Ten Percent of Ten Percent

The House took three weeks off to make up their minds about a new Speaker.  BBR took three weeks off to give the staff some much-needed rest as well.

Wednesday the new Speaker Mike Johnson and at least 25 of his House Republican Representatives sat down for a town hall with Republican blowhard cheerleader Sean Hannity.

Sean asked them in a show of hands who would vote for, based on their knowledge to date on the influence peddling of Hunter and the Biden family, impeaching President Biden.  The show of hands looked unanimous in favor of doing so.

Yesterday a copy of a 40k check made out to Joe Biden was shown again and again on fair and balanced Fox.  The 2017 transfer from first brother James Biden and his wife Sara to the future president allegedly involves the same business deal in which Joe Biden was called the “big guy” and penciled in for a 10% cut.  It could be and maybe will be the first proven instance of the commander-in-chief getting a piece of his family’s foreign income.

All of that while more than just Rome is burning around the globe and here at home.  Would impeaching old Joe be a good idea in the political theatre while men and women are dying in theatres of war?

Maybe it would assuage those from the right still seething from one or more of the Trump “witch hunt impeachments.”  But does it move the needle in 2024?

Well, it would if the House actually voted to impeach then sent it to the Senate and the Senate held an Impeachment Trial and found Prez Biden guilty of hiding some fraudulently acquired funds.

The Senate has a slim Democratic majority.  In today’s polarized political climate, there is no way any Dems would break ranks and vote to abandon Joe is there?

That’s likely very accurate.  An in-the-know Republican friend of BBR doubts that any Dems would break.

It’s very accurate unless you are one of those who believe that the Dems don’t really want an 81-year-old Biden to run again.  After all, he seems challenged to walk much less run.

It’s actually the trap door they may be looking for if only one or two decided to make it so.

“Farfetched that is,” you naysayers say.

Pay off Kamala with a 15 million dollar book deal.  She could write about Venn Diagrams.  And voila!

Before your eyes appears a Newsom/Buttigieg ticket.

What are the odds in Vegas right now that we could have a second Second Gentleman in a row?

If you were Biden would you take 10% of the “10% for the big guy” and get some action now?

Or, is this another all-talk and no-action Republican-led House with a new leader making all of the above a nonstarter?



The Fight for our Democracy

If you’re from the left you know  President Donald Trump stirred up his ultra MAGA loonies to storm the Capitol Building on 1/6/21.  He deserves to be impeached, indicted, tried, and convicted.  No sentence is too harsh for this treasonist act.

If you’re from the right you know that the Feds and Nancy Pelosi were heavily involved in staging J6 from the jump.  She refused National Guard help offered by Trump the night prior. This is all a part of a bigger plot to discredit Trump and keep him occupied so that he may never occupy the White House again.

It’s ping pong.

Turn on your favorite news channel and they’ll repeatedly show you evidence and put on “experts” 24/7 to validate what they want you to believe and what you want to believe.

Twitter knows you better than you do.  Every time you open a tweet, retweet a tweet, copy and paste a tweet, or open a video Twitter knows you even better than it did prior.  It, too, feeds you more of what you want to see, hear, and believe.

Objective, logical, balanced, and clear discussions are gone.  Any debate really means you hate.  Disinformation is slang for “I disagree with what you are saying.”

“The fight for our democracy” is a catchphrase now applied daily every single time one side wants to hysterically rile up its base.

There is no doubt that Hunter Biden, his friends, business associates, and hookers helped him show Chinese and Ukrainian businesses the benefits to have him on their board.  Or, better yet, they could “do some business” with his company and access to the then VP was theirs for the taking.

Don’t forget 10% for the big guy.  It’s all there on his laptop the right side howls.  Joe Biden says he never met one of Hunter’s business associates.  Ever.  Pictures of the same be damned.

Ironically, he’s never met his seventh grandchild either, but we digress.

The left says in spite of testimony under oath, emails, video of Joe bragging about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired, and Hunter’s repair shop laptop, there is no real evidence to connect any of these dots.

We could go on and on.  In ping pong, you have to win by two.

Meanwhile, we have a sitting president, whom the DNC shut down any competition to his renomination, who has the highest disfavorable ratings since Jimmy Carter ordered helicopters to land in Iran.  Bidenomics anyone?

On the flip side we have a twice impeached former president, now indicted for about the fourth time for god knows what, with a rabid base that has much fervor.  But beyond that 32% of the country, how much support does he have or can he garner?

One is an old 80, the other a spry 77.  Regardless, age is just a number.

Maybe it’s high time that some new blood and open thinking enter the arena to at least freshen the dialogue and reduce the diatribe.

That actually might make the media do its job.  Doubtful, but one can hope.

Give Robert Kennedy Jr a listen.  How about Vivek Ramaswamy?

Maybe you won’t agree with all of what they have to say.

But, maybe that’s better than believing everything that you hear from the same network or Twitter feed that you put on wash, rinse, and repeat daily.

It’s your serve.



It Says Here

Someone never once said, “Opinions are like fingers.  Most everyone has ten.”

  1.  It says here that the nontransitory inflation that was called transitory led to the recession that is no longer called a recession.  Biden told us so yesterday and then refused to take any questions on the word salad game his administration is playing.
  2. It says here that these word games serve no positive purpose other than leading the less informed down the wrong rabbit hole.  Remember in 20 years or less we got from “abortion” all of the ways to “woman’s reproductive rights,” a misnomer if ever there was one.  A few stops along the way included pro-choice, woman’s health, and women’s wellness.
  3. It says here that Joe Manchin is the savviest politician in Washington DC.  And, that is saying something.  West Virginia, are you watching?
  4. It says here that the Dems and a dozen and a half Republicans gave away 52 billion yesterday to the American chip manufacturers.  Fifty-two billion hardly is a blip on the screen when 800 billion went to green deals, West Virginia, subsidized health care, and more.
  5. It says here that calling the bill the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 takes conviction.  You have to be a skilled and indifferent liar to stand at a podium and tell America that the handouts will reduce inflation.
  6. It says here that Hunter Biden’s laptop content is going to get much more attention from the mainstream press after the November midterms.  If a red wave comes ashore, the “Big Guy,” aka Joe Biden is neutered.  Dems will officially begin the campaign to replace him before the campaign.
  7. It says here that the Democrats have to have two things happen to keep the White House in 2024.  One, Joe can’t get the nomination.  And, two, Trump must get the nomination.
  8. It says here that with 75% of polled Democrats saying that Biden should not run for reelection that behind the curtains a think tank is playing out and polling out alternatives.  Think Buttigieg, Newsom, etc.  Thankfully, don’t think Beto again.  Abbott will use him to mop the floor this fall.
  9. It says here that Kamala Harris’ obedience will need to be in hand to have this occur.  She was a lapdog in Cali before, so she does understand the commands.  Speaking of word salad, no one can match her jibberish.
  10.  It says here that the weekend is upon us.  It might be a good idea for one of our staffers (and maybe you) to turn off Fox, CNN, and MSNBC and enjoy the heat wave.

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