’s further right than any Bush, Graham, McConnell, Crenshaw, Romney, or Rubio ever sounded.

It is after all principles, not sheep in wolves’ clothing that matter most, isn’t it?  And, who wants to be the first Democrat to stand up and say that nominating a Dem female is a bad idea?

Progressive and democratic is the new conservative.

Do you say it can never happen?

Don’t tell Joe Burrow “never.”

Orange and black is the new AFC Champion.



Mormon? Moron? Senator? President? Where? Who?

Were you already working yesterday at 9 AM EST and missed the Amy Coney Barrett(ACB) Supreme Court Justice initial nomination proceedings?  Understandable.

That’s why BBR is here for you.  We watched and are pleased to bring to you a quick recap below summarizing what took place.

Nothing.  That right, absolutely nothing.

ACB (no relation whatsoever to AOC) sat prim and proper, mask perfectly in place, and listened to Senate committee members bloviate for five minutes at a time.

Each Republican extolled her credentials, and that list is long and unopposed on the merits.

Each Democrat talked about how the world is ending due to Trump, COVID-19, his poor response to COVID-19, how great the Affordable Care Act(ACA) is/was, and how “Trump the Terrible” was going to take it away along with your chance at surviving this pandemic much less even a common cold.

We give the Democrats credit again.  Even when they have an empty hand they press on as if they have pocket aces.

They know at least four things.  One, ACB is a shoo-in.  Her credentials are impeccable.  Two, the Republicans have the votes to confirm her no matter what they say or do.  Three, therefore, when you have “free” air time use it to you and your party’s advantage.  And four, the road to the White House is paved by running over Trump and then backing up over him again and again.

They’ve been driving that bus since the days before he took office in 2016.  It’s accelerated when they realized Joe Biden is nothing more than a 77-year-old who wears Aviator sunglasses and stumbles through one teleprompter aided speech after the other in his quest to become Senator.

Senator?  Well, that’s what he said yesterday.  He also called Mitt Romney  “that Senator who is a Mormon.”  Well, that beats getting called “that Senator who is a moron,” which, while appropriate, might be insensitive in today’s word, but we digress.  He also tweeted out that he was campaigning in Pennsylvania while he was in Ohio.  And, finally, he directed folks at a “rally”(all 15 of them in person) to a website that doesn’t exist.

It’s all in a day’s work for the assumed frontrunner for President (not Senate) of the United States.

It’s no wonder that the Democrats are putting in extra work to tear Trump down while ACB gets appointed to the highest court in the land.

That former Senator from New Hampshire, um, Delaware, um somewhere, Joe Biden might win election to the highest office in the land.  He’s just not sure where that is, nor what it is.
