They’ve All Got It Wrong

In a quest to make you think their side is right, they’ve all got it wrong.

To put it mildly, January 6th, 2021 wasn’t the best day in our country’s history.  We doubt that you need a reminder, but it was what is now called Insurrection Day.

What went wrong leading up to the angry mob entering the Capitol Building, while in the building, and afterward?  Everything.

Then President Trump put himself before the country by denying the election results.  We’re still waiting for credible evidence of that at a level that would be meaningful.

Too many of his followers are followers and not clear thinkers and decided to cross a (fence) line.  Once there, there is no going back.

Trump knew as much and asked Nancy Pelosi days before if she wanted him to activate the National Guard to help with the protest control.  She declined.  Trap set.

Once inside the building, more of them looked like the joggers that ran behind Forrest Gump when old Forrest decided to stop in the middle of nowhere.  Now what? Stupid and harmless.

Did the government actively participate in whipping the crowd into the fervor it took to storm/push/walk casually in?  Was Ray Epps a paid FBI informant?  The select committee of all Democrats plus Liz Cheney says no.  The hard right says yes and supposedly Epps will testify as such in the new House’s investigation.

Have numerous judges doled out sentences for what amounts to trespassing for some participants seem harsh?  When you watch the daily blatant theft and violence that numerous cities now fail to arrest much less prosecute for the answer seems like “hell yes.”

Did the Dem stacked committee shape the story by selectively showing us footage inside?  You bet they did.  It’s called political theater.

Rep Josh Hawley is seen running for his life in the committee’s opportunistic edited video and laughed at for doing so.  It turns out that he was following a crowd, not leading nor acting independently, that was following the police’s command.

The repeated and repeated story that Capitol Police Officer Sicknick was shot and killed during the riot(do you prefer insurgence?) is not true. Footage shows him alive and working through the day.

His family will tell you that the stress that this caused in turn caused him to stroke and die the next day.  That may be the true cause of his passing, and it may not.

Once Kevin McCarthy got the gavel after four failed votes he released all of the thousands of hours of video.  He released it exclusively to Fox Show Host Tucker Carlson. His standing with the far right needed a boost.

Tucker and the team created a two-part special examining the video from his point of view.  Surely his ratings will get a boost, too.

In other words, the Dems hired a former TV producer (yes they did) to help them televise the hearings that weren’t hearings, but the Republicans effectively hired a TV show with a producer to televise what they want you to see and hear.

And, like the minions that they are, the not fair and balanced networks immediately attacked Tucker’s talking points.  They said he omitted the violent confrontations but showed the protester’s calmness once inside.  They’re right.

But, they’re the same ones that have a TV reporter on the ground in St. Louis telling you that the protests are mostly peaceful all the while a now windowless Mickey D’s is ablaze in the background.  And, for that, they are wrong.

Everyone wants to tell you that they’re right because the “other side” is wrong.

See it my way.  See it my way.  It’s the only way.  Otherwise, I’m offended.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Neither do two dozen.



The Devil & the Deep Red/Blue State

One needs to be underinformed, a conspiracy theorist, savvy, dumb, smart, jaded, or all of the above to believe what is swirling around us these days.

After all, how deep is the red or blue deep state?  It might depend on how deep you look.

If black lives matter, why aren’t the media and the White House condemning the ultraviolent white terror group that just attacked a predominantly black Atlanta city and its police force?  Only the funder and founder of ANTIFA really know.  Take solace in the fact that the protests were mostly peaceful.

Concerned with the now Republican-controlled House, President Biden assured Americans yesterday, “I have no intention of letting the Republicans wreck our economy.”  Nuff said we suppose.

The President’s son keeps popping up as a possible beneficiary of his rental home(his dad’s), the storage location of classified docs(his dad’s), and his last name (his dad’s).  “Hunter was obviously fed detailed information on Ukraine so he could show Burisma why he was worth millions of dollars,” said Senator Ron Johnson(R) of Wisconsin.  Johnson continued, “Was this classified information? Did Joe Biden know about this?”  The $49,910 monthly rent seems excessive at a minimum even in these transitory inflationary times.

Hiding classified documents seems to be as popular as posting a dumb video on TikTok these days.  Vegas will give you +250 that Mike Pence thinks TikTok is the sound emanating from the old Cuckoo clock in his Indiana home’s comfy den.

At least Hunter’s dad is concerned about the health of the commoners.  One of his mouthpieces fed the frenetic folks yesterday.  Busy Joe Scarborough, the MSNBC host of Morning Joe, the lapdog of wife Mika Brzezinski, and water carrier for the Democratic Party, who already got three covid shots and just got a bad case of covid, said yesterday on air he should have gotten his fourth booster to stop this from happening.

Mika sat next to him and scolded him sentence by sentence.  You can’t get enough of these free shots that aren’t free you know?

Meanwhile, if you enter “how do I reverse the effects of spike proteins?” in the Google search bar you’ll get “About 8,790,000 results (0.45 seconds).”  There seems to be some interest there.

Conspiracy theorists on Twitter believe Damar Hamlin should have used the google search bar. They contend he isn’t alive because he has yet to show his face & the NFL allegedly used a stunt double at the game to cover themselves & boost ratings.  This one seems a bit of a reach unless you are a Saints fan still healing from the no PI call four years ago in the NFC Championship Game.

Maybe help is on the distant horizon.  Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Ralph Norman (R-SC) introduced a constitutional amendment yesterday to impose term limits on members of Congress.  This is Cruz’s third attempt after 2019 and 2021 attempts were as effective as Scarborough’s first three jabs.

The bill would limit Senators to 2 six-year terms and House members to 3 two-year terms.  A 2/3rds majority in both houses and 3/4ths of all state senates would need to vote yes to ratify it into the Constitution as an Amendment.  Such an amendment would have put Joe Biden out into the private sector about 24 years prior to his successful run from the basement for Prez in 2020.

Maybe help isn’t on the horizon.  Biden will soon announce that he is running again in 2024.

The orange-faced one who truly believes in the deep blue state has already announced that he is seeking the red side’s nomination for 2024.

Color us jaded.