Black Monday in the NFL

Yesterday was Black Monday in the NFL.  As the NFL Network sat round table discussing the firings of some head coaches the conversation turned naturally to the hiring of some new head coaches.  Over time the conversation morphed into the state of minority hiring at the key NFL franchise management positions of General Manager and Head Coach.

On the four man (no women) desk were host Steve Wyche, analyst Marc Ross, former GM and contributor Charley Casserly and a fourth whose name we couldn’t discern.  Time and again the refrain was that the NFL needed to do a better job of identifying, training, and interviewing potential minority candidates.  Time and again the refrain was that too few African Americans occupied these important positions.  Ross stated that only 3 or 4 head coaches were black.  It was flat out stated and repeated that the NFL needed to do a better job in creating diversity in the workplace.

Casserly once participated on the committee that created the Rooney Rule.  Adopted in 2003, the Rooney Rule is a National Football League policy that requires league teams to interview ethnic-minority candidates for head coaching and senior football operation jobs. It is sometimes cited as an example of affirmative action, as there is no quota or preference given to minorities in the hiring of candidates.  Yesterday he expanded on it’s intent and the progress that has been made.  The panel listened and was unimpressed.

Yesterday’s news in and out of the NFL as well as their well intentioned discussion made us wonder.

One, in the ultra competitive NFL would owners choose GM’s and coaches based on race? Or is it always about qualifications and perceived future success?  Either you win or you walk.

Two, how many black coaches or GM’s would make the NFL “truly diverse?”  Would it be a percentage equal to the population in the U.S.?  That percentage is somewhere less than 15% per the last census.  If so 15% of 32 teams would mean 5 black head coaches.  If you have 3 or 4 pending comings and goings right now are you that far off?  Or, to be diverse, should it be more?

Three, so does it mean more than that? The data collected by The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport (TIDES), shows that 70% of NFL players were African Americans at the start of the 2018 season.  Should 70% of the GM’s and head coaches be black?

Four, what about other minorities, or women, being included in this diversity shortcoming.  Nearly 52% of America is female.  Shouldn’t 52% of the above mentioned positions go to females?  NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, in his state of the league address last year said, “there is no reason why 50% of our coaches shouldn’t be women.”  Apparently the NBA is progressive.  The NFL is not.

Once upon a time all NFL place kickers were “straight on” kickers.  Hell, they even employed the disabled.  One kicker only had half of a foot.  Now 100% are “soccer style” kickers.  It seems like the league is predisposed, dare we say prejudiced, to one type of kicker.  That isn’t very diverse.  Ah, but the difference in the kicking style is the “how,” not the “who” you say.  In other words anyone can kick as long as they are successful and are “sidewinders.”

Maybe anyone can man the running back position too as long as they are successful?  Sure.  Christian McCaffery, the only white running back of note in the entire league, has had such a great season that he might be a top MVP vote getter this year.  See.  Diversity indeed.

U Haul, the trucking company, announced yesterday that they were going to a “no nicotine” hiring policy beginning in 2020 and beyond.  So much for diversity.  If you can kick the habit come work for us.

The NFL says if you can kick a football come work for us.  But, it’s time to stop kicking this can down the road when it comes to hiring head coaches.  The NFL needs more diversity in certain positions of employ.  In others it’s doing just fine.  No need to take a knee after all.




Ten Piece Nuggets-NCAA, NFL, and Potluck

You’ve got to be tired of leftovers.  Have some info and protein rich Ten Piece Nuggets below.  They’re randomly served.  Get all of your food groups in early.  Variety is good for you.

  1. The NFL is down to 12 teams while the NCAA is down to two.  Let the playoffs begin for the NCAA this coming weekend, while the NCAA’s playoff will crown a champion on January 13. There are still some good bowl games to be played (Alabama v. Michigan, Baylor v. Georgia, Wisconsin v. Oregon), but the last of one of all in NOLA is the biggest.  LSU was installed as a 3 point overnight favorite over Clemson but by dawn that rose to 5.5 on Sunday.
  2.  Did you listen to Dabo Swinney after his team’s thrilling comeback over THE?  His shtick is already tired and we get to hear from him for two more weeks.  “We’ll need to win 30 in a row to be champion.”  Hmm.  Is last year’s record relevant this year?  If so, yes you will need to win 30 in a row since 29 are done.  ” They’re ranked 1st and we’re only ranked 3rd.”  So?  “Nobody in the media believes in us.”  Clemson was never ranked lower than fourth all year long.  Lastly, why is Swinney pronounced sween nee?  William Christopher “Dabo” Swinney’s Clemson Tigers are 10-1 in their last 11 games v. the SEC.  If he wants “r-e-s-p-e-c-t” he’ll need to make it 11-1 according to him.  Poor Dabo.
  3. Today is Black Monday in the NFL.  It’s the day players clean out their lockers till fall and fired head coaches clean out their offices permanently.  Jay Gruden lasted only 6 games in Washington while Ron Rivera (more on him later) got booted a month ago in Carolina.  Freddie Kitchens is out as of this AM in Cleveland.  Doug Marrone is as good as gone in Jacksonville.  They’ll be others.
  4. Is Jason Garrett out in Dallas?  Jerry Jones was quiet after yesterday’s final regular season game when asked.  Jerry Jones is never quiet.  Garrett owns an 85-67 record in 10 seasons in Dallas. He took the Cowboys to the playoffs three times, each ending in the divisional round.  Garrett’s contract wasn’t renewed last off season.  It expires on 1/14/2020.  He’ll be gone before that.  Sometimes it’s just time.
  5. Let the Urban Meyer and Lincoln Riley rumors fly.  Urban has never coached a single down in the NFL.  Ask Nick Saban if the transition from the NCAA always works out.  Riley looks the part.  He’s young and offensive minded.  The NFL is a copycat league.  Sean McVay paved the way for Kliff Kingsbury.   Is Riley next?  If he is, he needs to hire a DC and stay the hell away from the D.  His Oklahoma teams stop nobody and the Big 12 isn’t very good.  They have been worked over in their CFP playoff appearances.  LSU had 49 in the first half and throttled way down to a 63 point total Saturday afternoon.  Riley said afterwards, “they went on a little bit of a run.”  Little bit?
  6. Did you want a weird and mostly worthless trivial stat this AM?  We thought so.  Alvin Kamara has caught exactly 81 passes in the regular season each season in his first three years in the NFL.  It’s a ton for a RB especially when Michael Thomas is playing WR on the same team.
  7.  What’s wrong with New England?  Yesterday they tripped all over themselves losing as a 16 point favorite at home to Miami.  It cost them a first week bye  They’ll need to dispatch of the Tennessee Titans this weekend then hit the road twice to get to the big show.  NE, under Belichick, has never advanced to the Super Bowl from lower than the #2 seed.  He had timeouts and time when they forced a Miami punt with 1:45 left in the second quarter.  He let the clock run down on the punt, then had Tom Brady hand the ball off twice to go into the locker room tied at 10.  Hmm.  Brady was seen on the sidelines working to loosen his right arm all afternoon.  Hmm.  It’s going to be very hard for them to derail the team that has “it” this year-the Baltimore Ravens.  The Ravens will spend the week getting healthy while NE clashes with the Titans.
  8.  Ron Rivera will very likely be introduced as the next Washington Redskins head coach today or tomorrow.  Be careful what you wish for.  That organization has been a mess for two decades and running.  They over pay for free agents, miss on draft picks, and cannot evaluate QB talent.  Bruce Allen is out as president there as well.  The one constant in the last twenty years there?  The owner.  Daniel Snyder makes Jerry Jones look like a smart owner.
  9.  Two live wild cards are Minnesota and Seattle.  Minnesota travels to N.O.  Seattle goes across the country to face Philly.  Two teams getting no respect are Green Bay and Kansas City.  Both are two seeds, both get the week off, and both are very tough outs at home.
  10.  This BBR staff writer goes to a movie in a theater about as often as the Cleveland Browns go to the playoffs.  However, we took in Richard Jewell yesterday.  It’s good work done by Clint Eastwood.  If Abby were a movie critic she would give it four bones out of five.  Quick question, Jewell was accused of the 1996 pipe bombing in Centennial Olympic Park during the Olympics held in Atlanta, but was he ever arrested?  Convicted?  Who did place the backpack filled with three bombs? The FBI stunk this one up almost as bad as they behaved in the “Russia collusion” investigation.  Go see it.    A bag of popcorn is seven dollars these days.  Who knew?  Sneak some nuggets in instead.

It’s Just Week Two, But…..

Are you ready for some Thursday Night Football?  The 0-1 Tampa Bay Buccaneers travel to Charlotte to face the 0-1 Carolina Panthers this evening.  ” Ho hum,” you say?  Understood.

The teams battle a quick four days after season opening losses.  And both teams lost at home to teams who traveled to time zones from the west to beat them.  The LA Rams beat Carolina 30-27, while the SF 49ers left the Tampa Bay area with a 31-17 victory.

If you’re underwhelmed imagine if you are a fan of one of the two staring 0-2 in the face five days after the season opened.  And, this game is a division game which carries added importance.   “One and one” sounds ok.  “Oh and two” sounds early season dreadful.

And, eight times out of nine, season long dreadful it is.  Since 2007, 91 teams have started 0-2.  Only 10 of them (10.9 percent) have turned the sluggish start around and made the playoffs.   One of those (the 2008 Chargers) made it with an 8-8 record. The Saints last season, the Dolphins in 2016, the Texans and Seahawks in 2015, the Colts from 2014, the 2013 Panthers, the Dolphins, Chargers and Vikings in 2008, and the 2007 Giants are the only others.  And, of course, that Giants team won the Super Bowl that season.

Carolina missed the playoffs in 2018 with a 7-9 record.  Tampa Bay has not been to the playoffs since 2007.  TB has finished last in the NFC South in seven of the last eight woeful years.

In the NFL you don’t need to look too much further than quarterback play to figure out who is ascending in the league and who has hit bottom.  For Carolina good, but inconsistent quarterbacking by Cam Newton tells most of the story.  Tonight he starts his 125th game as a pro.  He’s won 68, lost 54, and tied 1.  His career qb rating is 86.3.  Seventeen active QB’s with more than 50 starts rank higher.  In his defense his surrounding offensive cast hasn’t always been the best.  However, the Carolina defense has usually been between good and very good.  Cam is a sneaky 30, but in the QB friendly league that the NFL has become, he’s still got time to write better chapters in his story.  It’s time to start.

The Jameis Winston story, however, is another story.  Winston starts game 56 of his career tonight.  His record is a dreadful 21-24.  Winston’s QB rating is a shade higher than Newton’s at 87.0.   Fifteen active QB’s with more than 50 starts rank higher.   He played one year under Lovie Smith and three under recently fired Dirk Koetter.  Supposed QB whisperer Bruce Ariens now takes the helm.   Stability in the TB coaching has been wanting.  Also, in his defense his team’s defensive cast hasn’t been good.  However, the weapons around Winston have been solid, and sometimes border very good.  Four seasons in plus game one of five,and only 25 years old, he has plenty of time to write better chapters in his story.  Like Cam, it’s time to start.  Past time really.  Winston’s not looked at around the league as a leader, and his maturity has been questioned.  And “been questioned” is being nice.

Remember, “oh and two” means you sit home in January eight times of nine.  It might be week two, but this underwhelming match up could be a pivot point for both franchises.

On May 16, 2018, David Tepper, formerly a minority owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, finalized an agreement to purchase the Panthers. The sale price was nearly $2.3 billion, a record.  Ron Rivera has been head coach for them since 2010.  You don’t shell out 2.3 billion for average.  If you miss the playoff this year does Ron go?  Cam’s deal is through 2020.  A new coach would have a year to work with him.

For Tampa, Ariens either fixes Winston this year, or not.  If not, Winston is likely out.  His contract expires after this season.

For a “ho hum” game, played just five days into the season, more is on the line than might normally meet the eye.

Which QB will pass the ball and the eyeball test best?





In the NFL Fashion is King(sbury).

Psst!  Want to know a little secret about the fashion industry?  When it accomplishes its goal it makes you want to go out and buy something new.  You see the new on tv, magazines, websites, runways, etc.   Suddenly what was new in your closet is old.  You want the new.  You need the new.  You have to have it and have it now.  Suddenly all stores, all designers, all price points are chasing the latest.  Copycats they are.

Psst! Want to know a little secret about the NFL?  When one team has success doing something a certain way or hiring a certain type of coach others follow quickly.  The owners have to have it and have it now.  Copycats they are.

What’s the latest?  The latest is the Sean McVay model.  Sean McVay (born January 24, 1986) is the head coach of the Los Angeles Rams. Upon his hiring in 2017 at the age of 30, he became the youngest head coach in modern NFL history. But most of all he is thought of as a “quarterback whisperer.”  Young Jared Goff exploded onto the “franchise qb” scene last year under McVay’s tutelage.  Combine that with McVay’s youth,daring play calling, and “can do” personna and, suddenly, orange is the new black.

Heck just a few weeks ago, before the weather worsened, teams were engaging in games that were lighting up scoreboards.  Forty something to forty something final scores were in style.  Experts looked at these new designs on all of the fashion shows preening down the runways and pronounced it as the new NFL.

Enter the Arizona Cardinals.  After they parted ways with Bruce Arians (Arizona’s most successful coach since they moved to the desert) in 2017 after five seasons, in came a former DC and DB coach Steve Wilks.  But, after one bad season and no real development of their first round QB draft pick Josh Rosen, out goes the defensive mindset.

Enter Kliff Kingsbury as the new head coach of the Cardinals.  Young ole’ Kliff was terminated by the Texas Tech powers that be after his head coaching ascension there stalled in December at the end of season six.  He accepted the OC job at USC a week or so ago.  Then poof!  Hopefully his lease was minute to minute.

But like Jimmy cracked corn, the Cardinals don’t care about his head coaching past nor his lack of loyalty to USC.  After all he was the OC under Kevin Sumlin at A&M when Johnny “Football” Manziel hit the big screen.  Oh, and then he coached Pat Mahomes at Texas Tech.  Surely he is the next QB guru just like skinny jeans are the new bell bottoms.

Meanwhile, last weekend, both Sunday playoff games entered halftime with none of the four participants scoring a single touchdown.  That was a first.  Ever.  That came on the unfashionable heels of a December 9th Bears defensive shutdown of the high flying Rams 15-6.

The post season credo has been “you have to be able to stop the run and run the ball” to win in the post season.  But, copycat franchises have to have that new fashion fix.  Good luck.

Maybe black is actually the new orange?